Cite as follows:

Bruhn, Daniel W. 2014. Central Naga supplementary data. (unpublished ms. contributed to STEDT). Accessed via STEDT database <> on 2025-02-22.

This STEDT data set contains additional Mongsen, Chungli, and Lotha items not included in Bruhn 2014, A Phonological Reconstruction of Proto-Central Naga.

Lotha forms without tone numbers have not had their tones verified.

Languages in this source:

ISO 639-3 Language Name Short Lg Name Group num. of records Phon. Inventory
njo Ao (Chungli) Ch 1.3.1 - Central Naga (Ao Group) 352
njo Ao (Mongsen: Khensa) Mo 1.3.1 - Central Naga (Ao Group) 6
njh Lotha Naga Lotha 1.3.1 - Central Naga (Ao Group) 590