序号 | 作者 | 题目 | 中文题目 |
1 (1974) | Michailovsky, Boyd | Hayu typology and verbal morphology | Hayu类型和动词形态 |
Mazaudon, Martine |
Notes on tone in Tibeto-Burman |
藏缅语声调杂记 |
Okrand, Marc | Na khi and Proto Lolo Burmese: a preliminary survey | 纳西和原始彝缅语初探 | |
Thurgood, Graham | Lolo Burmese rhymes | 彝缅语的韵母 | |
Bauman, James | Pronominal verb morphology in Tibeto-Burman | 藏缅语中的动词人称标志 | |
Abadie, Peggy | Nepali as an ergative language | 尼泊尔语,一种作格语言 | |
Hillard, Edward | Some aspects of Chin verb morphology | 钦语动词形态的一些问题 | |
Matisoff, James A | Verb concatenation in Kachin | 卡钦语中的动词链 | |
2.1 (1975) | |||
Smith, Kenneth D | The velar animal prefix in Vietnamese languages | 越南语中的舌根音动词前缀 | |
Lehman, F. K | Wolfenden's non pronominal a- prefix in Tibeto-Burman | 藏缅语中Wolfenden的非代词性a-前缀 | |
Watters, David E | The evolution of a Tibeto-Burman pronominal verb morphology | 一种藏缅语代词化动词形态的演变 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Where it all began: memories of Robert Shafer and the 'Sino-Tibetan Linguistics Project' | 一切的起始:回忆Robert Shafer和“汉藏语言学计划” | |
Bradley, David | Nahsi and Proto Burmese Lolo | 纳西语和原始彝缅语 | |
Matisoff, James A | A new Lahu simplex/causative pair: "study/train" | 拉祜语里一对新的简单式/致使式:“学习/培训” | |
Matisoff, James A | Benedict's Sino-Tibetan: a rejection of Miller's Conspectus inspection | 白保罗的汉藏语:对米勒《概论》验证的拒绝 | |
2.2 (1975) | |||
Sprigg, R. K | The inefficiency of 'tone change' in Sino-Tibetan descriptive linguistics | 汉藏描写语言学中“声调变化”的无效性 | |
Michailovsky, Boyd | Notes on the Kiranti verb (East Nepal) | 关于(东尼泊尔) Kiranti语动词的笔记 | |
Kepping, Ksenija. B | Subject and object agreement in the Tangut verb | 西夏语动词的主语和宾语一致关系 | |
Goral, Donald R | Pidginization in Vietnam | 越南的洋泾浜化 | |
Trần Trọng Hải | Verb concatenation in Vietnamese | 越南语中的动词链 | |
Smeall, Christopher | Grammaticalized verbs in Lolo Burmese | 彝缅语中的语法化动词 | |
Benedict, Paul K | A note on proto Burmese Lolo prefixation | 关于原始彝缅语前缀化的笔记一则 | |
Michailovsky, Boyd | A case of rhinoglottophilia in Hayu | Hayu里“鼻喉爱”一例 | |
3.1 (1976) | Matisoff, James A | Introduction to the Written Burmese Rhyming Dictionary | 《缅文韵典》简介 |
Benedict, Paul K | Rhyming dictionary of written Burmese | 缅文韵典 | |
3.2 (1977) | |||
Mazaudon, Martine | Tibeto-Burman tonogenetics | 藏缅语声调发生学 | |
4.1 (1978) | Goral, Donald R | Numeral classifier systems: a Southeast Asian cross linguistic analysis | 量词系统:跨东南亚语言学分析 |
Fromkin, Victoria and Jackson T. Gandour | On the phonological representation of contour tones | 关于曲折调的音系学表现 | |
Coyaud, Maurice | Review of Chen Shi Lin, Grammaire lolo: dialecte de Xide | 书评:陈士林《彝语语法:喜德方言》 | |
4.2 (1979) | |||
Lehman, F. K | Etymological speculations on some Chin words | 一些钦语词的词源试探 | |
Maddieson, Ian | More on the representation of contour tones | 再论曲折调的音系学表现 | |
Matisoff, James A | Problems and progress in Lolo Burmese: Quo Vadimus? | 彝缅语中的问题与进展:我们要向何处去? | |
Nagano, Yasuhiko | A historical study of rGyarong initials and prefixes | 嘉戎语声母和前缀的探源 | |
Okell, John | ‘Still’ and ‘anymore’ in Burmese: another look at /thei/, /oun/, /to/ | 缅甸语里‘还在’、‘再也没’:再看 /thei/, /oun/, /to/ | |
Sharma, Suhnu R | Phonological structure of Spiti | Spiti语的音系结构 | |
Solnit, David B | Proto Tibeto-Burman *r in Tiddim Chin and Lushai | 原始藏缅语的*r在Tiddim钦语和Lushai语中的表现 | |
Thoudam, Purna C | Conjoined structures with /əməchuŋ/ in Meiteiron | Meiteiron语中带/əməchuŋ/的并联结构 | |
5.1 (1979) | Benedict, Paul K | Four forays into Karen linguistic history | 克伦语言史中的四次进袭 |
Nagano, Yasuhiko | A historical study of rGyarong rhymes | 嘉戎语韵母的历史探究 | |
Weidert, Alfons | The Sino-Tibetan tonogenetic laryngeal reconstruction theory | 汉藏语声调发生的喉音重构理论 | |
5.2 (1980) | |||
Diffloth, Gérard | The Wa languages | 佤语 | |
6.1 (1981) | Weidert, Alfons | Star, moon, spirits, and the affricates of Angami Naga: a reply to James A. Matisoff | 星星、月亮、精魂与Angami那加语的塞擦音:回应James A. Matisoff |
Kepping, Ksenija. B | Agreement of the verb in Tangut | 西夏语中的动词一致关系 | |
Sprigg, R. K | The Chang Shefts tonal analysis, and the pitch variation of the Lhasa Tibetan tones | 张(琨)-谢(蓓蒂)的声调分析和拉萨藏语声调中的音高变异 | |
Burling, Robbins | Garo spelling and Garo phonology | Garo 拼写法和Garo音系 | |
DeLancey, Scott | The category of direction in Tibeto-Burman | 藏缅语中的方向范畴 | |
Benedict, Paul K | A further (unexpurgated) note on Karen genital flipflop | 再谈克伦生殖方面互换 (未删节版) | |
6.2 (1982) | |||
Matisoff, James A | Proto languages and proto Sprachgefül | 原始语和原始语言感 | |
Gandour, Jackson T | A diagnostic aphasia examination for Thai | 针对泰语的失语症候检查 | |
Kepping, Ksenija. B | Deictic motion verbs in Tangut | 西夏语中的直指运动动词 | |
Thoudam, Purna C | Nouns in Meiteiron | Meiteiron的名词 | |
Okell, John | Review of Denise Bernot, Dictionnaire birman français | 评Denise Bernot的《缅法词典》 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Vietnamese /s/ and /x/: the chư nôm evidence | 越南语的/s/ 和 /x/: 字喃方面的证据 | |
7.1 (1982) | Wheatley, Julian K | Comments on the 'Hani' dialects of Loloish | 彝语支哈尼方言评述 |
Kepping, Ksenija. B | Once again on the agreement of the Tangut verb | 再论西夏语的动词一致关系 | |
Kwanten, L | Verbal agreement in Tangut: a conflicting opinion | 西夏语中的动词一致关系:一种反对的观点 | |
Hansson, Inga Lill | A phonological comparison of Akha and Hani | 阿卡语和哈尼语的音系比较 | |
7.2 (1983) | |||
Burling, Robbins | The Sal languages | 论Sal语言 | |
Strecker, David | Proto Tai vowels revisited: a comparison and critique of the work of Sarawit and Li | 原始台语元音新论:对Sarawit和Li论著的比较和商榷 | |
Benedict, Paul K | ‘This’ and ‘that’ in TB/ST | 藏缅/汉藏语中的“这”与“那” | |
Thurgood, Graham | Invited comment on 'This and that in TB/ST' | 评“藏缅/汉藏语中的‘这’与‘那’” | |
DeLancey, Scott | Tangut and Tibeto-Burman morphology | 西夏语和藏缅语的形态 | |
Hombert, Jean Marie | A brief encounter with Lahu tones | 略论拉祜语的声调 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Proto Karen final stops | 原始克伦语的塞尾 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Qiang monosyllabization: a third phase in the cycle | 羌语的单音节化:循环圈中的第三环 | |
Okell, John | Review of U Hoke Sein, The Universal Burmese English Pali Dictionary | 评U Hoke Sein的《通用缅-英-巴利词典》 | |
8.1 (1984) | Benedict, Paul K | PST interrogative *ga(ŋ) ~ *ka | 原始汉藏语疑问词*ga(ŋ) ~ *ka |
Benedict, Paul K | The Sino-Tibetan existential *s-ri | 汉藏语存在词*s-ri | |
Burling, Robbins | Noun compounding in Garo | Garo语中名词的复合化 | |
Stern, Theodore | Sizang (Siyin) Chin texts | Sizang (Siyin)钦语长篇语料 | |
DeLancey, Scott | Etymological notes on Tibeto-Burman case particles | 藏缅语格助词的词源笔记 | |
Jaisser, Annie | The complementizer (hais) tias 'that' in Hmong | 苗语中的标补语(hais) tias 'that' | |
Carr, Michael | Another note on genital flipflop | 生殖互换另释 | |
Mazaudon, Martine | Review of Hari, An investigation of the tones of Lhasa Tibetan | 评Hari的拉萨藏语声调研究 | |
8.2 (1985) | |||
Sprigg, R. K | The Limbu -s final and -t final verb roots after Michailovsky 1979 and Weidert 1982 | 续Michailovsky 1979 和Weidert 1982的Limbu语s尾和t尾动词词根 | |
Watters, David E | Emergent word tone in Kham: the evolution of a Tibeto-Burman halfway house | 莰语新出现的词调:藏缅语中间站的演化 | |
Henderson, Eugénie J. A | Patterns of baby language in Bwe Karen | Bwe克伦语中婴儿语的模式 | |
Clark, Marybeth | Asking questions in Hmong and other Southeast Asian languages | 以苗语和其他东南亚语言问问题 | |
Gandour, Jackson T | A voice onset time analysis of word initial stops in Thai | 泰语塞音声母的VOT分析 | |
Abbi, Anvita and Awadhesh K. Mishra | Consonant clusters and syllabic structures of Meitei | Meitei语的复辅音和音节结构 | |
9.1 (1986) | Sun Hongkai | Notes on Tibeto-Burman consonant clusters | 关于藏缅语复辅音的笔记 |
Bauer, Christian | Questions in Mon — addenda and corrigenda | 孟语的疑问句 —— 附录和勘误 | |
Sprigg, R. K | The syllable finals of Tibetan loan words in Lepcha orthography | Lepcha拼法中藏语借词的韵母 | |
Zhang Liansheng | The puzzle of da drag in Tibetan | 藏语中da drag之谜 | |
Pulleyblank, Edwin G | Tonogenesis as an index of areal relationships in East Asia | 声调发生作为东亚地域关系的一个指标 | |
Matisoff, James A | Labiovelar unit phonemes in Lolo-Burmese?. A case to chew over: Lahu bɛ̂ 'chew' < PLB *Ngwya² | 彝缅语圆唇软腭音音位?再议拉祜bɛ̂ 'chew' < 原始彝缅语 *Ngwya² | |
Benedict, Paul K | Miao Yao enigma: the Na e language | 苗瑶之谜:Na e语 | |
Thurgood, Graham | A brief comment on Das Gupta's works | Das Gupta论著简评 | |
Denwood, Philip | The Tibetan noun final -s | 藏语名词尾s | |
9.2 (1986) | |||
Ratliff, Martha | An analysis of some tonally differentiated doublets in White Hmong (Miao) | 白苗语中的一些同声同韵异调词的分析 | |
Gandour, Jackson T., Soranee Holasuit Petty, Rochana Dardarananda, Sumalee Dechongkit, and Sunee Mukngoen | The acquisition and dissolution of the voicing contrast in Thai | 泰语中嗓音对立的获得与消失 | |
Genetti, Carol | The grammaticalization of the Newari verb tɔl | Newari动词tɔl的语法化 | |
Benedict, Paul K | An anthropologist/psychiatrist looks at Southeast Asian (including Japanese) linguistics | 一个人类学家/精神病学家看东南亚(包括日语)语言学 | |
Sprigg, R. K | Review of R. Bielmeier, Das Märchen vom Prinzen Cobzan | 评R. Bielmeier, 《Cobzan 王子的神话传说》 | |
Thurgood, Graham | Zauzou: a new Lolo-Burmese language | Zauzou语:一种新彝缅语 | |
10.1 (1987) | La Polla, Randy J | Dulong and Proto Tibeto-Burman | 独龙语与原始藏缅语 |
Sprigg, R. K | Rhinoglottophilia | 鼻喉爱 | |
Schulze, Marlene | Intense action adverbials in Sunwar: a verbal intensifier system | Sunwar语中的强动作副词:一种动词增强系统 | |
Dai Qingxia | Characteristics of the language of traditional songs of the Jingpo nationality | 景颇族传统诗歌的语言特点 | |
Sun Hongkai | A brief account of my research work, with an appended bibliography | 我的研究简历(附书目) | |
Sharma, Suhnu R | Non-Tibeto-Burman features in PaTani | PaTani语中的非藏缅语特征 | |
Taid, Tabu | A short note on Mising phonology | Mising语音系短札 | |
Taid, Tabu | Mising morphophonemics | Mising语形态音位 | |
Hartmann So, Helga | Time expressions in Daai Chin | Daai Chin语的时间表述 | |
Tan Kerang | On the evolution of Tibetan final -s | 论藏语s尾的演变 | |
Coblin, W. South | A note on Tibetan mu | 关于藏语mu的笔记 | |
Bauer, Robert S | Leg | 腿 | |
Luo Meizhen | The evolution of vowel length and final consonants in Dai | 傣语元音长短和辅音韵尾的演变 | |
Algaier, Charles J | Ancient Thai teases | 古泰语戏谑 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Autonyms: ought or ought not | 自名:应当与否 | |
10.2 (1987) | |||
Strecker, David | The Hmong-Mien languages | 苗瑶语 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Early MY/TB loan relationships | 早期苗瑶/藏缅的借贷关系 | |
Strecker, David | Some comments on Benedict's 'Miao-Yao Enigma: the Na e language' | 对白保罗“苗瑶语之谜:Na e语”的一些评论 | |
Strecker, David | Some comments on Benedict's 'The Miao-Yao Enigma': addendum | 对白保罗“苗瑶语之谜”的一些评论:附录 | |
Solnit, David B | A note on the phonemic status of [ə] in Biao Min Yao | 关于标敏瑶语[ə]的音系地位的笔记 | |
Jarkey, Nerida | An investigation of two alveolar stop consonants in White Hmong | 白苗语中两个齿龈塞音探究 | |
Ratliff, Martha | Tone sandhi compounding in White Hmong | 白苗语中用连读变调来标复合词 | |
Johns, Brenda and David Strecker | Lexical and phonological sources of Hmong elaborate expressions | 苗语四个音节成语的词汇与音系来源 | |
Fuller, Judith Wheaton | Topic markers in Hmong | 苗语的话题标记 | |
Purnell, Herbert C | Developing practical orthographies for the Iu Mien (Yao), 1932-1986: a case study | 替 Iu Mien (瑶) 创造实用拼写法1932-1986:一个实例研究 | |
Lyman, Thomas Amis | The word nzı̌ in Green Hmong | 绿苗语词nzı̌ | |
Court, Christopher | Some classes of classifier in Iu Mien (Yao) | 几类 Iu Mien (瑶)语量词 | |
Caron, Bruce R | A comparative look at Yao numerical classifiers | 瑶语量词比较研究 | |
Jaisser, Annie | Hmong classifiers: a problem set | 以苗语量词为题材的练习题。 | |
11.1 (1988) | Bodman, Nicholas C | On the place of Lepcha in Sino-Tibetan: a lexical comparison | 论Lepcha语在汉藏语系中的地位:一个词汇比较 |
Sun Hongkai | Notes on Anong, a new language | 记一个新语言阿侬语 | |
Svantesson, Jan Olof | U | U语 | |
Driem, Sjors van | The verbal morphology of Dumi Rai simplicia | Dumi Rai语简单动词形态 | |
11.2 (1988) | |||
Dai Qingxia | My work in Tibeto-Burman linguistics | 我的藏缅语研究 | |
Goral, Donald R | Modal verbs and generative grammar | 情态动词和生成语法 | |
Michailovsky, Boyd | Phonological typology of Nepal languages | 尼泊尔语言的音系类型 | |
DeLancey, Scott | On the evolution of the Kham agreement paradigm | 论莰语动词人称标志的演变 | |
Genetti, Carol | Notes on the structure of the Sunwari transitive verb | 关于Sunwari及物动词的结构 | |
LaPolla, Randy J | Phonetic development of Tibetan | 藏语语音的演变 | |
Hartmann So, Helga | Notes on the Southern Chin languages | 关于南部钦语的笔记 | |
Morse, Stephen A | A short update on Rawang phonology | 对Rawang音系的小更新 | |
Manaster Ramer, Alexis | What about Lisu? | 傈僳怎么样? | |
Bauer, Robert S | Sino-Tibetan *tongue and *lick | 汉藏语的*舌和*舔 | |
Solnit, David B | On the apparent labio-velar nasals of Kam | 关于甘(侗)语中的圆唇软腭鼻音 | |
12.1 (1989) | Ma Xueliang | My research career | 我的学术生涯 |
Hansson, Inga Lill | A comparison of Akha, Hani, Khatu and Pijo | Akha, Hani, Khatu和 Pijo比较研究 | |
Sun Hongkai | A preliminary investigation into the relationship between Qiong Long and the languages of the Qiang branch of Tibeto-Burman | 邛笼和藏缅语族羌语支语言的关系初探 | |
Bhaskararao, Peri | The process of chiming in Tiddim Chin | Tiddim 钦语中的动词重叠过程 | |
Chhangte, Thangi | Complementation in Mizo (Lushai) | Mizo (Lushai)语的补语 | |
Gandour, Jackson T. and Rochana Dardarananda | A case study of abnormal phonological development in Thai | 一个泰语非正常音变的实例研究 | |
12.2 (1989) | |||
Riddle, Elizabeth M | Serial verbs and propositions in White Hmong | 白苗语中连动结构和命题之间的关系 | |
Xu Xijian | On the origin and development of classifiers in Jingpo | 论景颇语量词的起源与发展 | |
DeLancey, Scott | Tibetan evidence for Nungish metathesis | Nungish(独龙语)换位的藏语证据 | |
DeLancey, Scott | Contour tones from lost syllables in Central Tibetan | 中部藏语中源自失落音节的曲拱调 | |
Saxena, Anju | Ergative in Mi=la=ras=pa'i rnam thar | 《米拉日巴传》中作格标志的用法 | |
Singh, Jag Deva | Lahauli verb inflection | Lahauli语动词屈折 | |
Hartmann So, Helga | Morphophonemic changes in Daai Chin | Daai 钦语的形态音位变化 | |
Kapfo, Kedutso | Tones in Khezha noun constructions | Khezha语名词构造中的声调 | |
Bandyopadhyay, Swapon Kumar | A Tangsa wordlist | Tangsa语词表 | |
Thoudam, Purna C | Conditioning factors for morphophonemic alternations of manner in Meiteiron | Meiteiron语中发音方法上形态音位学交替的控制因素 | |
Singh, Waribam Raghumani | The Kwatha dialect of Meitei | Meitei语的Kwatha方言 | |
Pramodini, N | Kinship terminology in Meiteilon: a sociolinguistic study | Meiteilon语的亲属称谓的社会语言学研究 | |
Singh, Chungkham Yashawanta | Terms of address in Meiteilon | Meiteilon语中的称呼语 | |
Matisoff, James A | Tone, intonation, and sound symbolism in Lahu: loading the syllable canon | 拉祜语中的声调、语调和声音象征:填充音节规则 | |
13.1 (1990) | Sun Hongkai | Languages of the Ethnic Corridor in Western Sichuan | 川西民族走廊上的语言 |
Sprigg, R. K | Tone in Tamang and Tibetan, and the advantages of keeping register based tone systems separate from contour based systems | Tamang语和藏语的声调,以及保持基于调域的声调系统与基于曲拱的声调系统之区别的好处 | |
Ebert, Karen H | On the evidence for the relationship Kiranti-Rung | 论支持Kiranti-Rung关系的证据 | |
Che Qian | Certain phonetic changes in Tibetan in the light of variant and erroneous spellings in Old Tibetan documents of the royal period | 从吐蕃王朝古藏文文献中变异和错误的拼写看藏语的某些音变 | |
Lehman, F. K | Outline of a formal syntax of numerical expressions with special reference to the phenomenon of numeral classifiers | 初谈以形式句法来分析数词结构,特别参考了量词现象 | |
Sreedhar, M. V | Clan, marriage practices, and kinship terms amongst the Ao and Sema Nagas | Ao Naga 和 Sema Naga 中的氏族、婚姻习俗和亲属称谓 | |
Oey, Eric M | Psycho collocations | 包括身体部分的成语 | |
Jaisser, Annie | DeLIVERing an introduction to psycho collocations with SIAB in Hmong | 介绍苗语中带SIAB ‘肝’的成语 | |
13.2 (1990) | |||
Benedict, Paul K | How to tell Lai: an exercise in classification | 怎样分辨Lai:一次分类练习 | |
Chelliah, Shobhana L | Level ordered morphology and phonology in Manipuri | Manipuri语中不同层次的形态和音系现象 | |
Chelliah, Shobhana L | A bibliography of Meiteiron (Manipuri) linguistics | 一张Meiteiron (Manipuri) 语言学目录 | |
Carr, Michael | Chinese dragon names | 汉语中龙的名字 | |
14.1 (1991) | Giridhar, P. P | On the word in Angami Naga | 论Angami Naga的词 |
Herring, Susan C | Nominalization, relativization, and attribution in Lotha, Angami, and Burmese | Lotha、 Angami 和缅语中的名物化、关系语化和修饰化现象 | |
Ebert, Karen H | Inverse and pseudo inverse prefixes in Kiranti languages: evidence from Belhare, Athpariya, and Dungmali | Kiranti语言中的反自然方向和假反自然方向前缀:来自Belhare, Athpariya, 和Dungmali的证据 | |
Saxena, Anju | Pathways of the development of the ergative in Central Tibetan | 中部藏语作格发展的途径 | |
Tournadre, Nicolas | The rhetorical use of the Tibetan ergative | 藏语作格标志的修辞用法 | |
Driem, George van and Ksenija B. Kepping | The Tibetan transcriptions of Tangut (Hsi hsia) ideograms | 西夏文字的藏文转写 | |
Saxena, Anju | Tone in PaTani and Central Tibetan: parallel developments? | PaTani和中部藏语的声调:平行发展? | |
Benedict, Paul K | A note on PST level morphosyntax | 原始汉藏语形态句法笔记一则 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Genital flipflop: a Chinese note | 生殖的互换:一个中文注释 | |
Bauer, Robert S | Sino-Tibetan *vulva | 原始汉藏语的“阴户” | |
14.2 (1991) | |||
Kepping, Ksenija. B | Tangut (Xixia) degrees of mourning | 西夏服丧的等级 | |
Che Qian | On certain Tibetan and Chinese phonological questions of the medieval period | 论中世纪的某些藏语和汉语语音问题 | |
Sprigg, R. K | The spelling style pronunciation of Written Tibetan, and the hazards of using citation forms in the phonological analysis of spoken Tibetan | 藏文拼读音以及分析藏语口语音系的时候使用独字发音形式的风险 | |
Singh, Chungkham Yashawanta | Causativization in Meiteilon | Meiteilon语的致使化 | |
Giridhar, P. P | Lexical incorporation and hyponymy in Angami: some observations | Angami语的词汇组并与下位义:一些观察 | |
Benedict, Paul K | The Proto-Burmese-Yipho nominalizing *-t suffix | 原始缅彝语的名物化后缀*t | |
Hansson, Inga Lill | The language of Akha ritual texts | Akha典礼文本的语言 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Comment on Matisoff's comparison between Greenberg and Benedict | 评Matisoff对Greenberg和Benedict的比较 | |
Fu Ailan and Wu Zhu | The 5th International Yi-Burmese Conference: a description | 第5届彝缅语会议概况 | |
Matisoff, James A | Notes on the 5th Yi-Burmese Conference and subsequent peregrinations | 第5届彝缅语会议笔记以及随后之游记 | |
15.1 (1992) | LaPolla, Randy J | Anti-ergative | 非作格(非施事者)标志 |
Chappell, Hilary | The benefactive construction in Moulmein Sgaw Karen | Moulmein Sgaw Karen语的施益结构 | |
DeLancey, Scott | Sunwar copulas | Sunwar语的系词 | |
Sprigg, R. K | Bantawa Rai s , t , and z final verb roots: transitives, intransitives, causatives, and directives | Bantawa Rai语的s、t、z尾动词词根:及物动词、不及物动词、使役词和指令词 | |
Che Qian | A preliminary discussion of subject marking (byed sgra) in Lhasa Tibetan | 拉萨藏语主语标记(byed sgra)刍议 | |
Duanmu, San | An autosegmental analysis of tone in four Tibetan languages | 四种藏语声调的自主音段学分析 | |
Gandour, Jackson T., Siripong Potisuk, Sumalee Dechongkit, and Suvit Ponglorpisit | Tonal coarticulation in Thai disyllabic utterances: a preliminary study | 泰语双音节的声调协同发音初探 | |
Gandour, Jackson T., Siripong Potisuk, Sumalee Dechongkit, and Suvit Ponglorpisit | Anticipatory tonal coarticulation in Thai noun compounds | 泰语复合名词中的先声调协同发音 | |
Bauer, Robert S | *SOAP rings the globe | *SOAP响遍全球 | |
Matisoff, James A | A key etymology | 一个关键的语源 | |
Bauer, Robert S | Reply to Benedict's comment in regard to my Sino-Tibetan etymologies | 回应Benedict对我的汉藏同源词的评论 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Miller: all about Japanese (A review of a review) | Miller:综论日语(评论的评论) | |
Matisoff, James A | Following the Marrow: two parallel Sino-Tibetan etymologies | 沿着骨髓:两个平行的汉藏语源 | |
15.2 (1992) | |||
Sun Hongkai | On nationality and the recognition of Tibeto-Burman languages | 论民族和藏缅语言的识别 | |
Dai Qingxia and Yanmuchu | On the status of tones in the Suomo dialect of rGyarong | 论嘉戎语梭摩方言中声调的地位 | |
Burling, Robbins | Garo as a minimal tone language | Garo作为一个最低限度的声调语言 | |
Wang Zhijing | The trichotomy of the Tibetan subject | 藏语主语的三分性 | |
Sun, Jackson Tianshin | Review of the Zangmianyu Yuyin He Cihui "Tibeto-Burman Phonology and Lexicon." | 评《藏缅语语音和词汇》 | |
Goertzen, Stanley | 'Eat', 'eclipse', and 'adorn': cognates in Chinese | ‘食’、‘蚀’、‘饰’:汉语中的同源词 | |
Hillard, Edward | Whistle and Fontanel: two Mizo (Lushai) texts with commentary | “口哨”和“囟门”:Mizo (Lushai) 语两篇长篇预料 | |
Bauer, Robert S | Winkin', blinkin', and nod: a study in historical comparative semantics of Southeast Asian languages | 眨眼和点头: 东南亚语言历史比较语义学研究 | |
Hayes, LaVaughn | On the common morphological origins of word families in Southeast Asia | 论东南亚词族的共同形态源头 | |
Benedict, Paul K | DGl: a rare donor language | DGl:一个罕见的施借语 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Laha reexamined | 重检Laha | |
16.1 (1993) | Donegan, Patricia | Rhythm and vocalic drift in Munda and Mon Khmer | Munda和Mon Khmer中的韵律和元音潜流 |
Ningomba, M. S | Deictic suffixes in Manipuri | Manipuri的直指后缀 | |
Genetti, Carol | On the morphological status of casemarkers in Dolakha Newari | 论Dolakha Newari格标记的形态学地位 | |
Andvik, Erik | Tshangla verb inflections | Tshangla动词屈折 | |
Driem, Sjors van | Ancient Tangut manuscripts rediscovered | 重新发现的古西夏手稿 | |
Bradley, David | Pronouns in Burmese Lolo | 彝缅语的代词 | |
16.2 (1993) | |||
Hogan, Lee C | A comparison of reconstructed Austronesian, Old Chinese, and Austro-Thai | 重构的南岛语、古汉语和澳泰语比较 | |
Riddle, Elizabeth M | The relative marker uas in Hmong | 苗语的关系标志uas | |
Blankenship, Barbara, Peter Ladefoged, Peri Bhaskararao, and Nichumeno Chase | Phonetic structures of Khonoma Angami | Khonoma Angami的语音结构 | |
Watters, David E | Agreement systems and syntactic organization in the Kham verb [Nepal] | 尼泊尔莰(Kham)动词的一致系统和句法组织 | |
Dempsey, Jakob | Ergativity in Milarepa's Rnam.thar | 《米拉日巴传》中的作格标志用法 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Tibeto-Burman "split cognates" | 藏缅“分裂同源词” | |
Matisoff, James A | Sangkong of Yunnan: secondary "verb pronominalization" in Southern Loloish | 云南桑孔语:南部彝语的二次“动词代词化” | |
Sun, Jackson Tianshin | The linguistic position of Tani (Mirish) in Tibeto-Burman: a lexical assessment | Tani (Mirish)在藏缅语中的语言学地位:词汇方面的估测 | |
17.1 (1994) | Rempt, Boudewijn | The verbal agreement system of four Kham languages | 四个莰(Kham)语言的动词一致系统 |
LaPolla, Randy J | Parallel grammaticalizations in Tibeto-Burman languages: evidence for Sapir's drift | 藏缅语言的平行语法化:支持Sapir潜流的证据 | |
Kansakar, Tej R | Grammaticalization of verbs in classical and modern Newari | 古典和现代Newari语中的动词语法化 | |
Park, Insun | Grammaticalized verbs in Hayu | Hayu动词的语法化 | |
Soe, Myint | A semantic study of deictic auxiliaries in Burmese | 缅语直指助词的语义研究 | |
Handel, Zev | Review of A Dictionary of the Northern Dialect of Lisu (China and Southeast Asia) | 评《傈僳北部方言(中国和东南亚)词典》 | |
Sagart, Laurent | Discussion note: reply to James A. Matisoff's "A key etymology" | 讨论笔记:回应James A. Matisoff的“一个关键词源” | |
Matisoff, James A | On keys and wedges: comment on Sagart's discussion note | 论关键和楔子:评Sagart的讨论笔记 | |
Benedict, Paul K | On VO vs. OV in Southeast Asia | 论东南亚的VO对OV | |
Benedict, Paul K | Kiranti linking /ʔ/ | Kiranti的连接/ʔ/ | |
Benedict, Paul K | Greenberg and I: the case of Southeast Asian vulva | Greenberg和我:东南亚女阴之例 | |
Benedict, Paul K | Garo and rGyarong (Suomo) prosodies | Garo和嘉戎 (梭摩)的韵律 | |
Matisoff, James A | Watch out for number ONE: Jingpho ŋāi 'I' and ləŋâi 'one' (with some speculations about Jingpho number TWO) | 注意数字“一”:景颇ŋāi '我'和ləŋâi '一' (以及对景颇数字“二”的一些猜测) | |
17.2 (1994) | |||
Potisuk, Siripong, Jack Gandour, and Mary P. Harper | Fo correlates of stress in Thai | 泰语 F0 对应于重音的现象 | |
Sun, Jackson Tianshin | Caodeng rGyalrong phonology: a first look | 草登嘉戎语音系初探 | |
Edmondson, Jerold A. and Li Shaoni | Voice quality and voice quality change in the Bai language of Yunnan Province | 云南白语的嗓音音质和音质变化 | |
Duanmu, San | The phonology of the glottal stop in Garo | Garo喉塞音的音系地位 | |
Hogan, Lee C | Nasalization in Lhasa Tibetan | 拉萨藏语的鼻化 | |
Nagano, Sadako | A note on the Tibetan kinship terms khu and zhang | 藏语亲属称谓khu 和 zhang笔记一则 | |
Coblin, W. South | An Old Tibetan variant for the word "fox" | “狐狸”的一个古藏语变体 | |
King, John T | Picking up where Hodgson left off: Further notes on Dhimal | 在Hodgson止步处重启:关于Dhimal的进一步研究 | |
Bradley, David | More 'things' in Burmese-Lolo | 更多的彝缅语“事物” | |
Matisoff, James A | How dull can you get?: buttock and heel in Sino-Tibetan | 你可以变得多迟钝?:汉藏语的屁股和脚后跟 | |
Benedict, Paul K | The perils of reconstruction: the case of Proto-Yao | 重构的危险:原始瑶语的实例 | |
Benedict, Paul K | A note on genital de-flipflopping, with an apology to Tsou boki | 生殖再互换的笔记,及对Tsou语 boki的道歉 | |
18.1 (1995) | Bradley, David | Grammaticalisation of extent in Mran Ni | 彝缅语支一些静态动词的语法化 |
Dai Qingxia | The variation of free morphemes in compound words in Jinghpo | 景颇复合词中自由语素的变异 | |
Huang Bufan | Conditions for tongenesis and tone split in Tibetan dialects | 藏语方言声调发生和声调分裂的条件 | |
Kato, Atsuhiko | The phonological systems of three Pwo Karen dialects | 三个Pwo Karen方言的音韵系统 | |
Benedict, Paul K | On Jingpho 'one' and 'two' | 论景颇语的“一”和“二” | |
Benedict, Paul K | Sino-Tibetan kin term *-i suffix | 汉藏语亲属称谓的*i后缀 | |
Benedict, Paul K | PTB/PST pronominal - i suffix | 原始藏缅/汉藏语的代词性*i后缀 | |
Taid, Tabu | Verbal suffixes in Mising | Mising的动词后缀 | |
Singh, Chungkham Yashawanta | The linguistic situation in Manipur | Manipur的语言学状况 | |
Li Xingyou | A comparative study of phonological correspondences in Rgjal Rong and Written Tibetan cognates | Rgjal Rong和藏文同源词音韵对应的比较研究 | |
Chen Baoya | On the original relationship between Chinese and Kam-Tai | 论汉语和侗台语的语源关系 | |
Weera Ostapirat | Notes on Laha final -l | Laha词尾-l笔记 | |
18.2 (1995) | |||
Cook, Richard S | The etymology of Chinese chén | 汉语辰的语源 | |
19.1 (1996) | Solnit, David B | Some evidence from Biao Min on the initials of Proto-Mienic (Yao) and Proto-Hmong-Mien (Miao-Yao) | 原始瑶语和原始苗瑶语声母的一些标敏语证据 |
Bradley, David | Tibeto-Burman languages of PDR Lao | 老挝的藏缅语 | |
Huang Bufan | Contemporary traces of the verb suffix *-s in PTB | 原始藏缅语动词后缀*-s的当代痕迹 | |
Lehman, F. K | Relative clauses in Lai Chin, with special reference to verb stem alternation and the extension of control theory | Lai Chin的关系小句,特别涉及动词词干交替和控制理论的延伸 | |
Weera Ostapirat | Sani's Fortis See-Saw and initial devoicing | 萨尼彝语声母和韵母的互动关系 | |
Hansson, Inga Lill | The interplay between the verb particle 'ə' and the sentence particles in Akha | Akha动词助词'ə'和句末助词的相互影响 | |
Hansson, Inga Lill | Object-verb in Akha: the ABB structure | Akha语的ABB宾动结构 | |
Matisoff, James A | The cognate noun/verb construction in Lahu | 拉祜语的同源名/动构造 | |
Mazaudon, Martine | An outline of the historical phonology of the dialects of Nar-Phu (Nepal) | Nar-Phu 方言(尼泊尔)的历史音韵概要 | |
Hogan, Lee C | The moraic structure of Classical Tibetan | 古典藏语的莫拉结构 | |
19.2 (1996) | |||
Sun Hongkai | Case markers of personal pronouns in Tibeto-Burman languages | 藏缅语言中人称代词的格标记 | |
Kansakar, Tej R | Multilingualism and the language situation in Nepal | 尼泊尔的多语系统和语言状况 | |
Hargreaves, David | From interrogation to topicalization: Proto-Tibeto-Burman *la in Kathmandu Newar | 从疑问到话题化:Kathmandu Newar 中的原始藏缅词*la | |
Feurer, Hanny | The contemporary use of honorifics in Lhasa Tibetan | 拉萨藏语敬语的现代用法 | |
Wang Xiaosong | Prolegomenon to Rgyalthang Tibetan phonology | Rgyalthang藏语音韵序论 | |
Hongladarom, Krisadawan | Rgyalthang Tibetan of Yunnan: a preliminary report | 云南的Rgyalthang藏语初探 | |
Sarep, Hpung | A study of the morphology of verbs and nouns in the Sinwal dialect of the Rawang language | 日旺(Rawang)语Sinwal方言的动词和名词形态研究 | |
20.1 (1997) | Fu Maoji | A descriptive grammar of Lolo | 彝语描写语法 |
Xu Lin | The life and works of Fu Maoji | 傅懋勣的生活与工作 | |
Xu Lin | Foreword to special issue: Fu Maoji, A descriptive grammar of Lolo | 特辑序言:傅懋勣《彝语描写语法》 | |
20.2 (1997) | |||
Matisoff, James A | In memoriam: Paul K. Benedict (1912-1997) | 纪念Paul K. Benedict (1912-1997) | |
Melnik, Nurit | The sound system of Lai | Lai的语音系统 | |
Roengpitya, Rungpat | Glottal stop and glottalization in Lai (connected speech) | Lai(连续话语)的喉塞音和喉化 | |
Patent, Jason D | Lai verb lists | Lai语动词列表 | |
Melnik, Nurit | Verbal alternations in Lai | Lai语的动词交替 | |
Kavitskaya, Darya | Tense and aspect in Lai Chin | Lai Chin语的时和体 | |
21.1 (1998) | Smith, Tomoko Yamashita | The middle voice in Lai | Lai的中间态 |
Barnes, Jonathan | Tsuu khaa tii hlaʔ: deixis, demonstratives and discourse particles in Lai Chin | suu khaa tii hlaʔ:Lai Chin语的直指词、指示词和会话助词 | |
Peterson, David A | The morphosyntax of transitivization in Lai (Haka Chin) | Lai (Haka Chin)及物化的形态句法 | |
Patent, Jason D | A willy-nilly look at Lai ideophones | Lai语模状词 | |
VanBik, Kenneth | Lai psycho-collocation | Lai语带身体部分的成语 | |
Weera Ostapirat | Tiddim Chin tones in historical perspective | 从历史的角度看Tiddim Chin声调 | |
21.2 (1998) | |||
Benedict, Paul K | The first person pronoun in Archaic Chinese, with a note on duplex characters | 上古汉语的第一人称代词,及关于复合字的笔记 | |
Schuessler, Axel | Another note on Old Tibetan rje-blas | 古藏语rje-blas别解 | |
Singh, Chungkham Yashawanta | The impersonal construction in Manipuri (Meithei) | Manipuri (Meithei)的无人称构式 | |
Burling, Robbins | Phom phonology and word list | Phom音韵和词表 | |
Burling, Robbins | Wancho phonology and word list | Wancho音韵和词表 | |
Bilmes, Leela | The /ka-/ and /kra-/ prefixes in Thai | 泰语的/ka-/和/kra-/前缀 | |
Ratliff, Martha | Ho Ne (She) is Hmongic: one final argument | 活聂(畲)属于苗语支:最终的论证 | |
Hogan, Lee C | Austronesian roots and Sino-Tibetan: some lexical correspondences | 南岛语词根和汉藏语:一些词汇对应 | |
22.1 (1999) | Edmondson, Jerold A. and Li Shaoni | Laghuu or Xæ Phœ, a new language of the Yi group | 彝语群的一种新语言,Laghuu或 Xæ Phœ |
Feurer, Hanny and Yang Fuquan | Greetings among Naxi and Kham Tibetans on Yunnan's high plateau | 云南高原上纳西和康藏的问候语 | |
Fulop, Sean A. and Michael Dobrovolsky | An instrumental analysis of Sharchhop obstruents | Sharchhop阻塞音的实验分析 | |
Lin Ying-chin | What did Qiangic peoples call the twelve months? | 羌人把十二个月叫什么? | |
Makley, Charlene, Keith Dede, Hua Kan, and Wang Qingshan | The Amdo dialect of Labrang | Labrang的安多方言 | |
Mishra, Awadhesh K. and Rajasree Dutta | The Manipuris in the Barak Valley: a case study of language maintenance | Barak山谷里的Manipuri 人:语言保持的一个实例研究 | |
Sharma, Hanjabam Surmangol | A comparison between Khasi and Manipuri word order | Khasi 和Manipuri词序的比较 | |
Subbarao, K.V. and Mimi Kevichüsa | Internal relative clauses in Tenyidie (Angami) | Tenyidie (Angami)的内嵌关系小句 | |
Sun Hongkai | The category of causative verbs in Tibeto-Burman languages | 藏缅语使役动词的范畴 | |
Weera Ostapirat | Half and plus is minus | 一半和加上就是减 | |
22.2 (1999) | |||
Ferlus, Michel | Phonétique historique et écriture du chinois: réflexions à propos de la série phonogrammique GSR 94 | 历史语音学与中文书写:关于《汉文典》谐声系列94的一些想法 | |
Chen Zhongmin | The common origin of diminutives in southern Chinese dialects and Southeast Asian languages | 南方汉语方言和东南亚语言小称的共同来源 | |
Dai Qingxia | On the languages of the Jingpo nationality | 论景颇族的语言 | |
Sun Hongkai | On the Himalayan languages of the eastern Himalayan area in China | 论中国境内东喜马拉雅区域的喜马拉雅语言 | |
Schuessler, Axel | Kanauri am 'path' | Kanauri语am '路' | |
Haller, Felix | A brief comparison of register tone in Central Tibetan and Kham Tibetan | 中部藏语和康藏的调域声调的简略比较 | |
Hogan, Lee C | The Old Tibetan terminative -su | 古藏语目的格标志-su | |
Neukom, Lukas | Phonological typology of northeast India | 印度东北的音系类型 | |
Singh, Chungkham Yashawanta | Tense and aspect in Kuki-Chin | Kuki-Chin的时和体 | |
Burling, Robbins | On Kamarupan | 论Kamarupan | |
Matisoff, James A | In defense of Kamarupan | 为Kamarupan辩护 | |
Xu Shixuan | Aspect and tense in the Bisu language | 毕苏语的体和时 | |
Zide, Norman | Three Munda scripts | 三种Munda文字 | |
23.1 (2000) | Weera Ostapirat | Proto-Kra | 原始Kra |
23.2 (2000) | |||
Bickel, Balthasar | Introduction: person and evidence in Himalayan languages | 序:喜马拉雅语言的人称和示证范畴 | |
Peterson, John | Evidentials, inferentials, and mirativity in Nepali | Nepali的示证、推测和新信息标志 | |
Zeisler, Bettina | Narrative conventions in Tibetan languages: the issue of mirativity | 藏语的叙述惯例:新信息标志的问题 | |
Bielmeier, Roland | Syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic-epistemic functions of auxiliaries in Western Tibetan | 西部藏语助词的句法、语义和语用-认识功能 | |
Volkart, Marianne | The meaning of the auxiliary morpheme 'dug in the aspect systems of Central Tibetan dialects | 中部藏语方言体系统中辅助语素'dug的意义 | |
Huber, Brigitte | Preliminary report on evidential categories in Lende Tibetan (Kyirong) | Lende藏语(Kyirong)示证范畴初探 | |
Haller, Felix | The verbal categories of Shigatse Tibetan and Themchen Tibetan | Shigatse 藏语和 Themchen 藏语的动词范畴 | |
24.1 (2001) | Häsler, Katrin | An empathy-based approach to the description of the verb system of the Dege dialect of Tibetan | 一种基于移情的方法描述藏语德格方言动词系统 |
Hein,Veronika | The role of the speaker in the verbal system of the Tibetan dialect of Tabo/Spiti | Tabo/Spiti藏语方言的动词系统中言者的角色 | |
Tournadre, Nicolas | Final auxiliary verbs in literary Tibetan and in the dialects | 藏文和方言中的句末助动词 | |
Jacquesson, François | Person-marking in TB languages, Northeastern India | 印度东北藏缅语言中的人称标记 | |
Michailovsky, Boyd | Limbu nous autres and first person morphology | Limbu “我们”“别人”和第一人称形态 | |
Michailovsky, Boyd | Notes on Brian Hodgson's Limbu paradigms (1857) | 关于Brian Hodgson Limbu语动词形态纪录(1857)的笔记 | |
King, John T | The affinal kin register in Dhimal | Dhimal的姻亲亲属词 | |
24.2 (2001) | |||
LaPolla, Randy J | Dulong texts: seven fully analyzed narrative and procedural texts | 独龙语语料:七篇全面分析了的叙述性和程序性语料 | |
Joseph, U.V. and Robbins Burling | Tone correspondences among the Bodo languages | Bodo语言中的声调对应 | |
Ding, Picus Shizhi | The pitch-accent system of Niuwozi Prinmi | Niuwozi Prinmi的音高-重音系统 | |
Bielenberg, Brian and Zhalie Nienu | Chokri (Phek dialect): phonetics and phonology | Chokri (Phek方言):语音和音系 | |
Hartmann, Helga | Prenasalization and preglottalization in Daai Chin, with parallel examples from Mro and Mara | Daai Chin的前鼻化和前喉塞,以及来自 Mro和Mara的平行例子 | |
Hartmann, Helga | Function of naak/na in Daai Chin with examples from other Chin languages | naak/na 在Daai Chin中的功能,以及其他Chin语中的例子 | |
Bedell, George | The syntax of deixis in Lai | Lai语的直指句法 | |
Noonan, Michael | The double demonstratives of Chantyal | Chantyal的双重指示代词 | |
Lester, Peter and Zhou Facheng | Negation in Qiang grammar | 羌语语法中的否定 | |
Dempsey, Jakob | Remarks on the vowel system of old Burmese | 古缅语元音系统评注 | |
Anderson, Gregory and Randall Eggert | A typology of verb agreement in Burushaski | Burushask动词一致系统的类型 | |
25.1 (2002) | Watters, Stephen A | The sounds and tones of five Tibetan languages of the Himalayan region | 喜马拉雅区域五种藏语的语音和声调 |
Rischel, Jørgen | Notes on the pronunciation of an eastern variety of Burmese | 缅语东部土语的发音笔记 | |
Handel, Zev | Proto-Lolo-Burmese velar clusters and the origin of Lisu palatal sibilants | 原始彝缅语的软腭复辅音和傈僳硬腭咝音的来源 | |
Hyman, Larry M. and Kenneth VanBik | Tone and stem2-formation in Hakha Lai | Hakha Lai中的声调和词干2的形成 | |
Löffler, Lorenz | Some notes on Maraa | 有关Maraa的一些笔记 | |
Matisoff, James A | Wedge issues | 楔子问题 | |
Saxena, Anju | Speech reporting strategies in Kinnauri narratives | Kinnauri叙述中的传话策略 | |
Honda, Isao | Seke phonology: a comparative study of three Seke dialects | Seke音系:三个Seke方言的比较研究 | |
Lahaussois, Aimée | Vowel tenseness and assimilation in Yi: a feature geometry study | 彝语的元音紧性和同化:特征几何研究 | |
25.2 (2002) | |||
Sun Hongkai | A discussion of Qiang bilingualism—with concurrent comments on the influence of Chinese on the Qiang language | 羌族双语系统讨论-附评汉语对羌语的影响 | |
Ikeda, Takumi | On pitch accent in the Mu-nya language | 论Mu-nya的音高重音 | |
Devi, Sarju and K.V. Subbarao | Reduplication and case copying: the case of lexical anaphors in Manipuri and Telegu | 重叠和格复制:Manipuri和Telegu的词汇照应实例 | |
Singh, S. Imoba and L. Sarbajit Singh | Manipuri adjectives: a new approach | Manipuri的形容词:一种新的看法 | |
Hartmann, Helga | Verb stem alternation in Daai Chin | Daai Chin的动词词干交替 | |
VanBik, Kenneth | Three types of causative constructions in Hakha Lai | Hakha Lai的三种使役构式 | |
Löffler, Lorenz | The tonal system of Chin final stops | Chin塞音韵尾的声调系统 | |
Rastogi, Kavita | Raji: language of a vanishing Himalayan tribe | Raji:一个正在消逝的喜马拉雅部落的语言 | |
Coblin, W. South | On certain functions of 'a-chung in early Tibetan transcriptional texts | 论早期藏文抄本中小a的某些功能 | |
Saxena, Anju | Request and command in Kinnauri: the pragmatics of translating politeness | Kinnauri的请求和命令:翻译礼貌的语用方面 | |
Chen Baoya | Relativistic rank analysis of kernel consistent corresponding words between Chinese and Kam-Tai | 汉台核心一致对应的相对有阶分析 | |
Matisoff, James A | The present state of PST/PTB reconstruction: can we even write a fable in Proto-Lolo-Burmese? | 原始汉藏语/原始藏缅语重构的现状:我们能以原始彝缅语写个寓言么? | |
Mortensen, David | Review of Les langues Hmong-Mjen (Miao-Yao): Phonologie historique by Barbara Niederer | 评Barbara Niederer《苗瑶语:历史音韵》 | |
26.1 (2003) | Huber, Brigitte | Relative clauses in Kyirong Tibetan | Kyirong藏语的关系小句 |
Shintani, Tadahiko | Notes à propos de l'étymologie du mot karen | “克伦”一词的语源笔记 | |
Lehman, F. K | The proper syntax of case and the determiner phrase (DP) in Lai Chin | Lai Chin语的格的严格句法和限定短语 | |
Lahaussois, Aimée | Nominalization and its various uses in Thulung Rai | Thulung Rai中的名词化和它的多种功能 | |
Dempsey, Jakob | Analysis of Rime-Groups in Northern-Burmish | 北部缅语的韵部分析 | |
Ratliff, Martha | Review of Jiǒngnàiyǔ Yánjiū [A study of Jiongnai] by Mao Zongwu and Li Yunbing | 评毛宗武、李云兵《炯奈语研究》 | |
Mortensen, David | Review of Baheng-yu Yanjiu [Research on the Pahng language] by Mao Zongwu and Li Yunbing | 评毛宗武、李云兵《巴亨语研究》 | |
Norquest, Peter | Review of The Yanghuang language by Bo Wenze | 评薄文泽《佯僙语研究》 | |
Handel, Zev | Review of Róuruòyǔ yánjiū [A study of Rouruo] by Sūn Hóngkāi, Huáng Chénglóng, and Zhōu Máocǎo | 评孙宏开、黄成龙、周毛草《柔若语研究》 | |
Edmondson, Jerold A. and Li Shaoni | Review of Lajiyu Yanjiu by Li Yunbing | 评李云兵《拉基语研究》 | |
27.1 (2004) | |||
Opgenort, Jean Robert | Implosive and preglottalized stops in Kiranti | Kiranti的内爆音和前喉塞音 | |
Devi, Hajarimayum Subadani | Loanwords in Manipuri and their impact | Manipuri语中的借词及其影响 | |
Löffler, Lorenz | Some notes on Maraa: II | 关于 Maraa的笔记: II | |
Pramodini, N | Taboo in Meiteiron | Meiteiron语中的禁忌 | |
Handel, Zev | Review of A study of Sangkong by Lǐ Yǒngsuì | 评李永燧《桑孔语研究》 | |
Norquest, Peter | Review of Moyu Yanjiu [A study of Mak] by YANG Tongyin | 评杨通银《莫语研究》 | |
Matisoff, James A | HPTB addenda and corrigenda #1 | 《原始藏缅语手册》补遗和勘误#1 | |
28.1 (2005) | Hildebrandt, Kristine A | A phonetic analysis of Manange segmental and suprasegmental properties | Manange语音段和超音段成分的语音分析 |
Pramodini, N | Gender differences in Meiteiron | Meiteiron的性别区分 | |
Betholia, Chandam | Politeness and power: An analysis of Meiteilon suffixes | 礼貌和权势:Meiteilon词缀的分析 | |
Noonan, Michael | Review of A grammar of Kham by David Watters | 评David Watters《莰语语法》 | |
Weera Ostapirat | Review of The Cun language by Ouyang Jueya | 评欧阳觉亚《村语研究》 | |
Thurgood, Graham | Review of A Grammar of Qiang, with annotated texts and glossary by Randy J. LaPolla with Chenglong Huang | 评罗仁地、黄成龙《羌语语法,及评注语料和词汇表》 | |
Noonan, Michael | Corrections to "Recent language contact in the Nepal Himalaya", in David Bradley, et al., Language Variation: Papers on variation and change in the Sinosphere and Indosphere in Honour of James A. Matisoff | “尼泊尔喜马拉雅区域最近的语言接触”纠误(文载David Bradley 等《语言变异:关于汉语圈和印度圈的变异和变化的论文以庆祝James A. Matisoff) | |
28.2 | |||
Katia Chirkova | Baima nominal postpositions and their etymology | 白马语名词性后置词和它们的语源 | |
Jamin R. Pelkey | Puzzling over Phula: toward the synthesis and statement of a sub-branch | Phula之谜:朝向一个子语支的综合与宣言 | |
U. V. Joseph | Causatives in Rabha | Rabha的使役 | |
Nathan W. Hill | Once more on the letter འ | 再论藏语字母འ | |
Stephen Morey | Tonal Change in the Tai languages of Northeast India | 印度东北台语的声调变化 | |
Jamin R. Pelkey | Report on the 38th Int. Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics | 第38届国际汉藏语言暨语言学会议报告 | |
29.1 (April 2006) | LI Jinfang and LUO Yongxian | Notes on Paha Buyang | Paha布央语笔记 |
Mark POST | Compounding and the Structure of the Tani Lexicon | Tani语中复合化与词汇结构 | |
Alexis MICHAUD | Tonal Reassociation and Rising Tonal Contours in Naxi | 纳西语的声调重连与升调 | |
James A. MATISOFF | Much Adu 阿都 about something: extrusional labiovelars in a Northern Yi patois | 彝语阿都话唇软腭复辅音声母比较研究 | |
Jackson T.-S. SUN | Special Linguistic Features of gSerpa Tibetan | gSerpa藏语的特殊语言学特征 | |
Susan WALTERS and Ndaxit ATQI | Existential clauses in Nosu Yi texts | 诺苏彝语语料中的存在句 | |
Stephen MOREY | Northeast India Linguistics Society: Report on the 1st Conference, February 2006 | 印度东北语言学会:第一次会议报告,2006年2月 | |
Alec COUPE | Report on the 11th Himalayan Languages Symposium and Workshop on Old Tibetan | 第11届喜马拉雅语言研讨会和古藏语研习营报告 | |
29.2 | Marlys MACKEN and Hanh T. NGUYễN | Nói lái and the structure of the syllable | Nói lái和音节结构 |
Felix HALLER | Verbal valence in Shigatse Tibetan and Themchen Tibetan | Shigatse藏语和Themchen 藏语的动词价 | |
Nathan W. HILL | Tibetan vwa ‘fox’ and the sound change Tibeto-Burman *wa > Tibetan o | 藏语vwa ‘狐狸’ 和原始藏缅语 *wa > 藏语 o 的音变 | |
Jonathon EVANS | Origins of Vowel Pharyngealization in Hongyan Qiang | 红岩羌语元音喉化的来源 | |
John HAJEK | On doubly articulated labial-velar stops and nasals in Tibeto-Burman | 论藏缅语双重发音的唇软腭塞音和鼻音 | |
W. South COBLIN | Two Notes on Táng-time Tibetan Transcriptions of Chinese | 唐代的汉语藏文转写笔记二则 | |
Mark POST | Review of The Tai Languages of Assam – A Grammar and Texts, by Stephen Morey, Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 2005 | 评Stephen Morey《阿萨姆的泰语——语法与语料》Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 2005 | |
Jamin R. PELKEY | Report on the 39th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics | 第39届国际汉藏语言暨语言学会议报告 | |
30.1 (April 2007) | Harimon THOUNAOJAM and Shobhana L. CHELLIAH | The Lamkang Language: Grammatical Sketch, Texts and Lexicon | Lamkang语:语法概要、语料和词汇 |
David BRADLEY | Report on the 12th Himalayan Languages Symposium and on the 27th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal, 26-28 November 2006 | 第12届喜马拉雅语言研讨会和第27届尼泊尔语言学会年会报告,Tribhuvan 大学, Kirtipur, 加德满都,尼泊尔,2006年11月 26-28日 | |
David BRADLEY | Report on the 2nd Workshop on Heritage Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, Yuxi Normal Institute, Yuxi, Yunnan, China, 3-5 December 2006 | 第2届中国云南濒危语言的遗产保护研习营报告,玉溪师范学院,中国云南玉溪,2006年12月3-5日 | |
Gwendolyn LOWES | Report on the 2nd Annual Meeting of the North East India Linguistic Society, Guwahati, Assam, India, 5-9 February 2007 | 第2届印度东北语言学会年会报告,印度阿萨姆Guwahati,2007年2月5-9日 | |
30.2 (Oct. 2007) | Alexandra Y. AIKHENVALD and Randy J. LAPOLLA | New perspectives on evidentials: a view from Tibeto-Burman | 关于示证的新视野:藏缅语的角度 |
Krisadawan HONGLADAROM | Evidentiality in Rgyalthang Tibetan | Rgyalthang藏语的示证标志 | |
Liberty A. LIDZ | Evidentiality in Yongning Na (Mosuo) | 永宁纳西(摩梭)的示证标志 | |
Christina M. WILLIS | Evidentiality in Darma (Tibeto-Burman) | Darma(藏缅)的示证标志 | |
SHIRAI Satoko | Evidentials and evidential-like categories in nDrapa | nDrapa的示证和类似示证范畴 | |
Karen GRUNOW-HÅRSTA | Evidentiality and mirativity in Magar | Magar的示证和新信息标志 | |
Veronika HEIN | The mirative and its interplay with evidentiality in the Tibetan dialect of Tabo (Spiti) | 藏语Tabo (Spiti)方言的新信息标志及其与示证标志的相互影响 | |
David B. SOLNIT | Review of A Study of the Biao Language 标话研究, by Liang Min and Zhang Junru, Beijing: Central Nationalities University Press, 2002 | 评梁敏、张均如《标话研究》,北京:中央民族大学出版社2002 | |
Heleen PLAISIER | Review of A grammar of Kulung (Languages of the greater Himalayan Region 4), by Gerard J. Tolsma, Leiden: Brill, 2006 | 评Gerard J. Tolsma《Kulung语法》,莱顿:Brill, 2006. | |
Jens KARLSSON | Report on the 40th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL), held at Heilongjiang University, Harbin, PRC September 26-29, 2007 | 第40届国际汉藏语言和语言学会议报告,中国哈尔滨,黑龙江大学,2007年9月26-29 | |