1.0 The Body > 1.9 Reproductive System > 1.9.12 Female

#5595 PTB *nya-ŋ/k WOMAN

There is evidently an allofam with final velar, reflected by WT nyag‑mo ‘woman’ and Chinese 孃 / 娘 ‘lady, woman, mother’, OC ni̯ang (not in GSR #730); AD 541 reconstructs ni̯ang for MC.

HPTB:173 errs in relating Chinese 女 both to the present root and to #1623 PTB *k/m‑na MOTHER / FEMALE. In addition, a wrong GSR citation is given under *nya.

In any case, there seems to be considerable overlap among this root, #1623 PTB *k/m‑na MOTHER / FEMALE, and #1621 PTB *n(y)u FEMALE / MOTHER, and further work will be needed to clarify their interrelationship.

51557655952012nyawoman*Tibeto-Burman20.1Tibeto-Burman (previously published reconstructions)0Matisoff 03 HPTBJAM-HPTB6050
5334525595,s1567nya-mamistress of the house, housewifenTibetan (Written)äschke 1881HAJ-TED1840
6213435595,m2083nyag-mowomanTibetan (Written) 03 HPTBJAM-HPTB1740
61119955952207femaleChinese (Hanzi)529Sinitic1BaxterSagart 2011WHBLS-201120470
614894m,55952218姑◦娘young ladyChinese (Hanzi)529Sinitic1Nagano 2013 rGyDBYN-RGLD07250
605537559522110094afemaleChinese (GSR #)529Sinitic1BaxterSagart 2011WHBLS-201120470
202055595,5595480ni̯o/ni̯wowoman / lady / girlChinese (Old/Mid)539.0.1Old Chinese0Chou 72ACST94a-e 1
62134555952101ni̯anglady, woman, motherChinese (Old)539.0.1Old Chinese0Matisoff 03 HPTBJAM-HPTB174 2
60146355952210nraʔfemaleChinese (Old)539.0.1Old Chinese0BaxterSagart 2011WHBLS-201120470
2962005595471nrjaʔfemaleChinese (Old)539.0.1Old Chinese0Baxter 92WHB-OC18550
6213445595463ni̯anglady, woman, motherChinese (Middle)549.0.2Middle Chinese0Karlgren 23 ChDcBK-AD5410
59738955952209nrjoXfemaleChinese (Middle)549.0.2Middle Chinese0BaxterSagart 2011WHBLS-201120470
59331555952208femaleChinese (Mandarin)559.0.3Modern Chinese0BaxterSagart 2011WHBLS-201120470

Chinese comparandum

女 OC *ni̯o, GSR #94a-e ‘woman, lady, girl’; Coblin 86:161 ST *nr̵yak > OC *nrjakx; B & S 2011 *nraʔ; Mand. .

^ 1.
HPTB, p. 173 gives a wrong GSR number “74a”.
^ 2.
[Source note] (Not in GSR #730)