Group # | Group Name |
Language information for Lashi (Lachhe') from source Luce 85:
Short Lg Name | Lashi (Lachhe') |
ISO 639-3 | lsi |
num. of records | 67 |
Other sources which include this language:
Language Name | Source | Short Lg Name | num. of records | Phon. Inventory |
Lashi | LaPolla 87 | Lashi | 1 | |
Lashi | Benedict 72 STC | Lashi | 2 | |
Lashi | Dai 89 Lash | Lashi | 245 | p.207 |
Leqi (Luxi) | Huang and Dai 92 TBL | Leqi 33 | 1527 |
Other languages in 6.1.1 Burmish: