Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area


序号 作者 题目 中文题目
1 (1974) Michailovsky, Boyd Hayu typology and verbal morphology Hayu类型和动词形态

Mazaudon, Martine
Notes on tone in Tibeto-Burman

Okrand, Marc Na khi and Proto Lolo Burmese: a preliminary survey 纳西和原始彝缅语初探

Thurgood, Graham Lolo Burmese rhymes 彝缅语的韵母

Bauman, James Pronominal verb morphology in Tibeto-Burman 藏缅语中的动词人称标志

Abadie, Peggy Nepali as an ergative language 尼泊尔语,一种作格语言

Hillard, Edward Some aspects of Chin verb morphology 钦语动词形态的一些问题

Matisoff, James A Verb concatenation in Kachin 卡钦语中的动词链
2.1 (1975)

Smith, Kenneth D The velar animal prefix in Vietnamese languages 越南语中的舌根音动词前缀

Lehman, F. K Wolfenden's non pronominal a- prefix in Tibeto-Burman 藏缅语中Wolfenden的非代词性a-前缀

Watters, David E The evolution of a Tibeto-Burman pronominal verb morphology 一种藏缅语代词化动词形态的演变

Benedict, Paul K Where it all began: memories of Robert Shafer and the 'Sino-Tibetan Linguistics Project' 一切的起始:回忆Robert Shafer和“汉藏语言学计划”

Bradley, David Nahsi and Proto Burmese Lolo 纳西语和原始彝缅语

Matisoff, James A A new Lahu simplex/causative pair: "study/train" 拉祜语里一对新的简单式/致使式:“学习/培训”

Matisoff, James A Benedict's Sino-Tibetan: a rejection of Miller's Conspectus inspection 白保罗的汉藏语:对米勒《概论》验证的拒绝
2.2 (1975)

Sprigg, R. K The inefficiency of 'tone change' in Sino-Tibetan descriptive linguistics 汉藏描写语言学中“声调变化”的无效性

Michailovsky, Boyd Notes on the Kiranti verb (East Nepal) 关于(东尼泊尔) Kiranti语动词的笔记

Kepping, Ksenija. B Subject and object agreement in the Tangut verb 西夏语动词的主语和宾语一致关系

Goral, Donald R Pidginization in Vietnam 越南的洋泾浜化

Trần Trọng Hải Verb concatenation in Vietnamese 越南语中的动词链

Smeall, Christopher Grammaticalized verbs in Lolo Burmese 彝缅语中的语法化动词

Benedict, Paul K A note on proto Burmese Lolo prefixation 关于原始彝缅语前缀化的笔记一则

Michailovsky, Boyd A case of rhinoglottophilia in Hayu Hayu里“鼻喉爱”一例
3.1 (1976) Matisoff, James A Introduction to the Written Burmese Rhyming Dictionary 《缅文韵典》简介

Benedict, Paul K Rhyming dictionary of written Burmese 缅文韵典
3.2 (1977)

Mazaudon, Martine Tibeto-Burman tonogenetics 藏缅语声调发生学
4.1 (1978) Goral, Donald R Numeral classifier systems: a Southeast Asian cross linguistic analysis 量词系统:跨东南亚语言学分析

Fromkin, Victoria and Jackson T. Gandour On the phonological representation of contour tones 关于曲折调的音系学表现

Coyaud, Maurice Review of Chen Shi Lin, Grammaire lolo: dialecte de Xide 书评:陈士林《彝语语法:喜德方言》
4.2 (1979)

Lehman, F. K Etymological speculations on some Chin words 一些钦语词的词源试探

Maddieson, Ian More on the representation of contour tones 再论曲折调的音系学表现

Matisoff, James A Problems and progress in Lolo Burmese: Quo Vadimus? 彝缅语中的问题与进展:我们要向何处去?

Nagano, Yasuhiko A historical study of rGyarong initials and prefixes 嘉戎语声母和前缀的探源

Okell, John ‘Still’ and ‘anymore’ in Burmese: another look at /thei/, /oun/, /to/ 缅甸语里‘还在’、‘再也没’:再看 /thei/, /oun/, /to/

Sharma, Suhnu R Phonological structure of Spiti Spiti语的音系结构

Solnit, David B Proto Tibeto-Burman *r in Tiddim Chin and Lushai 原始藏缅语的*r在Tiddim钦语和Lushai语中的表现

Thoudam, Purna C Conjoined structures with /əməchuŋ/ in Meiteiron Meiteiron语中带/əməchuŋ/的并联结构
5.1 (1979) Benedict, Paul K Four forays into Karen linguistic history 克伦语言史中的四次进袭

Nagano, Yasuhiko A historical study of rGyarong rhymes 嘉戎语韵母的历史探究

Weidert, Alfons The Sino-Tibetan tonogenetic laryngeal reconstruction theory 汉藏语声调发生的喉音重构理论
5.2 (1980)

Diffloth, Gérard The Wa languages 佤语
6.1 (1981) Weidert, Alfons Star, moon, spirits, and the affricates of Angami Naga: a reply to James A. Matisoff 星星、月亮、精魂与Angami那加语的塞擦音:回应James A. Matisoff

Kepping, Ksenija. B Agreement of the verb in Tangut 西夏语中的动词一致关系

Sprigg, R. K The Chang Shefts tonal analysis, and the pitch variation of the Lhasa Tibetan tones 张(琨)-谢(蓓蒂)的声调分析和拉萨藏语声调中的音高变异

Burling, Robbins Garo spelling and Garo phonology Garo 拼写法和Garo音系

DeLancey, Scott The category of direction in Tibeto-Burman 藏缅语中的方向范畴

Benedict, Paul K A further (unexpurgated) note on Karen genital flipflop 再谈克伦生殖方面互换 (未删节版)
6.2 (1982)

Matisoff, James A Proto languages and proto Sprachgefül 原始语和原始语言感

Gandour, Jackson T A diagnostic aphasia examination for Thai 针对泰语的失语症候检查

Kepping, Ksenija. B Deictic motion verbs in Tangut 西夏语中的直指运动动词

Thoudam, Purna C Nouns in Meiteiron Meiteiron的名词

Okell, John Review of Denise Bernot, Dictionnaire birman français 评Denise Bernot的《缅法词典》

Benedict, Paul K Vietnamese /s/ and /x/: the chư nôm evidence 越南语的/s/ 和 /x/: 字喃方面的证据
7.1 (1982) Wheatley, Julian K Comments on the 'Hani' dialects of Loloish 彝语支哈尼方言评述

Kepping, Ksenija. B Once again on the agreement of the Tangut verb 再论西夏语的动词一致关系

Kwanten, L Verbal agreement in Tangut: a conflicting opinion 西夏语中的动词一致关系:一种反对的观点

Hansson, Inga Lill A phonological comparison of Akha and Hani 阿卡语和哈尼语的音系比较
7.2 (1983)

Burling, Robbins The Sal languages 论Sal语言

Strecker, David Proto Tai vowels revisited: a comparison and critique of the work of Sarawit and Li 原始台语元音新论:对Sarawit和Li论著的比较和商榷

Benedict, Paul K ‘This’ and ‘that’ in TB/ST 藏缅/汉藏语中的“这”与“那”

Thurgood, Graham Invited comment on 'This and that in TB/ST' 评“藏缅/汉藏语中的‘这’与‘那’”

DeLancey, Scott Tangut and Tibeto-Burman morphology 西夏语和藏缅语的形态

Hombert, Jean Marie A brief encounter with Lahu tones 略论拉祜语的声调

Benedict, Paul K Proto Karen final stops 原始克伦语的塞尾

Benedict, Paul K Qiang monosyllabization: a third phase in the cycle 羌语的单音节化:循环圈中的第三环

Okell, John Review of U Hoke Sein, The Universal Burmese English Pali Dictionary 评U Hoke Sein的《通用缅-英-巴利词典》
8.1 (1984) Benedict, Paul K PST interrogative *ga(ŋ) ~ *ka 原始汉藏语疑问词*ga(ŋ) ~ *ka

Benedict, Paul K The Sino-Tibetan existential *s-ri 汉藏语存在词*s-ri

Burling, Robbins Noun compounding in Garo Garo语中名词的复合化

Stern, Theodore Sizang (Siyin) Chin texts Sizang (Siyin)钦语长篇语料

DeLancey, Scott Etymological notes on Tibeto-Burman case particles 藏缅语格助词的词源笔记

Jaisser, Annie The complementizer (hais) tias 'that' in Hmong 苗语中的标补语(hais) tias 'that'

Carr, Michael Another note on genital flipflop 生殖互换另释

Mazaudon, Martine Review of Hari, An investigation of the tones of Lhasa Tibetan 评Hari的拉萨藏语声调研究
8.2 (1985)

Sprigg, R. K The Limbu -s final and -t final verb roots after Michailovsky 1979 and Weidert 1982 续Michailovsky 1979 和Weidert 1982的Limbu语s尾和t尾动词词根

Watters, David E Emergent word tone in Kham: the evolution of a Tibeto-Burman halfway house 莰语新出现的词调:藏缅语中间站的演化

Henderson, Eugénie J. A Patterns of baby language in Bwe Karen Bwe克伦语中婴儿语的模式

Clark, Marybeth Asking questions in Hmong and other Southeast Asian languages 以苗语和其他东南亚语言问问题

Gandour, Jackson T A voice onset time analysis of word initial stops in Thai 泰语塞音声母的VOT分析

Abbi, Anvita and Awadhesh K. Mishra Consonant clusters and syllabic structures of Meitei Meitei语的复辅音和音节结构
9.1 (1986) Sun Hongkai Notes on Tibeto-Burman consonant clusters 关于藏缅语复辅音的笔记

Bauer, Christian Questions in Mon — addenda and corrigenda 孟语的疑问句 —— 附录和勘误

Sprigg, R. K The syllable finals of Tibetan loan words in Lepcha orthography Lepcha拼法中藏语借词的韵母

Zhang Liansheng The puzzle of da drag in Tibetan 藏语中da drag之谜

Pulleyblank, Edwin G Tonogenesis as an index of areal relationships in East Asia 声调发生作为东亚地域关系的一个指标

Matisoff, James A Labiovelar unit phonemes in Lolo-Burmese?. A case to chew over: Lahu bɛ̂ 'chew' < PLB *Ngwya² 彝缅语圆唇软腭音音位?再议拉祜bɛ̂ 'chew' < 原始彝缅语 *Ngwya²

Benedict, Paul K Miao Yao enigma: the Na e language 苗瑶之谜:Na e语

Thurgood, Graham A brief comment on Das Gupta's works Das Gupta论著简评

Denwood, Philip The Tibetan noun final -s 藏语名词尾s
9.2 (1986)

Ratliff, Martha An analysis of some tonally differentiated doublets in White Hmong (Miao) 白苗语中的一些同声同韵异调词的分析

Gandour, Jackson T., Soranee Holasuit Petty, Rochana Dardarananda, Sumalee Dechongkit, and Sunee Mukngoen The acquisition and dissolution of the voicing contrast in Thai 泰语中嗓音对立的获得与消失

Genetti, Carol The grammaticalization of the Newari verb tɔl Newari动词tɔl的语法化

Benedict, Paul K An anthropologist/psychiatrist looks at Southeast Asian (including Japanese) linguistics 一个人类学家/精神病学家看东南亚(包括日语)语言学

Sprigg, R. K Review of R. Bielmeier, Das Märchen vom Prinzen Cobzan 评R. Bielmeier, 《Cobzan 王子的神话传说》

Thurgood, Graham Zauzou: a new Lolo-Burmese language Zauzou语:一种新彝缅语
10.1 (1987) La Polla, Randy J Dulong and Proto Tibeto-Burman 独龙语与原始藏缅语

Sprigg, R. K Rhinoglottophilia 鼻喉爱

Schulze, Marlene Intense action adverbials in Sunwar: a verbal intensifier system Sunwar语中的强动作副词:一种动词增强系统

Dai Qingxia Characteristics of the language of traditional songs of the Jingpo nationality 景颇族传统诗歌的语言特点

Sun Hongkai A brief account of my research work, with an appended bibliography 我的研究简历(附书目)

Sharma, Suhnu R Non-Tibeto-Burman features in PaTani PaTani语中的非藏缅语特征

Taid, Tabu A short note on Mising phonology Mising语音系短札

Taid, Tabu Mising morphophonemics Mising语形态音位

Hartmann So, Helga Time expressions in Daai Chin Daai Chin语的时间表述

Tan Kerang On the evolution of Tibetan final -s 论藏语s尾的演变

Coblin, W. South A note on Tibetan mu 关于藏语mu的笔记

Bauer, Robert S Leg

Luo Meizhen The evolution of vowel length and final consonants in Dai 傣语元音长短和辅音韵尾的演变

Algaier, Charles J Ancient Thai teases 古泰语戏谑

Benedict, Paul K Autonyms: ought or ought not 自名:应当与否
10.2 (1987)

Strecker, David The Hmong-Mien languages 苗瑶语

Benedict, Paul K Early MY/TB loan relationships 早期苗瑶/藏缅的借贷关系

Strecker, David Some comments on Benedict's 'Miao-Yao Enigma: the Na e language' 对白保罗“苗瑶语之谜:Na e语”的一些评论

Strecker, David Some comments on Benedict's 'The Miao-Yao Enigma': addendum 对白保罗“苗瑶语之谜”的一些评论:附录

Solnit, David B A note on the phonemic status of [ə] in Biao Min Yao 关于标敏瑶语[ə]的音系地位的笔记

Jarkey, Nerida An investigation of two alveolar stop consonants in White Hmong 白苗语中两个齿龈塞音探究

Ratliff, Martha Tone sandhi compounding in White Hmong 白苗语中用连读变调来标复合词

Johns, Brenda and David Strecker Lexical and phonological sources of Hmong elaborate expressions 苗语四个音节成语的词汇与音系来源

Fuller, Judith Wheaton Topic markers in Hmong 苗语的话题标记

Purnell, Herbert C Developing practical orthographies for the Iu Mien (Yao), 1932-1986: a case study 替 Iu Mien (瑶) 创造实用拼写法1932-1986:一个实例研究

Lyman, Thomas Amis The word nzı̌ in Green Hmong 绿苗语词nzı̌

Court, Christopher Some classes of classifier in Iu Mien (Yao) 几类 Iu Mien (瑶)语量词

Caron, Bruce R A comparative look at Yao numerical classifiers 瑶语量词比较研究

Jaisser, Annie Hmong classifiers: a problem set 以苗语量词为题材的练习题。
11.1 (1988) Bodman, Nicholas C On the place of Lepcha in Sino-Tibetan: a lexical comparison 论Lepcha语在汉藏语系中的地位:一个词汇比较

Sun Hongkai Notes on Anong, a new language 记一个新语言阿侬语

Svantesson, Jan Olof U U语

Driem, Sjors van The verbal morphology of Dumi Rai simplicia Dumi Rai语简单动词形态
11.2 (1988)

Dai Qingxia My work in Tibeto-Burman linguistics 我的藏缅语研究

Goral, Donald R Modal verbs and generative grammar 情态动词和生成语法

Michailovsky, Boyd Phonological typology of Nepal languages 尼泊尔语言的音系类型

DeLancey, Scott On the evolution of the Kham agreement paradigm 论莰语动词人称标志的演变

Genetti, Carol Notes on the structure of the Sunwari transitive verb 关于Sunwari及物动词的结构

LaPolla, Randy J Phonetic development of Tibetan 藏语语音的演变

Hartmann So, Helga Notes on the Southern Chin languages 关于南部钦语的笔记

Morse, Stephen A A short update on Rawang phonology 对Rawang音系的小更新

Manaster Ramer, Alexis What about Lisu? 傈僳怎么样?

Bauer, Robert S Sino-Tibetan *tongue and *lick 汉藏语的*舌和*舔

Solnit, David B On the apparent labio-velar nasals of Kam 关于甘(侗)语中的圆唇软腭鼻音
12.1 (1989) Ma Xueliang My research career 我的学术生涯

Hansson, Inga Lill A comparison of Akha, Hani, Khatu and Pijo Akha, Hani, Khatu和 Pijo比较研究

Sun Hongkai A preliminary investigation into the relationship between Qiong Long and the languages of the Qiang branch of Tibeto-Burman 邛笼和藏缅语族羌语支语言的关系初探

Bhaskararao, Peri The process of chiming in Tiddim Chin Tiddim 钦语中的动词重叠过程

Chhangte, Thangi Complementation in Mizo (Lushai) Mizo (Lushai)语的补语

Gandour, Jackson T. and Rochana Dardarananda A case study of abnormal phonological development in Thai 一个泰语非正常音变的实例研究
12.2 (1989)

Riddle, Elizabeth M Serial verbs and propositions in White Hmong 白苗语中连动结构和命题之间的关系

Xu Xijian On the origin and development of classifiers in Jingpo 论景颇语量词的起源与发展

DeLancey, Scott Tibetan evidence for Nungish metathesis Nungish(独龙语)换位的藏语证据

DeLancey, Scott Contour tones from lost syllables in Central Tibetan 中部藏语中源自失落音节的曲拱调

Saxena, Anju Ergative in Mi=la=ras=pa'i rnam thar 《米拉日巴传》中作格标志的用法

Singh, Jag Deva Lahauli verb inflection Lahauli语动词屈折

Hartmann So, Helga Morphophonemic changes in Daai Chin Daai 钦语的形态音位变化

Kapfo, Kedutso Tones in Khezha noun constructions Khezha语名词构造中的声调

Bandyopadhyay, Swapon Kumar A Tangsa wordlist Tangsa语词表

Thoudam, Purna C Conditioning factors for morphophonemic alternations of manner in Meiteiron Meiteiron语中发音方法上形态音位学交替的控制因素

Singh, Waribam Raghumani The Kwatha dialect of Meitei Meitei语的Kwatha方言

Pramodini, N Kinship terminology in Meiteilon: a sociolinguistic study Meiteilon语的亲属称谓的社会语言学研究

Singh, Chungkham Yashawanta Terms of address in Meiteilon Meiteilon语中的称呼语

Matisoff, James A Tone, intonation, and sound symbolism in Lahu: loading the syllable canon 拉祜语中的声调、语调和声音象征:填充音节规则
13.1 (1990) Sun Hongkai Languages of the Ethnic Corridor in Western Sichuan 川西民族走廊上的语言

Sprigg, R. K Tone in Tamang and Tibetan, and the advantages of keeping register based tone systems separate from contour based systems Tamang语和藏语的声调,以及保持基于调域的声调系统与基于曲拱的声调系统之区别的好处

Ebert, Karen H On the evidence for the relationship Kiranti-Rung 论支持Kiranti-Rung关系的证据

Che Qian Certain phonetic changes in Tibetan in the light of variant and erroneous spellings in Old Tibetan documents of the royal period 从吐蕃王朝古藏文文献中变异和错误的拼写看藏语的某些音变

Lehman, F. K Outline of a formal syntax of numerical expressions with special reference to the phenomenon of numeral classifiers 初谈以形式句法来分析数词结构,特别参考了量词现象

Sreedhar, M. V Clan, marriage practices, and kinship terms amongst the Ao and Sema Nagas Ao Naga 和 Sema Naga 中的氏族、婚姻习俗和亲属称谓

Oey, Eric M Psycho collocations 包括身体部分的成语

Jaisser, Annie DeLIVERing an introduction to psycho collocations with SIAB in Hmong 介绍苗语中带SIAB ‘肝’的成语
13.2 (1990)

Benedict, Paul K How to tell Lai: an exercise in classification 怎样分辨Lai:一次分类练习

Chelliah, Shobhana L Level ordered morphology and phonology in Manipuri Manipuri语中不同层次的形态和音系现象

Chelliah, Shobhana L A bibliography of Meiteiron (Manipuri) linguistics 一张Meiteiron (Manipuri) 语言学目录

Carr, Michael Chinese dragon names 汉语中龙的名字
14.1 (1991) Giridhar, P. P On the word in Angami Naga 论Angami Naga的词

Herring, Susan C Nominalization, relativization, and attribution in Lotha, Angami, and Burmese Lotha、 Angami 和缅语中的名物化、关系语化和修饰化现象

Ebert, Karen H Inverse and pseudo inverse prefixes in Kiranti languages: evidence from Belhare, Athpariya, and Dungmali Kiranti语言中的反自然方向和假反自然方向前缀:来自Belhare, Athpariya, 和Dungmali的证据

Saxena, Anju Pathways of the development of the ergative in Central Tibetan 中部藏语作格发展的途径

Tournadre, Nicolas The rhetorical use of the Tibetan ergative 藏语作格标志的修辞用法

Driem, George van and Ksenija B. Kepping The Tibetan transcriptions of Tangut (Hsi hsia) ideograms 西夏文字的藏文转写

Saxena, Anju Tone in PaTani and Central Tibetan: parallel developments? PaTani和中部藏语的声调:平行发展?

Benedict, Paul K A note on PST level morphosyntax 原始汉藏语形态句法笔记一则

Benedict, Paul K Genital flipflop: a Chinese note 生殖的互换:一个中文注释

Bauer, Robert S Sino-Tibetan *vulva 原始汉藏语的“阴户”
14.2 (1991)

Kepping, Ksenija. B Tangut (Xixia) degrees of mourning 西夏服丧的等级

Che Qian On certain Tibetan and Chinese phonological questions of the medieval period 论中世纪的某些藏语和汉语语音问题

Sprigg, R. K The spelling style pronunciation of Written Tibetan, and the hazards of using citation forms in the phonological analysis of spoken Tibetan 藏文拼读音以及分析藏语口语音系的时候使用独字发音形式的风险

Singh, Chungkham Yashawanta Causativization in Meiteilon Meiteilon语的致使化

Giridhar, P. P Lexical incorporation and hyponymy in Angami: some observations Angami语的词汇组并与下位义:一些观察

Benedict, Paul K The Proto-Burmese-Yipho nominalizing *-t suffix 原始缅彝语的名物化后缀*t

Hansson, Inga Lill The language of Akha ritual texts Akha典礼文本的语言

Benedict, Paul K Comment on Matisoff's comparison between Greenberg and Benedict 评Matisoff对Greenberg和Benedict的比较

Fu Ailan and Wu Zhu The 5th International Yi-Burmese Conference: a description 第5届彝缅语会议概况

Matisoff, James A Notes on the 5th Yi-Burmese Conference and subsequent peregrinations 第5届彝缅语会议笔记以及随后之游记
15.1 (1992) LaPolla, Randy J Anti-ergative 非作格(非施事者)标志

Chappell, Hilary The benefactive construction in Moulmein Sgaw Karen Moulmein Sgaw Karen语的施益结构

DeLancey, Scott Sunwar copulas Sunwar语的系词

Sprigg, R. K Bantawa Rai s , t , and z final verb roots: transitives, intransitives, causatives, and directives Bantawa Rai语的s、t、z尾动词词根:及物动词、不及物动词、使役词和指令词

Che Qian A preliminary discussion of subject marking (byed sgra) in Lhasa Tibetan 拉萨藏语主语标记(byed sgra)刍议

Duanmu, San An autosegmental analysis of tone in four Tibetan languages 四种藏语声调的自主音段学分析

Gandour, Jackson T., Siripong Potisuk, Sumalee Dechongkit, and Suvit Ponglorpisit Tonal coarticulation in Thai disyllabic utterances: a preliminary study 泰语双音节的声调协同发音初探

Gandour, Jackson T., Siripong Potisuk, Sumalee Dechongkit, and Suvit Ponglorpisit Anticipatory tonal coarticulation in Thai noun compounds 泰语复合名词中的先声调协同发音

Bauer, Robert S *SOAP rings the globe *SOAP响遍全球

Matisoff, James A A key etymology 一个关键的语源

Bauer, Robert S Reply to Benedict's comment in regard to my Sino-Tibetan etymologies 回应Benedict对我的汉藏同源词的评论

Benedict, Paul K Miller: all about Japanese (A review of a review) Miller:综论日语(评论的评论)

Matisoff, James A Following the Marrow: two parallel Sino-Tibetan etymologies 沿着骨髓:两个平行的汉藏语源
15.2 (1992)

Sun Hongkai On nationality and the recognition of Tibeto-Burman languages 论民族和藏缅语言的识别

Dai Qingxia and Yanmuchu On the status of tones in the Suomo dialect of rGyarong 论嘉戎语梭摩方言中声调的地位

Burling, Robbins Garo as a minimal tone language Garo作为一个最低限度的声调语言

Wang Zhijing The trichotomy of the Tibetan subject 藏语主语的三分性

Sun, Jackson Tianshin Review of the Zangmianyu Yuyin He Cihui "Tibeto-Burman Phonology and Lexicon." 评《藏缅语语音和词汇》

Goertzen, Stanley 'Eat', 'eclipse', and 'adorn': cognates in Chinese ‘食’、‘蚀’、‘饰’:汉语中的同源词

Hillard, Edward Whistle and Fontanel: two Mizo (Lushai) texts with commentary “口哨”和“囟门”:Mizo (Lushai) 语两篇长篇预料

Bauer, Robert S Winkin', blinkin', and nod: a study in historical comparative semantics of Southeast Asian languages 眨眼和点头: 东南亚语言历史比较语义学研究

Hayes, LaVaughn On the common morphological origins of word families in Southeast Asia 论东南亚词族的共同形态源头

Benedict, Paul K DGl: a rare donor language DGl:一个罕见的施借语

Benedict, Paul K Laha reexamined 重检Laha
16.1 (1993) Donegan, Patricia Rhythm and vocalic drift in Munda and Mon Khmer Munda和Mon Khmer中的韵律和元音潜流

Ningomba, M. S Deictic suffixes in Manipuri Manipuri的直指后缀

Genetti, Carol On the morphological status of casemarkers in Dolakha Newari 论Dolakha Newari格标记的形态学地位

Andvik, Erik Tshangla verb inflections Tshangla动词屈折

Driem, Sjors van Ancient Tangut manuscripts rediscovered 重新发现的古西夏手稿

Bradley, David Pronouns in Burmese Lolo 彝缅语的代词
16.2 (1993)

Hogan, Lee C A comparison of reconstructed Austronesian, Old Chinese, and Austro-Thai 重构的南岛语、古汉语和澳泰语比较

Riddle, Elizabeth M The relative marker uas in Hmong 苗语的关系标志uas

Blankenship, Barbara, Peter Ladefoged, Peri Bhaskararao, and Nichumeno Chase Phonetic structures of Khonoma Angami Khonoma Angami的语音结构

Watters, David E Agreement systems and syntactic organization in the Kham verb [Nepal] 尼泊尔莰(Kham)动词的一致系统和句法组织

Dempsey, Jakob Ergativity in Milarepa's Rnam.thar 《米拉日巴传》中的作格标志用法

Benedict, Paul K Tibeto-Burman "split cognates" 藏缅“分裂同源词”

Matisoff, James A Sangkong of Yunnan: secondary "verb pronominalization" in Southern Loloish 云南桑孔语:南部彝语的二次“动词代词化”

Sun, Jackson Tianshin The linguistic position of Tani (Mirish) in Tibeto-Burman: a lexical assessment Tani (Mirish)在藏缅语中的语言学地位:词汇方面的估测
17.1 (1994) Rempt, Boudewijn The verbal agreement system of four Kham languages 四个莰(Kham)语言的动词一致系统

LaPolla, Randy J Parallel grammaticalizations in Tibeto-Burman languages: evidence for Sapir's drift 藏缅语言的平行语法化:支持Sapir潜流的证据

Kansakar, Tej R Grammaticalization of verbs in classical and modern Newari 古典和现代Newari语中的动词语法化

Park, Insun Grammaticalized verbs in Hayu Hayu动词的语法化

Soe, Myint A semantic study of deictic auxiliaries in Burmese 缅语直指助词的语义研究

Handel, Zev Review of A Dictionary of the Northern Dialect of Lisu (China and Southeast Asia) 评《傈僳北部方言(中国和东南亚)词典》

Sagart, Laurent Discussion note: reply to James A. Matisoff's "A key etymology" 讨论笔记:回应James A. Matisoff的“一个关键词源”

Matisoff, James A On keys and wedges: comment on Sagart's discussion note 论关键和楔子:评Sagart的讨论笔记

Benedict, Paul K On VO vs. OV in Southeast Asia 论东南亚的VO对OV

Benedict, Paul K Kiranti linking /ʔ/ Kiranti的连接/ʔ/

Benedict, Paul K Greenberg and I: the case of Southeast Asian vulva Greenberg和我:东南亚女阴之例

Benedict, Paul K Garo and rGyarong (Suomo) prosodies Garo和嘉戎 (梭摩)的韵律

Matisoff, James A Watch out for number ONE: Jingpho ŋāi 'I' and ləŋâi 'one' (with some speculations about Jingpho number TWO) 注意数字“一”:景颇ŋāi '我'和ləŋâi '一' (以及对景颇数字“二”的一些猜测)
17.2 (1994)

Potisuk, Siripong, Jack Gandour, and Mary P. Harper Fo correlates of stress in Thai 泰语 F0 对应于重音的现象

Sun, Jackson Tianshin Caodeng rGyalrong phonology: a first look 草登嘉戎语音系初探

Edmondson, Jerold A. and Li Shaoni Voice quality and voice quality change in the Bai language of Yunnan Province 云南白语的嗓音音质和音质变化

Duanmu, San The phonology of the glottal stop in Garo Garo喉塞音的音系地位

Hogan, Lee C Nasalization in Lhasa Tibetan 拉萨藏语的鼻化

Nagano, Sadako A note on the Tibetan kinship terms khu and zhang 藏语亲属称谓khu 和 zhang笔记一则

Coblin, W. South An Old Tibetan variant for the word "fox" “狐狸”的一个古藏语变体

King, John T Picking up where Hodgson left off: Further notes on Dhimal 在Hodgson止步处重启:关于Dhimal的进一步研究

Bradley, David More 'things' in Burmese-Lolo 更多的彝缅语“事物”

Matisoff, James A How dull can you get?: buttock and heel in Sino-Tibetan 你可以变得多迟钝?:汉藏语的屁股和脚后跟

Benedict, Paul K The perils of reconstruction: the case of Proto-Yao 重构的危险:原始瑶语的实例

Benedict, Paul K A note on genital de-flipflopping, with an apology to Tsou boki 生殖再互换的笔记,及对Tsou语 boki的道歉
18.1 (1995) Bradley, David Grammaticalisation of extent in Mran Ni 彝缅语支一些静态动词的语法化

Dai Qingxia The variation of free morphemes in compound words in Jinghpo 景颇复合词中自由语素的变异

Huang Bufan Conditions for tongenesis and tone split in Tibetan dialects 藏语方言声调发生和声调分裂的条件

Kato, Atsuhiko The phonological systems of three Pwo Karen dialects 三个Pwo Karen方言的音韵系统

Benedict, Paul K On Jingpho 'one' and 'two' 论景颇语的“一”和“二”

Benedict, Paul K Sino-Tibetan kin term *-i suffix 汉藏语亲属称谓的*i后缀

Benedict, Paul K PTB/PST pronominal - i suffix 原始藏缅/汉藏语的代词性*i后缀

Taid, Tabu Verbal suffixes in Mising Mising的动词后缀

Singh, Chungkham Yashawanta The linguistic situation in Manipur Manipur的语言学状况

Li Xingyou A comparative study of phonological correspondences in Rgjal Rong and Written Tibetan cognates Rgjal Rong和藏文同源词音韵对应的比较研究

Chen Baoya On the original relationship between Chinese and Kam-Tai 论汉语和侗台语的语源关系

Weera Ostapirat Notes on Laha final -l Laha词尾-l笔记
18.2 (1995)

Cook, Richard S The etymology of Chinese chén 汉语辰的语源
19.1 (1996) Solnit, David B Some evidence from Biao Min on the initials of Proto-Mienic (Yao) and Proto-Hmong-Mien (Miao-Yao) 原始瑶语和原始苗瑶语声母的一些标敏语证据

Bradley, David Tibeto-Burman languages of PDR Lao 老挝的藏缅语

Huang Bufan Contemporary traces of the verb suffix *-s in PTB 原始藏缅语动词后缀*-s的当代痕迹

Lehman, F. K Relative clauses in Lai Chin, with special reference to verb stem alternation and the extension of control theory Lai Chin的关系小句,特别涉及动词词干交替和控制理论的延伸

Weera Ostapirat Sani's Fortis See-Saw and initial devoicing 萨尼彝语声母和韵母的互动关系

Hansson, Inga Lill The interplay between the verb particle 'ə' and the sentence particles in Akha Akha动词助词'ə'和句末助词的相互影响

Hansson, Inga Lill Object-verb in Akha: the ABB structure Akha语的ABB宾动结构

Matisoff, James A The cognate noun/verb construction in Lahu 拉祜语的同源名/动构造

Mazaudon, Martine An outline of the historical phonology of the dialects of Nar-Phu (Nepal) Nar-Phu 方言(尼泊尔)的历史音韵概要

Hogan, Lee C The moraic structure of Classical Tibetan 古典藏语的莫拉结构
19.2 (1996)

Sun Hongkai Case markers of personal pronouns in Tibeto-Burman languages 藏缅语言中人称代词的格标记

Kansakar, Tej R Multilingualism and the language situation in Nepal 尼泊尔的多语系统和语言状况

Hargreaves, David From interrogation to topicalization: Proto-Tibeto-Burman *la in Kathmandu Newar 从疑问到话题化:Kathmandu Newar 中的原始藏缅词*la

Feurer, Hanny The contemporary use of honorifics in Lhasa Tibetan 拉萨藏语敬语的现代用法

Wang Xiaosong Prolegomenon to Rgyalthang Tibetan phonology Rgyalthang藏语音韵序论

Hongladarom, Krisadawan Rgyalthang Tibetan of Yunnan: a preliminary report 云南的Rgyalthang藏语初探

Sarep, Hpung A study of the morphology of verbs and nouns in the Sinwal dialect of the Rawang language 日旺(Rawang)语Sinwal方言的动词和名词形态研究
20.1 (1997) Fu Maoji A descriptive grammar of Lolo 彝语描写语法

Xu Lin The life and works of Fu Maoji 傅懋勣的生活与工作

Xu Lin Foreword to special issue: Fu Maoji, A descriptive grammar of Lolo 特辑序言:傅懋勣《彝语描写语法》
20.2 (1997)

Matisoff, James A In memoriam: Paul K. Benedict (1912-1997) 纪念Paul K. Benedict (1912-1997)

Melnik, Nurit The sound system of Lai Lai的语音系统

Roengpitya, Rungpat Glottal stop and glottalization in Lai (connected speech) Lai(连续话语)的喉塞音和喉化

Patent, Jason D Lai verb lists Lai语动词列表

Melnik, Nurit Verbal alternations in Lai Lai语的动词交替

Kavitskaya, Darya Tense and aspect in Lai Chin Lai Chin语的时和体
21.1 (1998) Smith, Tomoko Yamashita The middle voice in Lai Lai的中间态

Barnes, Jonathan Tsuu khaa tii hlaʔ: deixis, demonstratives and discourse particles in Lai Chin suu khaa tii hlaʔ:Lai Chin语的直指词、指示词和会话助词

Peterson, David A The morphosyntax of transitivization in Lai (Haka Chin) Lai (Haka Chin)及物化的形态句法

Patent, Jason D A willy-nilly look at Lai ideophones Lai语模状词

VanBik, Kenneth Lai psycho-collocation Lai语带身体部分的成语

Weera Ostapirat Tiddim Chin tones in historical perspective 从历史的角度看Tiddim Chin声调
21.2 (1998)

Benedict, Paul K The first person pronoun in Archaic Chinese, with a note on duplex characters 上古汉语的第一人称代词,及关于复合字的笔记

Schuessler, Axel Another note on Old Tibetan rje-blas 古藏语rje-blas别解

Singh, Chungkham Yashawanta The impersonal construction in Manipuri (Meithei) Manipuri (Meithei)的无人称构式

Burling, Robbins Phom phonology and word list Phom音韵和词表

Burling, Robbins Wancho phonology and word list Wancho音韵和词表

Bilmes, Leela The /ka-/ and /kra-/ prefixes in Thai 泰语的/ka-/和/kra-/前缀

Ratliff, Martha Ho Ne (She) is Hmongic: one final argument 活聂(畲)属于苗语支:最终的论证

Hogan, Lee C Austronesian roots and Sino-Tibetan: some lexical correspondences 南岛语词根和汉藏语:一些词汇对应
22.1 (1999) Edmondson, Jerold A. and Li Shaoni Laghuu or Xæ Phœ, a new language of the Yi group 彝语群的一种新语言,Laghuu或 Xæ Phœ

Feurer, Hanny and Yang Fuquan Greetings among Naxi and Kham Tibetans on Yunnan's high plateau 云南高原上纳西和康藏的问候语

Fulop, Sean A. and Michael Dobrovolsky An instrumental analysis of Sharchhop obstruents Sharchhop阻塞音的实验分析

Lin Ying-chin What did Qiangic peoples call the twelve months? 羌人把十二个月叫什么?

Makley, Charlene, Keith Dede, Hua Kan, and Wang Qingshan The Amdo dialect of Labrang Labrang的安多方言

Mishra, Awadhesh K. and Rajasree Dutta The Manipuris in the Barak Valley: a case study of language maintenance Barak山谷里的Manipuri 人:语言保持的一个实例研究

Sharma, Hanjabam Surmangol A comparison between Khasi and Manipuri word order Khasi 和Manipuri词序的比较

Subbarao, K.V. and Mimi Kevichüsa Internal relative clauses in Tenyidie (Angami) Tenyidie (Angami)的内嵌关系小句

Sun Hongkai The category of causative verbs in Tibeto-Burman languages 藏缅语使役动词的范畴

Weera Ostapirat Half and plus is minus 一半和加上就是减
22.2 (1999)

Ferlus, Michel Phonétique historique et écriture du chinois: réflexions à propos de la série phonogrammique GSR 94 历史语音学与中文书写:关于《汉文典》谐声系列94的一些想法

Chen Zhongmin The common origin of diminutives in southern Chinese dialects and Southeast Asian languages 南方汉语方言和东南亚语言小称的共同来源

Dai Qingxia On the languages of the Jingpo nationality 论景颇族的语言

Sun Hongkai On the Himalayan languages of the eastern Himalayan area in China 论中国境内东喜马拉雅区域的喜马拉雅语言

Schuessler, Axel Kanauri am 'path' Kanauri语am '路'

Haller, Felix A brief comparison of register tone in Central Tibetan and Kham Tibetan 中部藏语和康藏的调域声调的简略比较

Hogan, Lee C The Old Tibetan terminative -su 古藏语目的格标志-su

Neukom, Lukas Phonological typology of northeast India 印度东北的音系类型

Singh, Chungkham Yashawanta Tense and aspect in Kuki-Chin Kuki-Chin的时和体

Burling, Robbins On Kamarupan 论Kamarupan

Matisoff, James A In defense of Kamarupan 为Kamarupan辩护

Xu Shixuan Aspect and tense in the Bisu language 毕苏语的体和时

Zide, Norman Three Munda scripts 三种Munda文字
23.1 (2000) Weera Ostapirat Proto-Kra 原始Kra
23.2 (2000)

Bickel, Balthasar Introduction: person and evidence in Himalayan languages 序:喜马拉雅语言的人称和示证范畴

Peterson, John Evidentials, inferentials, and mirativity in Nepali Nepali的示证、推测和新信息标志

Zeisler, Bettina Narrative conventions in Tibetan languages: the issue of mirativity 藏语的叙述惯例:新信息标志的问题

Bielmeier, Roland Syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic-epistemic functions of auxiliaries in Western Tibetan 西部藏语助词的句法、语义和语用-认识功能

Volkart, Marianne The meaning of the auxiliary morpheme 'dug in the aspect systems of Central Tibetan dialects 中部藏语方言体系统中辅助语素'dug的意义

Huber, Brigitte Preliminary report on evidential categories in Lende Tibetan (Kyirong) Lende藏语(Kyirong)示证范畴初探

Haller, Felix The verbal categories of Shigatse Tibetan and Themchen Tibetan Shigatse 藏语和 Themchen 藏语的动词范畴
24.1 (2001) Häsler, Katrin An empathy-based approach to the description of the verb system of the Dege dialect of Tibetan 一种基于移情的方法描述藏语德格方言动词系统

Hein,Veronika The role of the speaker in the verbal system of the Tibetan dialect of Tabo/Spiti Tabo/Spiti藏语方言的动词系统中言者的角色

Tournadre, Nicolas Final auxiliary verbs in literary Tibetan and in the dialects 藏文和方言中的句末助动词

Jacquesson, François Person-marking in TB languages, Northeastern India 印度东北藏缅语言中的人称标记

Michailovsky, Boyd Limbu nous autres and first person morphology Limbu “我们”“别人”和第一人称形态

Michailovsky, Boyd Notes on Brian Hodgson's Limbu paradigms (1857) 关于Brian Hodgson Limbu语动词形态纪录(1857)的笔记

King, John T The affinal kin register in Dhimal Dhimal的姻亲亲属词
24.2 (2001)

LaPolla, Randy J Dulong texts: seven fully analyzed narrative and procedural texts 独龙语语料:七篇全面分析了的叙述性和程序性语料

Joseph, U.V. and Robbins Burling Tone correspondences among the Bodo languages Bodo语言中的声调对应

Ding, Picus Shizhi The pitch-accent system of Niuwozi Prinmi Niuwozi Prinmi的音高-重音系统

Bielenberg, Brian and Zhalie Nienu Chokri (Phek dialect): phonetics and phonology Chokri (Phek方言):语音和音系

Hartmann, Helga Prenasalization and preglottalization in Daai Chin, with parallel examples from Mro and Mara Daai Chin的前鼻化和前喉塞,以及来自 Mro和Mara的平行例子

Hartmann, Helga Function of naak/na in Daai Chin with examples from other Chin languages naak/na 在Daai Chin中的功能,以及其他Chin语中的例子

Bedell, George The syntax of deixis in Lai Lai语的直指句法

Noonan, Michael The double demonstratives of Chantyal Chantyal的双重指示代词

Lester, Peter and Zhou Facheng Negation in Qiang grammar 羌语语法中的否定

Dempsey, Jakob Remarks on the vowel system of old Burmese 古缅语元音系统评注

Anderson, Gregory and Randall Eggert A typology of verb agreement in Burushaski Burushask动词一致系统的类型
25.1 (2002) Watters, Stephen A The sounds and tones of five Tibetan languages of the Himalayan region 喜马拉雅区域五种藏语的语音和声调

Rischel, Jørgen Notes on the pronunciation of an eastern variety of Burmese 缅语东部土语的发音笔记

Handel, Zev Proto-Lolo-Burmese velar clusters and the origin of Lisu palatal sibilants 原始彝缅语的软腭复辅音和傈僳硬腭咝音的来源

Hyman, Larry M. and Kenneth VanBik Tone and stem2-formation in Hakha Lai Hakha Lai中的声调和词干2的形成

Löffler, Lorenz Some notes on Maraa 有关Maraa的一些笔记

Matisoff, James A Wedge issues 楔子问题

Saxena, Anju Speech reporting strategies in Kinnauri narratives Kinnauri叙述中的传话策略

Honda, Isao Seke phonology: a comparative study of three Seke dialects Seke音系:三个Seke方言的比较研究

Lahaussois, Aimée Vowel tenseness and assimilation in Yi: a feature geometry study 彝语的元音紧性和同化:特征几何研究
25.2 (2002)

Sun Hongkai A discussion of Qiang bilingualism—with concurrent comments on the influence of Chinese on the Qiang language 羌族双语系统讨论-附评汉语对羌语的影响

Ikeda, Takumi On pitch accent in the Mu-nya language 论Mu-nya的音高重音

Devi, Sarju and K.V. Subbarao Reduplication and case copying: the case of lexical anaphors in Manipuri and Telegu 重叠和格复制:Manipuri和Telegu的词汇照应实例

Singh, S. Imoba and L. Sarbajit Singh Manipuri adjectives: a new approach Manipuri的形容词:一种新的看法

Hartmann, Helga Verb stem alternation in Daai Chin Daai Chin的动词词干交替

VanBik, Kenneth Three types of causative constructions in Hakha Lai Hakha Lai的三种使役构式

Löffler, Lorenz The tonal system of Chin final stops Chin塞音韵尾的声调系统

Rastogi, Kavita Raji: language of a vanishing Himalayan tribe Raji:一个正在消逝的喜马拉雅部落的语言

Coblin, W. South On certain functions of 'a-chung in early Tibetan transcriptional texts 论早期藏文抄本中小a的某些功能

Saxena, Anju Request and command in Kinnauri: the pragmatics of translating politeness Kinnauri的请求和命令:翻译礼貌的语用方面

Chen Baoya Relativistic rank analysis of kernel consistent corresponding words between Chinese and Kam-Tai 汉台核心一致对应的相对有阶分析

Matisoff, James A The present state of PST/PTB reconstruction: can we even write a fable in Proto-Lolo-Burmese? 原始汉藏语/原始藏缅语重构的现状:我们能以原始彝缅语写个寓言么?

Mortensen, David Review of Les langues Hmong-Mjen (Miao-Yao): Phonologie historique by Barbara Niederer 评Barbara Niederer《苗瑶语:历史音韵》
26.1 (2003) Huber, Brigitte Relative clauses in Kyirong Tibetan Kyirong藏语的关系小句

Shintani, Tadahiko Notes à propos de l'étymologie du mot karen “克伦”一词的语源笔记

Lehman, F. K The proper syntax of case and the determiner phrase (DP) in Lai Chin Lai Chin语的格的严格句法和限定短语

Lahaussois, Aimée Nominalization and its various uses in Thulung Rai Thulung Rai中的名词化和它的多种功能

Dempsey, Jakob Analysis of Rime-Groups in Northern-Burmish 北部缅语的韵部分析

Ratliff, Martha Review of Jiǒngnàiyǔ Yánjiū [A study of Jiongnai] by Mao Zongwu and Li Yunbing 评毛宗武、李云兵《炯奈语研究》

Mortensen, David Review of Baheng-yu Yanjiu [Research on the Pahng language] by Mao Zongwu and Li Yunbing 评毛宗武、李云兵《巴亨语研究》

Norquest, Peter Review of The Yanghuang language by Bo Wenze 评薄文泽《佯僙语研究》

Handel, Zev Review of Róuruòyǔ yánjiū [A study of Rouruo] by Sūn Hóngkāi, Huáng Chénglóng, and Zhōu Máocǎo 评孙宏开、黄成龙、周毛草《柔若语研究》

Edmondson, Jerold A. and Li Shaoni Review of Lajiyu Yanjiu by Li Yunbing 评李云兵《拉基语研究》
27.1 (2004)

Opgenort, Jean Robert Implosive and preglottalized stops in Kiranti Kiranti的内爆音和前喉塞音

Devi, Hajarimayum Subadani Loanwords in Manipuri and their impact Manipuri语中的借词及其影响

Löffler, Lorenz Some notes on Maraa: II 关于 Maraa的笔记: II

Pramodini, N Taboo in Meiteiron Meiteiron语中的禁忌

Handel, Zev Review of A study of Sangkong by Lǐ Yǒngsuì 评李永燧《桑孔语研究》

Norquest, Peter Review of Moyu Yanjiu [A study of Mak] by YANG Tongyin 评杨通银《莫语研究》

Matisoff, James A HPTB addenda and corrigenda #1 《原始藏缅语手册》补遗和勘误#1
28.1 (2005) Hildebrandt, Kristine A A phonetic analysis of Manange segmental and suprasegmental properties Manange语音段和超音段成分的语音分析

Pramodini, N Gender differences in Meiteiron Meiteiron的性别区分

Betholia, Chandam Politeness and power: An analysis of Meiteilon suffixes 礼貌和权势:Meiteilon词缀的分析

Noonan, Michael Review of A grammar of Kham by David Watters 评David Watters《莰语语法》

Weera Ostapirat Review of The Cun language by Ouyang Jueya 评欧阳觉亚《村语研究》

Thurgood, Graham Review of A Grammar of Qiang, with annotated texts and glossary by Randy J. LaPolla with Chenglong Huang 评罗仁地、黄成龙《羌语语法,及评注语料和词汇表》

Noonan, Michael Corrections to "Recent language contact in the Nepal Himalaya", in David Bradley, et al., Language Variation: Papers on variation and change in the Sinosphere and Indosphere in Honour of James A. Matisoff “尼泊尔喜马拉雅区域最近的语言接触”纠误(文载David Bradley 等《语言变异:关于汉语圈和印度圈的变异和变化的论文以庆祝James A. Matisoff)

Katia Chirkova Baima nominal postpositions and their etymology 白马语名词性后置词和它们的语源

Jamin R. Pelkey Puzzling over Phula: toward the synthesis and statement of a sub-branch Phula之谜:朝向一个子语支的综合与宣言

U. V. Joseph Causatives in Rabha Rabha的使役

Nathan W. Hill Once more on the letter འ 再论藏语字母འ

Stephen Morey Tonal Change in the Tai languages of Northeast India 印度东北台语的声调变化

Jamin R. Pelkey Report on the 38th Int. Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics 第38届国际汉藏语言暨语言学会议报告

29.1 (April 2006) LI Jinfang and LUO Yongxian Notes on Paha Buyang Paha布央语笔记

Mark POST Compounding and the Structure of the Tani Lexicon Tani语中复合化与词汇结构

Alexis MICHAUD Tonal Reassociation and Rising Tonal Contours in Naxi 纳西语的声调重连与升调

James A. MATISOFF Much Adu 阿都 about something: extrusional labiovelars in a Northern Yi patois 彝语阿都话唇软腭复辅音声母比较研究

Jackson T.-S. SUN Special Linguistic Features of gSerpa Tibetan gSerpa藏语的特殊语言学特征

Susan WALTERS and Ndaxit ATQI Existential clauses in Nosu Yi texts 诺苏彝语语料中的存在句

Stephen MOREY Northeast India Linguistics Society: Report on the 1st Conference, February 2006 印度东北语言学会:第一次会议报告,2006年2月

Alec COUPE Report on the 11th Himalayan Languages Symposium and Workshop on Old Tibetan 第11届喜马拉雅语言研讨会和古藏语研习营报告

29.2 Marlys MACKEN and Hanh T. NGUYễN Nói lái and the structure of the syllable Nói lái和音节结构

Felix HALLER Verbal valence in Shigatse Tibetan and Themchen Tibetan Shigatse藏语和Themchen 藏语的动词价

Nathan W. HILL Tibetan vwa ‘fox’ and the sound change Tibeto-Burman *wa > Tibetan o 藏语vwa ‘狐狸’ 和原始藏缅语 *wa > 藏语 o 的音变

Jonathon EVANS Origins of Vowel Pharyngealization in Hongyan Qiang 红岩羌语元音喉化的来源

John HAJEK On doubly articulated labial-velar stops and nasals in Tibeto-Burman 论藏缅语双重发音的唇软腭塞音和鼻音

W. South COBLIN Two Notes on Táng-time Tibetan Transcriptions of Chinese 唐代的汉语藏文转写笔记二则

Mark POST Review of The Tai Languages of Assam – A Grammar and Texts, by Stephen Morey, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 2005 评Stephen Morey《阿萨姆的泰语——语法与语料》Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 2005

Jamin R. PELKEY Report on the 39th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics 第39届国际汉藏语言暨语言学会议报告

30.1 (April 2007) Harimon THOUNAOJAM and Shobhana L. CHELLIAH The Lamkang Language: Grammatical Sketch, Texts and Lexicon Lamkang语:语法概要、语料和词汇

David BRADLEY Report on the 12th Himalayan Languages Symposium and on the 27th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal, 26-28 November 2006 第12届喜马拉雅语言研讨会和第27届尼泊尔语言学会年会报告,Tribhuvan 大学, Kirtipur, 加德满都,尼泊尔,2006年11月 26-28日

David BRADLEY Report on the 2nd Workshop on Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, Yuxi Normal Institute, Yuxi, Yunnan, China, 3-5 December 2006 第2届中国云南濒危语言的遗产保护研习营报告,玉溪师范学院,中国云南玉溪,2006年12月3-5日

Gwendolyn LOWES Report on the 2nd Annual Meeting of the North East India Linguistic Society, Guwahati, Assam, India, 5-9 February 2007 第2届印度东北语言学会年会报告,印度阿萨姆Guwahati,2007年2月5-9日

30.2 (Oct. 2007) Alexandra Y. AIKHENVALD and Randy J. LAPOLLA New perspectives on evidentials: a view from Tibeto-Burman 关于示证的新视野:藏缅语的角度

Krisadawan HONGLADAROM Evidentiality in Rgyalthang Tibetan Rgyalthang藏语的示证标志

Liberty A. LIDZ Evidentiality in Yongning Na (Mosuo) 永宁纳西(摩梭)的示证标志

Christina M. WILLIS Evidentiality in Darma (Tibeto-Burman) Darma(藏缅)的示证标志

SHIRAI Satoko Evidentials and evidential-like categories in nDrapa nDrapa的示证和类似示证范畴

Karen GRUNOW-HÅRSTA Evidentiality and mirativity in Magar Magar的示证和新信息标志

Veronika HEIN The mirative and its interplay with evidentiality in the Tibetan dialect of Tabo (Spiti) 藏语Tabo (Spiti)方言的新信息标志及其与示证标志的相互影响

David B. SOLNIT Review of A Study of the Biao Language 标话研究, by Liang Min and Zhang Junru, Beijing: Central Nationalities University Press, 2002 评梁敏、张均如《标话研究》,北京:中央民族大学出版社2002

Heleen PLAISIER Review of A grammar of Kulung (Languages of the greater Himalayan Region 4), by Gerard J. Tolsma, Leiden: Brill, 2006 评Gerard J. Tolsma《Kulung语法》,莱顿:Brill, 2006.

Jens KARLSSON Report on the 40th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL), held at Heilongjiang University, Harbin, PRC September 26-29, 2007 第40届国际汉藏语言和语言学会议报告,中国哈尔滨,黑龙江大学,2007年9月26-29