Cite as follows:

`Igoo Rɨbaa, Mark W. Post, `Ilɨɨ Rɨbaa, `Miilɨɨ `Ɲodu, `Kenjum `Bagra, `Bomcak Rɨbaa, Toomoo Rɨbaa, Notoo Aado, and Dambom Keenaa. 2009. Galo-English dictionary, with English-Galo index [International Edition]. Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India: Galo Welfare Society. Accessed via STEDT database <> on 2025-03-11.

Note: The complete work is available here. (Permission to store and use electronic copies is hereby extended to local and international scholars under fair use. Permission to further disseminate electronic copies is not extended to this group.)

Vowels: a i u e o ɨ ə

Consonants: k g ŋ c [ʨ] j [ʥ] ɲ t d n p b m y r l s [s ~ ɕ] h

1) “Plain” or unspecified: (unmarked)
2) “Tense”: `

Abbreviations: See pp. xxiii-xxiv of the dictionary for parts-of-speech abbreviations.

Other notes:
p. xiv:
“It has also been decided to retain the Galo system for marking tones, which is quite different from most standard practices. Namely, an accent marker “`” marks only words specified for a “Tense” tone (phonetically low or rising-falling, depending on word structure/length), while words specified for a “Plain” tone (phonetically high and level) are left unmarked;”

p. xv:
“A final and quite serious drawback of the orthography used in this Dictionary concerns non-representation of breathy versus glottal (stop) onsets to otherwise vowel-initial words. This is an extremely important aspect of Proto-Galo prosody which is unfortunately completely ignored in the representation given here. The reason for this is that prosodic onset contrasts are robustly retained in only a few Galo dialects; in several other Galo dialects, including the `Laree dialect which forms the primary reference point for this Dictionary, prosodic onset contrasts have decayed to the point that even expert speakers are not able to recognize or reproduce the relevant distinctions.”

Languages in this source:

ISO 639-3 Language Name Short Lg Name Group num. of records Phon. Inventory
adl Galo Galo - Western Tani 7067