LINGUISTICS 5: Language and Linguistics. (4) Three hours of lecture and one hour of discussion per week. A basic introduction to the linguist's ways of studying language and working with language data. Frequent homework assignments using data from English and other languages. Topics include language and the species, language and the individual, language and thought, language and society, language and history, and the structure and organization of individual languages. (F,SP)
LINGUISTICS 115: Morphology. (3) Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: Linguistics 100 or graduate standing.
LINGUISTICS 140: Introduction to Field Methods.
LINGUISTICS 231: Historical Semantics. (3) Three hours of lecture per week. Synchronic variation and diachronic change in the realm of meaning.
LINGUISTICS 240: Field Methods. In 1998-1999 the language studied was Chokri Naga, a Tibeto-Bruman language. The consultant for the class, Mr. Zhalie Nienu, was born in the Chokri speaking village of Sohima which is located in Southern Naga Land in Northeast India near the India-Burma border (E 94¡ N 26¡). Sohima is about 90 miles Southeast of the principle city of Southern Naga Land, the Angami speaking city of Kohima.
In 2000-2001 the language being studied is Sgaw Karen. The consultant for the class is Ms. Naw Plah Set.
LINGUISTICS 271: Linguistics of Southeast Asia. (3) Course may be repeated for credit. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: 230. Introduction to the major language families of mainland Southeast Asia (Mon-Khmer, Tai, Hmong, Mien, Tibeto-Burman) with special emphasis on areal typological features.
LINGUISTICS 272: Tibeto-Burman Linguistics. (3) Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: 230. An examination of the phonological, grammatical, and semantic characteristics of the various sub-groups of Tibeto-Burman: Lolo Burmese, Karen, Kachin, Kamarupan, and Himalayish. Reconstruction of Tibeto-Burman.
Linguistics 290H: Most recently, this course focused on Tibeto-Burman Reconstruction.
Prof. James A. Matisoff
University of California
Department of Linguistics
1203 Dwinelle Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-2650
Fax: (510) 643-9911
Dept. phone: (510) 643-9910