6.0 Verbs of Motion, of Manipulation, and of Production > 6.22 Exchanges

#376 PTB *g/m/s-lay ⪤ *r/s-ley ⪤ *b-rey CHANGE / EXCHANGE / BARTER / BUY

The variable vocalism in this root was perhaps the reason why Benedict considered it to be a loan from Austro-Tai *(m)baḷi. However, several other roots show *‑ey*‑ay variation, including NEAR; TONGUE; RICE / PADDY; PASS / EXCEED; BRIDGE; and BAMBOO STRIP. See GSTC #s 55, 56, 57, 58, 130, and 133.

Cf. the confusing note in Benedict (1975a:82), where he suggests that two separate borrowings from Austro-Tai are involved, both of which overlap with a native root. See also STC #283 and note 205, p. 64.

Several different prefixes are attested with this root, with their relative antiquity yet to be determined.