Group #Group Name
0 Sino-Tibetan (previously published reconstructions)
0.1 Tibeto-Burman (previously published reconstructions)
1 NE Indian Areal Group
1.1 “North Assam”
1.1.1 Tani Western Tani Eastern Tani
1.1.2 Deng
1.2 Kuki-Chin
1.2.1 Peripheral Chin Northern Chin Southern Plains Chin
1.2.2 Central Chin
1.2.3 Maraic
1.2.4 “Old Kuki”
1.3 “Naga” Areal Group
1.3.1 Central Naga (Ao Group)
1.3.2 Angami-Pochuri Group
1.3.3 Zeme Group
1.3.4 Tangkhulic
1.4 Meithei
1.5 Mikir [Karbi]
1.6 Mru
1.7 Sal
1.7.1 Bodo-Garo Bodo Garo Koch Deori
1.7.2 Northern Naga/Konyakian Tangsa-Nocte Konyak-Chang
1.7.3 Jingpho-Asakian Jingpho Asakian
2 Himalayish
2.1 Tibeto-Kanauri
2.1.1 Western Himalayish
2.1.2 Bodic Tibetan
2.1.3 Lepcha
2.1.4 Tamangish
2.1.5 Dhimal
2.2 Newar
2.3 Kiranti
2.3.1 Eastern Kiranti
2.3.2 Southern Kiranti
2.3.3 Central Kiranti
2.3.4 Western Kiranti
2.4 Kham-Magar-Chepang
3 Tangut-Qiang
3.1 Tangut
3.2 Qiangic
3.3 rGyalrongic
3.3.1 rGyalrong
4 Nungic
5 Tujia
6 Lolo-Burmese-Naxi
6.1 Lolo-Burmese
6.1.1 Burmish
6.1.2 Loloish Northern Loloish Central Loloish Southern Loloish Southeastern Loloish
6.2 Naxi
7 Karenic
8 Bai
9 Sinitic
9.0.1 Old Chinese
9.0.2 Middle Chinese
9.0.3 Modern Chinese
X Other Languages
X.1 Non-TB
X.1.1 Indo-Aryan
X.1.2 Dravidian
X.2 Unknown/Unevaluated
X.3 East & Southeast Asia Areal

Language information for Limbu from source LaPolla 87:

Short Lg NameLimbu
ISO 639-3lif
num. of records3

Other sources which include this language:

Language NameSourceShort Lg Namenum. of recordsPhon. Inventory
Limbu Weidert 87 TBTo Lim 239
Limbu Benedict 72 STC Limbu 16
Limbu Matisoff 03 HPTB Limbu 1
Limbu Matisoff 87 BP Lb 146
Limbu Matisoff 78 VSTB Limbu 5
Limbu Michailovsky 89 Lm Limbu 1596
Limbu Matisoff 85 GSTC Limbu 3
Limbu Driem 88? LimA Limbu 547
Limbu Chou 72 Limbu 1
Limbu Chemjong 62 Limbu 3
Limbu Michailovsky 91 Kr lim 128
Limbu Matisoff 72 LTSR Limbu 2

Other languages in 2.3.1 Eastern Kiranti:

ISO 639-3 Language Name Source Short Lg Name num. of records Phon. Inventory
bap Rungchangbung Chou 72 Rungchang-bung 1
byw Belhare Bickel 95 Belhare 71
ctn Chhintang Chou 72 Chingtang 1
ctn Chhintang Benedict 72 STC Chingtang 1
n/a Lohorong Benedict 72 STC Lohorong 5
n/a Lohorong Weidert 87 TBTo Loh 17
n/a Lohorong LaPolla 87 Lohorong 1
aph Athpare (Rai) Ebert 97 Athpare Athpare 1221
aph Athpare (Rai) Weidert 87 TBTo Ath 12
ybi Yamphu Rutgers 98 Yam 502
raf Balali Benedict 72 STC Balali 5
raf Balali LaPolla 87 Balali 1
ybh Yakha Coblin 86 Yakha 1
ybh Yakha Benedict 72 STC Yakha 5
ybh Yakha Kohn 90 Yakha 346 p.433
ybh Yakha Weidert 87 TBTo Yak 32
ybh Yakha Chou 72 Yakha 1
ybh Yakkha-Dewan Weidert 87 TBTo Yak-Dew 1
yma Yamphe Weidert 87 TBTo Yam 4
yma Yangphe Weidert 87 TBTo Yangphe 1
cuw Chukwa Weidert 87 TBTo Chukwa 1