Group #Group Name
0 Sino-Tibetan (previously published reconstructions)
0.1 Tibeto-Burman (previously published reconstructions)
1 NE Indian Areal Group
1.1 “North Assam”
1.1.1 Tani Western Tani Eastern Tani
1.1.2 Deng
1.2 Kuki-Chin
1.2.1 Peripheral Chin Northern Chin Southern Plains Chin
1.2.2 Central Chin
1.2.3 Maraic
1.2.4 “Old Kuki”
1.3 “Naga” Areal Group
1.3.1 Central Naga (Ao Group)
1.3.2 Angami-Pochuri Group
1.3.3 Zeme Group
1.3.4 Tangkhulic
1.4 Meithei
1.5 Mikir [Karbi]
1.6 Mru
1.7 Sal
1.7.1 Bodo-Garo Bodo Garo Koch Deori
1.7.2 Northern Naga/Konyakian Tangsa-Nocte Konyak-Chang
1.7.3 Jingpho-Asakian Jingpho Asakian
2 Himalayish
2.1 Tibeto-Kanauri
2.1.1 Western Himalayish
2.1.2 Bodic Tibetan
2.1.3 Lepcha
2.1.4 Tamangish
2.1.5 Dhimal
2.2 Newar
2.3 Kiranti
2.3.1 Eastern Kiranti
2.3.2 Southern Kiranti
2.3.3 Central Kiranti
2.3.4 Western Kiranti
2.4 Kham-Magar-Chepang
3 Tangut-Qiang
3.1 Tangut
3.2 Qiangic
3.3 rGyalrongic
3.3.1 rGyalrong
4 Nungic
5 Tujia
6 Lolo-Burmese-Naxi
6.1 Lolo-Burmese
6.1.1 Burmish
6.1.2 Loloish Northern Loloish Central Loloish Southern Loloish Southeastern Loloish
6.2 Naxi
7 Karenic
8 Bai
9 Sinitic
9.0.1 Old Chinese
9.0.2 Middle Chinese
9.0.3 Modern Chinese
X Other Languages
X.1 Non-TB
X.1.1 Indo-Aryan
X.1.2 Dravidian
X.2 Unknown/Unevaluated
X.3 East & Southeast Asia Areal

Language information for Chinese (Old) from source Coblin 86:

Short Lg NameOC
ISO 639-3och
num. of records174

Other sources which include this language:

Language NameSourceShort Lg Namenum. of recordsPhon. Inventory
Chinese (Old) Matisoff 83 TIL AC 86
Chinese (Old) Gong 2000 OC 2
Chinese (Old) Weidert 87 TBTo Chs 4
Chinese (Old) Matisoff PC OC 2
Chinese (Old) Karlgren 23 ChDc Old Chin 1
Chinese (Old) Matisoff 87 BP OC 2
Chinese (Old) Matisoff 78 VSTB AC 1
Chinese (Old) Matisoff 03 HPTB OC 5
Chinese (Old) Baxter 92 OC 1528
Chinese (Old) Matisoff 85 GSTC Chinese 38
Chinese (Old) Chou 72 OC 56
Chinese (Old) BaxterSagart 2011 OC 4074
Chinese (Old) Luce 85 Archaic Chinese 88

Other languages in 9.0.1 Old Chinese:

ISO 639-3 Language Name Source Short Lg Name num. of records Phon. Inventory
och Chinese (Old/Mid) LaPolla 87 AC 26
och Chinese (Old/Mid) Benedict 72 STC Chinese 46
och Chinese (Old/Mid) Chou 72 Chinese 396
och Chinese (Old/Mid) Matisoff 78 VSTB Chinese 5
och Chinese (Old/Mid) Karlgren 57 GSR OC/MC 1382