1.0 The Body > 1.8 Secretions and Somatophonics > 1.8.2 Snot/Nasal Mucus

#1318 PTB *s-nak SNOT

We set up this root provisionally as being separate from the much better attested #805 PTB *s‑nap SNOT / NASAL MUCUS. The Yimchungrü form is included here because of the velar final, despite its anomalous initial.

4510831318,m1963hŋak◦sákphlegmn.Ao (Mongsen: Mangmetong)631.3.1Central Naga (Ao Group)1Coupe 07 AoARC-GMA0
571213181671(¹)|heakphlegmYimchungrü631.3.1Central Naga (Ao Group)1Weidert 87 TBToAW-TBT6410
604001318203hnak⁵⁵snotAchang (Lianghe)446.1.1Burmish1LaPolla 87RJL-DPTB1870
385921318201n̥ɑk⁵⁵snotAchang (Lianghe)446.1.1Burmish1Dai 85 AcJZJZ-Achang0