541548 | | a: | mouth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 30 | | | 0 |
541545 | | a:gal | rein | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 27 | | | 0 |
541546 | bIndic | a:m | mango | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 28 | | | 1 |
541547 | bIndic | a:rsi | mirror | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 29 | | | 1 |
541525 | | ai | dem. pro. this | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 7 | | | 0 |
541519 | | aijamma: | these | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1 | | | 0 |
541520 | | aikho | here | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 2 | | | 0 |
541521 | | aimaŋ | these (used for human beings) | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 3 | | | 0 |
541522 | | aina gartɛ | like this | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 4 | | | 0 |
541524 | | aitɔksa: | this side | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 6 | | | 0 |
541523 | | aiʃɛ | these | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 5 | | | 0 |
541526 | | akhan | sickle | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 8 | | | 0 |
541527 | | akple | lips | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 9 | | | 0 |
541528 | | ald5wa:re | jaw | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 10 | | | 0 |
541529 | bIndic | alu | potato | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 11 | | | 1 |
541530 | | am | path | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 12 | | | 0 |
541531 | | anɛ | here | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 13 | | | 0 |
541533 | | aptyali | childless person | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 15 | | | 0 |
541543 | bIndic | at5o | flour | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 25 | | | 1 |
541541 | | ati | dem. pro. that (remote) | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 23 | | | 0 |
541535 | | atijamma: | these | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 17 | | | 0 |
541536 | | atikho | there | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 18 | | | 0 |
541537 | | atimaŋ | those (used for human beings) | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 19 | | | 0 |
541539 | | atiʃɛ | those | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 21 | | | 0 |
541538 | | ati◦na gartɛ | that side | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 20 | | | 0 |
541540 | | ati◦tɔksa: | that side | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 22 | | | 0 |
541542 | | atlaŋ | that much | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 24 | | | 0 |
541534 | | atɛ | there | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 16 | | | 0 |
541532 | | aŋmo | lift, pick up | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 14 | | | 0 |
541544 | | àŋʃimo | boast | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 26 | | | 0 |
541568 | | ba | father (term of reference) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 50 | | | 0 |
541556 | | ba:mo | fold | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 38 | | | 0 |
541558 | | ba:ndar | monkey | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 40 | | | 0 |
541551 | | bagta:re | weather | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 33 | | | 0 |
541552 | | baili | childless woman | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 34 | | | 0 |
541553 | | balcham | braid | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 35 | | | 0 |
541554 | | balwa: | sand | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 36 | | | 0 |
541555 | | bamba: | Caudangs people | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 37 | | | 0 |
541557 | | banan sɔŋ | in-laws' village | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 39 | | | 0 |
541560 | | band5u | utensils | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 42 | | | 0 |
541562 | bIndic | banji | sister's daughter | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 44 | | | 1 |
541561 | bIndic | banjɛ | sister's son | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 43 | | | 1 |
541566 | | barje | lion | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 48 | | | 0 |
541567 | | barts | female lamb | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 49 | | | 0 |
541565 | | baŋ | place | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 47 | | | 0 |
541559 | | baŋba:lo | local name for Caudangsi language | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 41 | | | 0 |
541563 | | baŋkhar | morning | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 45 | | | 0 |
541564 | | baŋmo | erect a wall for a house, etc. | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 46 | | | 0 |
541549 | | ba◦ba: | father (term of address) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 31 | | | 0 |
541550 | | ba◦bu | father's eldest brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 32 | | | 0 |
541570 | | be | buckwheat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 52 | | | 0 |
541569 | | beʃimo | work in exchange | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 51 | | | 0 |
541596 | | bhak | sound | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 78 | | | 0 |
541597 | bIndic | bhiti | wild lizard | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 79 | | | 1 |
541573 | bIndic | bila | cat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 55 | | | 1 |
541576 | | boktsa: | uncastrated male-goat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 58 | | | 0 |
541579 | | boŋ◦tsɛ | donkey | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 61 | | | 0 |
541574 | 5429,m | bo◦chab | porcupine | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 56 | | | 0 |
541580 | | brɨdəm | frost in ice form | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 62 | | | 0 |
541581 | | bu:mo | carry something on the back | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 63 | | | 0 |
541582 | | bumo | release | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 64 | | | 0 |
541585 | | buti | butter milk | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 67 | | | 0 |
541584 | | buŋthɛ | tall, long | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 66 | | | 0 |
541583 | | buŋ◦mo | pile; become long | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 65 | | | 0 |
541587 | | byam | type of carpet | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 69 | | | 0 |
541586 | | byaŋkholo | the native name for Byangsi language | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 68 | | | 0 |
541589 | | bye | steep mountain rock | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 71 | | | 0 |
541590 | | byuliʃya: | bride | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 72 | | | 0 |
541591 | | byulo | bridegroom | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 73 | | | 0 |
541588 | | byɛdɛ | thin (in thickness, of a sheet like things) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 70 | | | 0 |
541575 | | bɔkrɔ | throat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 57 | | | 0 |
541577 | | bɔla: | thumb | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 59 | | | 0 |
541578 | | bɔmo | flow, be opened | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 60 | | | 0 |
541592 | | bəd◦mi | bad (literally bad man) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 74 | | | 0 |
541593 | | bəldɛ | fat (round shaped objects) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 75 | | | 0 |
541594 | | bəmo | be known | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 76 | | | 0 |
541595 | | bərmo | falling (of something from a tree, etc.) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 77 | | | 0 |
541571 | | bɛ | skin | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 53 | | | 0 |
541572 | | bɨe | thread | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 54 | | | 0 |
541598 | | cakti | local beer | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 80 | | | 0 |
541599 | | calkɛ | threshold | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 81 | | | 0 |
541600 | | camts | she-goat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 82 | | | 0 |
541601 | | canpa: | person from Johar valley | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 83 | | | 0 |
541603 | | carmo | weigh | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 85 | | | 0 |
541604 | | carpyɛ | cock | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 86 | | | 0 |
541602 | | caŋʃya: | hips | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 84 | | | 0 |
541607 | | cemo | pinch, bite | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 89 | | | 0 |
541646 | | cha:dɛ | itch, itching sensation | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 128 | | | 0 |
541647 | | cha:mo | break (hard objects- stones etc.) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 129 | | | 0 |
541648 | | cha:t5o | quick, fast | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 130 | | | 0 |
541650 | | chakta | sweet | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 132 | | | 0 |
541651 | | chaku | cooked rice | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 133 | | | 0 |
541649 | | chak◦cha: | urine | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 131 | | | 0 |
541652 | 366 | cham | wool | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 134 | | | 0 |
541653 | | chanan | tomorrow | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 135 | | | 0 |
541654 | | chandi | hut | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 136 | | | 0 |
541658 | | chantɛ | sun light, bright | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 140 | | | 0 |
541661 | | charmo | dry | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 143 | | | 0 |
541663 | | chatɛ | ripe | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 145 | | | 0 |
541660 | | chaŋ | wall | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 142 | | | 0 |
541655 | | chaŋgo | dead human body (in the house) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 137 | | | 0 |
541656 | | chaŋkaro | type of basket | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 138 | | | 0 |
541657 | | chaŋpaŋ | courtyard | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 139 | | | 0 |
541659 | | chaŋti | water drop | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 141 | | | 0 |
541662 | | chaʃimo | hide | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 144 | | | 0 |
541664 | | chà | fodder mixed with some corn | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 146 | | | 0 |
541666 | | chekmo | cut something with scissors (cloth etc.) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 148 | | | 0 |
541667 | | cheme | elder brother's wife | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 149 | | | 0 |
541669 | | chilmo | wash clothes | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 151 | | | 0 |
541670 | | chimmo | tether animals | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 152 | | | 0 |
541671 | | chincha: | liver | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 153 | | | 0 |
541672 | | chirbe | dried cheese | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 154 | | | 0 |
541673 | | chirmo | milch | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 155 | | | 0 |
541674 | | chiʃide | love | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 156 | | | 0 |
541675 | | chiʃimo | feed each other, feed oneself | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 157 | | | 0 |
541676 | | chı̀mo | feed, close | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 158 | | | 0 |
541679 | | choŋ | piece | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 161 | | | 0 |
541677 | | chò | lake | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 159 | | | 0 |
541678 | | chò: | spoon | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 160 | | | 0 |
541683 | | chubu | mole | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 165 | | | 0 |
541684 | | chusar | rose colour | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 166 | | | 0 |
541685 | | chùmo | win, collect (mass nouns things like corn, etc.) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 167 | | | 0 |
541686 | | chyamo | be hot | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 168 | | | 0 |
541687 | | chyàpa: | summer | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 169 | | | 0 |
541680 | | chɔkʃimo | itch | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 162 | | | 0 |
541681 | | chɔlmo | peel something like potato or some vegetables with hard skin | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 163 | | | 0 |
541682 | | chɔ̀ mo | dye, mix | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 164 | | | 0 |
541668 | | chɛ̀ | fat; a type resin colour | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 150 | | | 0 |
541665 | | ch̀a: | grain | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 147 | | | 0 |
541614 | | ci:mo | squeeze | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 96 | | | 0 |
541615 | | cikhu | inside | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 97 | | | 0 |
541616 | | cim | house, home | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 98 | | | 0 |
541617 | bIndic | cini | sugar | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 99 | | | 1 |
541618 | | ciptsɛ | bird | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 100 | | | 0 |
541624 | | cı̀ | ten | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 106 | | | 0 |
541620 | bIndic | cı̀:l | kite | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 102 | | | 1 |
541621 | | cı̀cimo | think | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 103 | | | 0 |
541622 | | cı̀mmo | burn, ignite | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 104 | | | 0 |
541623 | | cı̀ni | father's sister, a general term | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 105 | | | 0 |
541619 | | ci◦rgu | nineteen | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 101 | | | 0 |
541628 | | co | memory | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 110 | | | 0 |
541625 | | codɛ | mad | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 107 | | | 0 |
541626 | | como | finish | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 108 | | | 0 |
541627 | | conyɛ | seventeen | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 109 | | | 0 |
541629 | | cukalcɛ | elbow | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 111 | | | 0 |
541630 | | cukcham | beard | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 112 | | | 0 |
541631 | | cukli | armpit | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 113 | | | 0 |
541633 | | cukti | cap | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 115 | | | 0 |
541634 | | cuku | floor; lime | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 116 | | | 0 |
541632 | | cukʃimo | wear clothes | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 114 | | | 0 |
541635 | | cuŋmo | drown, go ahead | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 117 | | | 0 |
541636 | | cuŋʃimo- | go forward | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 118 | | | 0 |
541637 | | cwo | chin | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 119 | | | 0 |
541638 | | cya:mo | hide | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 120 | | | 0 |
541639 | | cyamo | break (rope, thread) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 121 | | | 0 |
541640 | | cyàmo | cut | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 122 | | | 0 |
541642 | | cye | bud | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 124 | | | 0 |
541641 | | cyesa: | cremating place | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 123 | | | 0 |
541643 | | cyı̀mo | bark | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 125 | | | 0 |
541645 | | cyukla | gown type of dress | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 127 | | | 0 |
541644 | | cyɔla: | index finger | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 126 | | | 0 |
541613 | | cɛ | flower | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 95 | | | 0 |
541605 | | cɛban | fifteen | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 87 | | | 0 |
541606 | | cɛbjɛ | eighteen | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 88 | | | 0 |
541608 | | cɛnyɛ | twelve | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 90 | | | 0 |
541609 | | cɛpi | fourteen | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 91 | | | 0 |
541610 | | cɛsəm | thirteen | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 92 | | | 0 |
541612 | | cɛt5o | sixteen | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 94 | | | 0 |
541611 | | cɛthe | eleven | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 93 | | | 0 |
541717 | | d5abd5ab | nearly, approximately | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 199 | | | 0 |
541718 | | d5abmo | gathering of crowd; continue | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 200 | | | 0 |
541719 | | d5akthɛ | bright | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 201 | | | 0 |
541720 | bIndic | d5ali | branch of tree | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 202 | | | 1 |
541721 | | d5alo | stone (of fruit), a piece of stone | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 203 | | | 0 |
541724 | | d5am | blacksmith | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 206 | | | 0 |
541722 | | d5ami | marriage | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 204 | | | 0 |
541723 | | d5ammo | stir | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 205 | | | 0 |
541726 | | d5anmo | be dense | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 208 | | | 0 |
541728 | | d5aŋthe | beautiful | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 210 | | | 0 |
541727 | | d5aŋʃimo | be employed | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 209 | | | 0 |
541725 | | d5aŋ◦mi | servant | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 207 | | | 0 |
541729 | | d5e | mule | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 211 | | | 0 |
541730 | | d5ile | slow | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 212 | | | 0 |
541733 | 2202 | d5o | poison | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 215 | | | 0 |
541731 | | d5okthe | bright, | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 213 | | | 0 |
541734 | | d5u◦mo | female yak | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 216 | | | 0 |
541732 | | d5ɔŋ | small courtyard on the first floor of the house | | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 214 | | | 0 |
541735 | | d5əmmo | tremble | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 217 | | | 0 |
541688 | | da:mo | give | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 170 | | | 0 |
541689 | | dakʃimo | fight | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 171 | | | 0 |
541690 | | dammo | sieve | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 172 | | | 0 |
541691 | | damplya: | gluttonous, voracious | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 173 | | | 0 |
541695 | | dan | belly | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 177 | | | 0 |
541693 | | danʃimo | wake up | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 175 | | | 0 |
541696 | | dar | village name | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 178 | | | 0 |
541694 | | daŋ | aim; hill | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 176 | | | 0 |
541692 | | daŋci | for | pp. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 174 | | | 0 |
541716 | bIndic | dharti | earth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 198 | | | 1 |
541697 | | dimti | vegetable with curry | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 179 | | | 0 |
541698 | | dinde | cloudy | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 180 | | | 0 |
541699 | | dobmo | see something which is far away | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 181 | | | 0 |
541700 | | dolo pəʃa: | bald headed | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 182 | | | 0 |
541701 | | dukta | bitter and hot in taste like radish | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 183 | | | 0 |
541702 | | duli | stick | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 184 | | | 0 |
541704 | | duma | a little bit less | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 186 | | | 0 |
541703 | | dumamı̀ | a few people | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 185 | | | 0 |
541705 | | dumo | knead | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 187 | | | 0 |
541706 | | dumu | rat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 188 | | | 0 |
541710 | | dunu | rabbit | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 192 | | | 0 |
541711 | | duŋ | desire | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 193 | | | 0 |
541707 | | duŋlaŋ | meal, food | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 189 | | | 0 |
541708 | | duŋ◦mo | beat; grind spices | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 190 | | | 0 |
541709 | | duŋ◦ʃi◦mo | collide, beat each other | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 191 | | | 0 |
541712 | | dyemo | go | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 194 | | | 0 |
541713 | | dyuru | wooden beam | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 195 | | | 0 |
541736 | | dza:◦mo | eat | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 218 | | | 0 |
541738 | | dzam | round from the outer side | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 220 | | | 0 |
541737 | | dzamta | smooth | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 219 | | | 0 |
541739 | | dzandi | tire, wheel | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 221 | | | 0 |
541743 | | dzar | corner (outside) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 225 | | | 0 |
541742 | | dzaŋ | gold; axe | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 224 | | | 0 |
541740 | | dzaŋkhɔ | lizard | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 222 | | | 0 |
541741 | | dzaŋthaŋ | staircase | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 223 | | | 0 |
541744 | | dzemo | get bored | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 226 | | | 0 |
541747 | | dzè | boredom | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 229 | | | 0 |
541750 | | dzimo | sneeze | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 232 | | | 0 |
541751 | | dzı̀ | sneeze | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 233 | | | 0 |
541753 | | dzumo | sprout | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 235 | | | 0 |
541755 | | dzuŋ | pair | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 237 | | | 0 |
541754 | | dzuŋmo | begin | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 236 | | | 0 |
541752 | | dzɔmo | get ready | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 234 | | | 0 |
541748 | | dzɛ | type of barley | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 230 | | | 0 |
541745 | | dzɛr phəmmo | be afraid of | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 227 | | | 0 |
541746 | | dzɛrmo | rising of sun; fear | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 228 | | | 0 |
541749 | | dzɨldɛ | clear | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 231 | | | 0 |
541714 | | dəm | garlic | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 196 | | | 0 |
541715 | | dər | ground floor of the typical local house | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 197 | | | 0 |
541759 | | ga: | paddy, a leather blanket | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 241 | | | 0 |
541756 | | ga:kta | tight | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 238 | | | 0 |
541757 | | ga:lʃimo | bellow | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 239 | | | 0 |
541758 | | gã:t5ha | valley | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 240 | | | 0 |
541760 | | gadro | ditch, pit | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 242 | | | 0 |
541763 | | gal | yak | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 245 | | | 0 |
541761 | | galmo | get stuck by itself | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 243 | | | 0 |
541762 | | galt5a:mo | stumble in intoxication | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 244 | | | 0 |
541764 | | gammo | falling, of something by itself, roll down | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 246 | | | 0 |
541765 | | gammo | wrap (things) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 247 | | | 0 |
541766 | | gamso | molar teeth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 248 | | | 0 |
541771 | | gan | 2sg. you | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 253 | | | 0 |
541768 | | gani | 2pl. you | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 250 | | | 0 |
541767 | | ganiʃi | 2du. you | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 249 | | | 0 |
541775 | | gar | fang | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 257 | | | 0 |
541772 | | garmo | door (Hindi) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 254 | | | 0 |
541773 | | garmɔ | close (door, box) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 255 | | | 0 |
541774 | | garto | woodpecker | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 256 | | | 0 |
541776 | | gat5huti | rivulet | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 258 | | | 0 |
541770 | | gaŋmo | swell | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 252 | | | 0 |
541769 | | gaŋ◦mı̀ | the other person | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 251 | | | 0 |
541778 | | gà: | wound, scar | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 260 | | | 0 |
541777 | | gàŋ | rock stuck with soil etc | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 259 | | | 0 |
541779 | | gema: | type of dish made with milk | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 261 | | | 0 |
541780 | | gi:mo | bulge | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 262 | | | 0 |
541781 | | gı̀mɔ | swallow | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 263 | | | 0 |
541782 | | goga: | maize | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 264 | | | 0 |
541783 | | golca: | lock | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 265 | | | 0 |
541784 | | gomo | cut grass | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 266 | | | 0 |
541786 | | gonu | fox | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 268 | | | 0 |
541787 | | goraŋ | body | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 269 | | | 0 |
541790 | | gughu | owl | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 272 | | | 0 |
541791 | | gugti | dove | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 273 | | | 0 |
541792 | | gui | nine | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 274 | | | 0 |
541793 | | gukar | uncastrated ram | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 275 | | | 0 |
541797 | | gul | phlegm | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 279 | | | 0 |
541794 | | gul khomo | clear one's throat | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 276 | | | 0 |
541796 | | gultɨn | testicle | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 278 | | | 0 |
541795 | | gulʃimo | cough | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 277 | | | 0 |
541798 | | gunchɛ | winter | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 280 | | | 0 |
541801 | | gunda: | in the middle | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 283 | | | 0 |
541802 | | gunhya: | second elder brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 284 | | | 0 |
541804 | | gunta: | second elder sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 286 | | | 0 |
541805 | | gurda: | fist | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 287 | | | 0 |
541800 | | guŋci | father's second elder brother's wife; mother's second elder sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 282 | | | 0 |
541799 | | guŋcini | father's second younger sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 281 | | | 0 |
541803 | | guŋka: | father's second elder brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 285 | | | 0 |
541806 | | gwan | death rites | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 288 | | | 0 |
541807 | | gwomo | collapse (house) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 289 | | | 0 |
541808 | | gyamo | white wash | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 290 | | | 0 |
541809 | | gyera: | crop, grain | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 291 | | | 0 |
541810 | | gyeʃimo | quarrel | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 292 | | | 0 |
541811 | | gyeʃinde | quarrelsome | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 293 | | | 0 |
541812 | | gyi:mo | tie, control something or someone | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 294 | | | 0 |
541813 | | gyimo | get burst | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 295 | | | 0 |
541785 | | gɔŋri gɔŋma: | middle finger | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 267 | | | 0 |
541788 | | gɔʃi phəmmo | make someone happy | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 270 | | | 0 |
541789 | | gɔʃi◦mo | be happy | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 271 | | | 0 |
541814 | | gəmmo | roll | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 296 | | | 0 |
541816 | bIndic | ha:thi: | elephant | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 298 | | | 1 |
541815 | | ha:ʃimo | backbite, complain | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 297 | | | 0 |
541817 | bIndic | haja:r | one thousand | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 299 | | | 1 |
541818 | | hal gammo | yawn | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 300 | | | 0 |
541819 | | ham | how | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 301 | | | 0 |
541820 | | hanau satho | friend | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 302 | | | 0 |
541822 | bIndic | hathoɾa: | hammer | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 304 | | | 1 |
541823 | | haula: | fog | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 305 | | | 0 |
541821 | | haŋ | then, afterwards | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 303 | | | 0 |
541824 | | heli | brass | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 306 | | | 0 |
541826 | | hinam pɨdi:de | married female | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 308 | | | 0 |
541825 | | hi◦cimo | die, be extinguished | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 307 | | | 0 |
542027 | | hla:de | straight | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 509 | | | 0 |
542028 | | hla:mo | stitch by a putting a patch of cloth | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 510 | | | 0 |
542029 | | hla:ʃimo | get down from the horse | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 511 | | | 0 |
542031 | | hlabʃimo | learn | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 513 | | | 0 |
542030 | 5433,m | hlab◦mo | teach, train | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 512 | | | 0 |
542032 | | hlame | soul | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 514 | | | 0 |
542033 | | hlammo | wrap | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 515 | | | 0 |
542034 | | hlamo | bring something down | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 516 | | | 0 |
542035 | | hlaŋ | enough | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 517 | | | 0 |
542036 | | hlaʃimo | descend | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 518 | | | 0 |
542037 | 1016 | hlà | moon, month | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 519 | | | 0 |
542038 | | hlemo | be ready | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 520 | | | 0 |
542039 | 2415,m | hli:◦thɛ | heavy | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 521 | | | 0 |
542040 | | hlimo | happen | aux. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 522 | | | 0 |
542042 | | hlyemo | join something together | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 524 | | | 0 |
542041 | | hlɔkʃimo | read | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 523 | | | 0 |
542096 | | hmi:◦mo | ripe | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 578 | | | 0 |
542098 | | hmin | name | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 580 | | | 0 |
542097 | | hmint | ripe | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 579 | | | 0 |
542099 | | hmomo | put cloth, wool, corn in place | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 581 | | | 0 |
542100 | | hmyar | frost | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 582 | | | 0 |
542101 | | hmye | daughter's husband, younger sister's husband | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 583 | | | 0 |
542144 | | hna:mo | unload something from the head or back | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 626 | | | 0 |
542145 | | hnabmo | reach | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 627 | | | 0 |
542146 | | hnakʃimo | pray | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 628 | | | 0 |
542148 | | hnappa: | accident, unfortunate happening | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 630 | | | 0 |
542149 | | hnap◦ti | snot | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 631 | | | 0 |
542147 | | hnaŋmo | measure | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 629 | | | 0 |
542150 | | hnaʃimo | make love | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 632 | | | 0 |
542151 | | hnàmo | be left over (something left over after some use) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 633 | | | 0 |
542152 | 504 | hnil | gums | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 634 | | | 0 |
542156 | | hnim | nose | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 638 | | | 0 |
542153 | | hnim d5ɔŋ t5hɔŋ | nostrils | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 635 | | | 0 |
542155 | | hnimnidɛ | one who commands respect | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 637 | | | 0 |
542154 | | hnim◦mo | smell | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 636 | | | 0 |
541827 | | hoŋ | why | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 309 | | | 0 |
542322 | | hra:dɛ | clean | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 804 | | | 0 |
542323 | | hra:mo | be ashamed of | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 805 | | | 0 |
542324 | | hracɛ | ear | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 806 | | | 0 |
542325 | | hraksa: | pebbles | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 807 | | | 0 |
542326 | | hramo | bring | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 808 | | | 0 |
542328 | | hraso | front teeth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 810 | | | 0 |
542329 | | hratam | in front, before | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 811 | | | 0 |
542330 | | hrati | cheek | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 812 | | | 0 |
542327 | | hraŋ | horse | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 809 | | | 0 |
542331 | | hremɨn | sister, brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 813 | | | 0 |
542332 | | hri:mo | setting of sun | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 814 | | | 0 |
542333 | | hril | gland | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 815 | | | 0 |
542334 | | hrimmo | criticize | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 816 | | | 0 |
542335 | | hrincimo | wait for | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 817 | | | 0 |
542338 | | hrinte | wave | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 820 | | | 0 |
542336 | | hrinʃimo | guard, watch | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 818 | | | 0 |
542337 | | hrinʃya: | sister (general term), wife's younger brother's wife | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 819 | | | 0 |
542340 | | hrithi | husband | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 822 | | | 0 |
542339 | | hrithiʃya: | wife | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 821 | | | 0 |
542341 | | hrokʃimo, hroʃimo | graze | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 823 | | | 0 |
542342 | | hromo | graze | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 824 | | | 0 |
542344 | | hru:mo | ask | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 826 | | | 0 |
542343 | | hrɔ | snow | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 825 | | | 0 |
542345 | | hrəb, shrəb | ribs | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 827 | | | 0 |
541828 | | hurmo | smoke, suck | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 310 | | | 0 |
541829 | | hwa: | honey | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 311 | | | 0 |
541831 | | hwalti | wave of water | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 313 | | | 0 |
541830 | | hwaltɛ | loose (fitting, of clothes or things) | | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 312 | | | 0 |
541832 | | hwammo | show; drive away | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 314 | | | 0 |
541833 | | hya:mo | empty | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 315 | | | 0 |
541834 | | hyarmo | drive the cattle one by one or two by two | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 316 | | | 0 |
541835 | | hyà | elder brother, husband's elder sister's husband, wife's elder sister's husband | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 317 | | | 0 |
541836 | | hyelba: | feeling of laughter | adj. n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 318 | | | 0 |
541837 | | hyem ra:mo | get of laughter | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 319 | | | 0 |
541838 | | hyemo | laugh | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 320 | | | 0 |
541839 | | hyomo | carry something on shoulders, in hands; take someone on a horse | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 321 | | | 0 |
541841 | | hyu:mo | float | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 323 | | | 0 |
541842 | | hyuktɛ | deep | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 324 | | | 0 |
541843 | | hyuŋmo | do, make | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 325 | | | 0 |
541840 | | hyɔŋmo | count | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 322 | | | 0 |
541852 | | i: | stool | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 334 | | | 0 |
541844 | | ibuŋ | anus | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 326 | | | 0 |
541845 | | ilam | vagina | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 327 | | | 0 |
541848 | | in | 1pl. pronoun | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 330 | | | 0 |
541846 | | insɛ | 1pl. agentive pronoun | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 328 | | | 0 |
541847 | | inʃi | 1du. pronoun | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 329 | | | 0 |
541849 | | iŋgɛ | 1pl. possessive pronoun | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 331 | | | 0 |
541850 | | i◦ta | at present, now | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 332 | | | 0 |
541851 | | i◦tta | just now | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 333 | | | 0 |
541853 | | ja thɔcmo | fix a date for marriage | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 335 | | | 0 |
541856 | | ja: | tea | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 338 | | | 0 |
541854 | | ja:ba: | Tibetan name for the Tibeto-Burman people of this area | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 336 | | | 0 |
541855 | | ja:mo | be broken | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 337 | | | 0 |
541857 | | jablye | tongue | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 339 | | | 0 |
541858 | | jalmo | limp | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 340 | | | 0 |
541859 | | jamma: | whole | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 341 | | | 0 |
541860 | | jammo | harvest | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 342 | | | 0 |
541862 | | jant5utu | uvula | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 344 | | | 0 |
541864 | | jarda | slope | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 346 | | | 0 |
541866 | | jarya | stag | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 348 | | | 0 |
541867 | | jat5omo | fix a date for death ceremony | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 349 | | | 0 |
541871 | | jatsha: | eighty | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 353 | | | 0 |
541869 | | jatsha: cı̀ | ninety | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 351 | | | 0 |
541868 | | jatsha: cɛthe | ninety one | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 350 | | | 0 |
541870 | | jatsha: tigɛ | eighty one | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 352 | | | 0 |
541863 | | jaŋ | rope | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 345 | | | 0 |
541861 | | jaŋmo | run | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 343 | | | 0 |
541865 | | jaɾi | root | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 347 | | | 0 |
541874 | | je | 1sg, I, me | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 356 | | | 0 |
541878 | | ji | and | conj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 360 | | | 0 |
541875 | | jil | creeper | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 357 | | | 0 |
541876 | | jimmo | get burnt; consult | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 358 | | | 0 |
541877 | | jirdɛ | narrow | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 359 | | | 0 |
541879 | | jodɛ | colored | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 361 | | | 0 |
541880 | | jod◦mi | young man | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 362 | | | 0 |
541881 | bIndic | jõka: | leech | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 363 | | | 1 |
541883 | | juru | coral | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 365 | | | 0 |
541882 | | juŋmo | be drowned, take a dip | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 364 | | | 0 |
541884 | | jyamo | be broken (of thread, rope) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 366 | | | 0 |
541885 | | jyarnam | adj. | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 367 | | | 0 |
541886 | | jyàmo | bloom | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 368 | | | 0 |
541872 | | jɛdɛ | eight | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 354 | | | 0 |
541873 | | jɛrkhulya: | coward | | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 355 | | | 0 |
541888 | | ka: | crow | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 370 | | | 0 |
541897 | bIndic | ka:lo | death | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 379 | | | 1 |
541905 | | ka:ts | lamb a generic term | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 387 | | | 0 |
541904 | | ka:ŋ◦dɛ | hard | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 386 | | | 0 |
541891 | | kaca: | urine (baby talk) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 373 | | | 0 |
541890 | | kaca:r | mud | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 372 | | | 0 |
541892 | | kacaŋ | pubic hair | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 374 | | | 0 |
541893 | | kaka | mother's younger sister's husband, mother's brother, husband's or wife's mother's brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 375 | | | 0 |
541894 | | kakʃa: | type of mushroom | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 376 | | | 0 |
541895 | | kalin | type of stone | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 377 | | | 0 |
541896 | | kalmo | stick | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 378 | | | 0 |
541899 | | kan | vegetable | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 381 | | | 0 |
541900 | | kana | blind | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 382 | | | 0 |
541909 | | kar | ram (castrated) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 391 | | | 0 |
541906 | | karko | type of basket used for keeping grains | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 388 | | | 0 |
541907 | | karma: | star | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 389 | | | 0 |
541908 | | karts | male lamb | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 390 | | | 0 |
541910 | | kasa: | cloud | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 392 | | | 0 |
541903 | | kaŋ | single; a type of cup | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 385 | | | 0 |
541901 | | kaŋga: | unmarried, bachelor | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 383 | | | 0 |
541902 | | kaŋthɛ | sick | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 384 | | | 0 |
541887 | | kà | stool (baby talk) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 369 | | | 0 |
541889 | | kàbmo | make short | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 371 | | | 0 |
541898 | | kàmmo | collect things (count noun things one by one) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 380 | | | 0 |
541938 | | kha: | walnut | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 420 | | | 0 |
541937 | | kha:lo | sack of leather | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 419 | | | 0 |
541936 | | kha:◦dɛ | bitter, difficult, costly | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 418 | | | 0 |
541939 | | khabu | snake | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 421 | | Snake | 0 |
541940 | | khaja:i | usually | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 422 | | | 0 |
541941 | | kharmo | cheat | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 423 | | | 0 |
541942 | | kharmo | take out liquid from a pot | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 424 | | | 0 |
541944 | | khase | pajama | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 426 | | | 0 |
541943 | | khase-phise | clothes | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 425 | | | 0 |
541947 | | khasrakta | rough | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 429 | | | 0 |
541948 | | khat | cold | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 430 | | | 0 |
541946 | | khaʃimo | grapple (of horse) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 428 | | | 0 |
541949 | | khàmo | get cold and cough | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 431 | | | 0 |
541950 | | khàpa: | winter | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 432 | | | 0 |
541945 | 201,m | kha◦ʃa: | kidney | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 427 | | | 0 |
541951 | | khi:mo | bend | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 433 | | | 0 |
541952 | | khi:tɛ | dirty | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 434 | | | 0 |
541953 | | khilta: | shirt | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 435 | | | 0 |
541955 | | khokcɛ | stomach | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 437 | | | 0 |
541957 | | khomo | dismantle (wall, house) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 439 | | | 0 |
541959 | | khopa: | heel | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 441 | | | 0 |
541970 | | khu | family | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 452 | | | 0 |
541960 | | khu:mo | steal | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 442 | | | 0 |
541961 | | khuce | knot | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 443 | | | 0 |
541963 | | khuli | nest | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 445 | | | 0 |
541964 | | khulu | type of fine wool | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 446 | | | 0 |
541965 | | khume | granddaughter | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 447 | | | 0 |
541966 | | khusmo | festival | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 448 | | | 0 |
541967 | | khuti | spittle | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 449 | | | 0 |
541962 | | khuɛ̀ | grandson | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 444 | | | 0 |
541969 | 2361 | khù | smoke | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 451 | | | 0 |
541968 | | khùma: | soot | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 450 | | | 0 |
541971 | | khwan | scorpion | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 453 | | | 0 |
541972 | | khwaran | pigeon | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 454 | | | 0 |
541956 | | khɔkpa: | corpse, dead body | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 438 | | | 0 |
541958 | | khɔmo | peel (orange, banana) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 440 | | | 0 |
541973 | | khəmo | exchange | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 455 | | | 0 |
541954 | | khɨ̀mo | scrub utensils | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 436 | | | 0 |
541912 | | kidaŋ | Tibet | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 394 | | | 0 |
541913 | | kikanca: | little finger | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 395 | | | 0 |
541914 | | kilmo | separate by choosing | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 396 | | | 0 |
541915 | | kimo | twine | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 397 | | | 0 |
541917 | | kin | round pit; store of grains outside the house | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 399 | | | 0 |
541916 | | kı̀mo | break hard objects | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 398 | | | 0 |
541918 | | kolaŋ | bull | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 400 | | | 0 |
541919 | | komo | boil | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 401 | | | 0 |
541921 | | kothlɔ | bag made of jute | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 403 | | | 0 |
541922 | | kots | type of leather bag | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 404 | | | 0 |
541920 | | koŋkro | back of skull, neck | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 402 | | | 0 |
541927 | | kwali | skull | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 409 | | | 0 |
541926 | | kwalɨn | bell made of iron | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 408 | | | 0 |
541928 | | kwamo | cook | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 410 | | | 0 |
541931 | | kwarʃi | peas | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 413 | | | 0 |
541930 | | kwar◦mo | carry something in hand or on head | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 412 | | | 0 |
541929 | | kwàmo | dig, scratch | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 411 | | | 0 |
541932 | | kyemo | chew meat | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 414 | | | 0 |
541933 | | kyerakta | curved | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 415 | | | 0 |
541934 | | kyɔŋmo | take the sheep, goat to lead the herd | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 416 | | | 0 |
541925 | | kɔŋʃimo | be bent | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 407 | | | 0 |
541923 | | kɔ̀ | bark of tree | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 405 | | | 0 |
541924 | | kɔ̀mo | erase | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 406 | | | 0 |
541935 | | kəŋmɔ, kəmmɔ | throw (stone, etc.) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 417 | | | 0 |
541911 | | kɛ̀ | type of tuber | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 393 | | | 0 |
541974 | | la: | boulder | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 456 | | | 0 |
541988 | | la:mla: | Tibetan goat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 470 | | | 0 |
541989 | | la:mo | lick; know | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 471 | | | 0 |
541976 | | labu | butter | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 458 | | | 0 |
541977 | | laca: | raisin | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 459 | | | 0 |
541978 | | ladu | dough | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 460 | | | 0 |
541979 | | lairi | all | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 461 | | | 0 |
541980 | | lako | gloves | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 462 | | | 0 |
541982 | | lakpəm | paw | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 464 | | | 0 |
541981 | | lakpɨn | finger | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 463 | | | 0 |
541985 | | laktɛ | thin (round shape) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 467 | | | 0 |
541986 | | lakuri | echo | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 468 | | | 0 |
541984 | | lakʃya: | thigh | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 466 | | | 0 |
541983 | 695,512 | lak◦ʃin | nail | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 465 | | | 0 |
541987 | | lala: | mother's mother, father's mother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 469 | | | 0 |
541995 | | lan | work, answer | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 477 | | | 0 |
541991 | | lan thomo | answer a call | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 473 | | | 0 |
541996 | | lasaŋ | he-goat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 478 | | | 0 |
541997 | | latakta | bad smell, dirt | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 479 | | | 0 |
541998 | | lati | semen | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 480 | | | 0 |
541999 | | latsa: | young one of goat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 481 | | | 0 |
542000 | | laymo | send | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 482 | | | 0 |
541992 | | laŋi | cow dung | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 474 | | | 0 |
541993 | | laŋlua | careless | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 475 | | | 0 |
541994 | | laŋ◦mo | play | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 476 | | | 0 |
541975 | | là | hand | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 457 | | | 0 |
541990 | | làmo | falling (of something with a thud) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 472 | | | 0 |
542004 | | le | fruit | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 486 | | | 0 |
542002 | | lelaŋ | fruits etc | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 484 | | | 0 |
542003 | | leso | front tooth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 485 | | | 0 |
542006 | | like | foot | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 488 | | | 0 |
542007 | | lintsa | flute made of silver | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 489 | | | 0 |
542008 | | lo | word, languages, saying | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 490 | | | 0 |
542011 | | lomo | say | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 493 | | | 0 |
542012 | | lòmo | shake, swing, move | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 494 | | | 0 |
542016 | | lòʃimo | take swing, be moved | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 498 | | | 0 |
542009 | 2426,m | lo◦dɛ | easy, cheap | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 491 | | | 0 |
542017 | | lugra: | cloth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 499 | | | 0 |
542018 | | lumo | have sexual intercourse | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 500 | | | 0 |
542023 | | luŋ | back | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 505 | | | 0 |
542019 | | luŋbar | lungs | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 501 | | | 0 |
542020 | | luŋ◦da | hot, heat | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 502 | | | 0 |
542021 | | luŋ◦mo | get warm, hot | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 503 | | | 0 |
542022 | | luŋ◦pa: | summer | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 504 | | | 0 |
542024 | | luʃimo | have sexual intercourse | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 506 | | | 0 |
542025 | | lyedɛ | yellow | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 507 | | | 0 |
542010 | | lɔkʃimo | ascend | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 492 | | | 0 |
542014 | | lɔŋ | vomit | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 496 | | | 0 |
542013 | | lɔŋmo | vomit | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 495 | | | 0 |
542015 | | lɔ◦ʃi◦mo | forget | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 497 | | | 0 |
542026 | | ləmo | get cold | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 508 | | | 0 |
542001 | | lɛkyɛ | domesticated animals | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 483 | | | 0 |
542005 | | lɨbɨn | book, paper | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 487 | | | 0 |
542043 | | ma:la: | sheep or goat (generic term) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 525 | | | 0 |
542044 | | ma:mla: | sheep | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 526 | | | 0 |
542045 | | ma:mo | search | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 527 | | | 0 |
542046 | | ma:saŋ | sheep (female) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 528 | | | 0 |
542047 | | mad5ɔŋmaŋ | eagle | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 529 | | | 0 |
542053 | | man | night | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 535 | | | 0 |
542050 | | mansi | buffalo | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 532 | | | 0 |
542051 | | manu | nipples | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 533 | | | 0 |
542057 | | mar | butter, clarified butter | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 539 | | | 0 |
542055 | | marɔŋ | door | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 537 | | | 0 |
542054 | | mar◦ja: | salty tea (a Tibetan type) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 536 | | | 0 |
542056 | 1470,m | mar◦ti | oil, water spring | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 538 | | | 0 |
542060 | | mas | husband's younger brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 542 | | | 0 |
542058 | bIndic | masi | ink | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 540 | | | 1 |
542059 | | masʃya: | husband's younger brother's wife | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 541 | | | 0 |
542061 | | matmı̀ | many | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 543 | | | 0 |
542063 | | mayaŋ | type of basket used for carrying various things | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 545 | | | 0 |
542052 | 126 | maŋ | dream | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 534 | | | 0 |
542048 | | maŋdɛ | red | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 530 | | | 0 |
542049 | | maŋmo | become red | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 531 | | | 0 |
542062 | | màu | family | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 544 | | | 0 |
542064 | | mi:dɛ | small | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 546 | | | 0 |
542065 | | mi:mo | become small | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 547 | | | 0 |
542067 | | mik◦cham | eyebrow | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 549 | | | 0 |
542068 | | milen | hearth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 550 | | | 0 |
542069 | | mimaŋ | foreigner | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 551 | | | 0 |
542072 | | mincace | bat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 554 | | | 0 |
542078 | | mithaŋ | mother's younger brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 560 | | | 0 |
542080 | | mı̀ | person | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 562 | | | 0 |
542084 | | mı̀hya: | fourth elder brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 566 | | | 0 |
542086 | | mı̀ta: | fourth elder sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 568 | | | 0 |
542083 | | mı̀◦cini | father's fourth younger sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 565 | | | 0 |
542085 | | mı̀◦ka: | father's fourth elder brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 567 | | | 0 |
542087 | | mokʃya: | type of mushroom | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 569 | | | 0 |
542088 | bIndic | mor | peacock | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 570 | | | 1 |
542089 | | muk◦na: | thunder, dragon | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 571 | | | 0 |
542091 | | my\ɛ | eye | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 573 | | | 0 |
542090 | | myɛdɛ | below the level (in height) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 572 | | | 0 |
542094 | | məl | silver | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 576 | | | 0 |
542092 | | məl-d5amo | lightning | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 574 | | | 0 |
542093 | | məld5i | blunt | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 575 | | | 0 |
542095 | | mətti | flea | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 577 | | | 0 |
542066 | | mɨè | fire | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 548 | | | 0 |
542070 | | mɨn manidɛ | ring finger | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 552 | | | 0 |
542071 | | mɨn tomo | tell | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 553 | | | 0 |
542073 | | mɨnd5li | bald | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 555 | | | 0 |
542074 | | mɨnje | louse | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 556 | | | 0 |
542075 | | mɨplè | eyelid | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 557 | | | 0 |
542076 | | mɨplicham | eyelashes | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 558 | | | 0 |
542077 | | mɨta | ripe | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 559 | | | 0 |
542079 | | mɨtti | tear | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 561 | | | 0 |
542081 | | mɨyar | imaginary place beyond the sky | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 563 | | | 0 |
542082 | | mɨyuŋ | gem, jewel | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 564 | | | 0 |
542174 | 1623 | n5a | mother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 656 | | | 0 |
542170 | | n5aba | parents | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 652 | | | 0 |
542172 | | n5amɨn | autumn | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 654 | | | 0 |
542171 | 1623,m | n5a◦gɛ | mother's | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 653 | | | 0 |
542173 | 1623,m | n5a◦na | mother (term of address) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 655 | | | 0 |
542181 | | n5i | sun | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 663 | | | 0 |
542175 | | n5ikapcɛ | sprout | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 657 | | | 0 |
542176 | | n5ikhi | dog | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 658 | | | 0 |
542178 | | n5intam | after, behind, next | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 660 | | | 0 |
542179 | | n5irlaŋ | dusk | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 661 | | | 0 |
542180 | | n5isɛ, n5ichɛ | noon | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 662 | | | 0 |
542177 | | n5iŋgo | lower part of the body below the waist | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 659 | | | 0 |
542182 | | n5ya: | fish | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 664 | | | 0 |
542183 | | n5yamdɛ | pleasant | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 665 | | | 0 |
542184 | | n5yaŋchɛ | evening | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 666 | | | 0 |
542185 | | n5yaŋthɛ | dim light | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 667 | | | 0 |
542186 | | n5ye◦mo | rub | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 668 | | | 0 |
542188 | | n5yuŋʃimo | retreat | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 670 | | | 0 |
542187 | | n5yɛ | day | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 669 | | | 0 |
542189 | | n5ə◦bu | insect | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 671 | | | 0 |
542102 | | nace | thorn | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 584 | | | 0 |
542103 | bIndic | naga | cobra | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 585 | | | 1 |
542105 | | nagra: | paw of lion, tiger | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 587 | | | 0 |
542104 | | nagɛ | your | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 586 | | | 0 |
542106 | | naktɛ | soft | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 588 | | | 0 |
542107 | | nambu | woolen cloth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 589 | | | 0 |
542108 | | namʃya: | younger brother's wife; son's wife | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 590 | | | 0 |
542112 | | napal | buckwheat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 594 | | | 0 |
542113 | | napʃidɛ | flexible, elastic | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 595 | | | 0 |
542114 | bIndic | narak | hell | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 596 | | | 1 |
542115 | | nare | lice | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 597 | | | 0 |
542120 | | nassa: | twenty | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 602 | | | 0 |
542118 | | nassa: cı̀ | thirty | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 600 | | | 0 |
542117 | | nassa: cɛthe | thirty one | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 599 | | | 0 |
542119 | | nassa: tigɛ | twenty one | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 601 | | | 0 |
542121 | | natsar | lice egg | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 603 | | | 0 |
542122 | | nayamo | aim at | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 604 | | | 0 |
542111 | | naŋ | type of bangle | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 593 | | | 0 |
542109 | | naŋmo | drive cattle | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 591 | | | 0 |
542110 | | naŋmo | measure | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 592 | | | 0 |
542116 | | naʃɛ | two | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 598 | | | 0 |
542124 | | nibʃimo | hum | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 606 | | | 0 |
542125 | | nikisò | incisors | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 607 | | | 0 |
542126 | | nimo | live, stay | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 608 | | | 0 |
542130 | | nipe | chicken | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 612 | | | 0 |
542131 | | nipu | mouse | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 613 | | | 0 |
542133 | | nithalo | second floor of the house | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 615 | | | 0 |
542132 | | niʃɛ | seven | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 614 | | | 0 |
542135 | | nomo | pull | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 617 | | | 0 |
542137 | | nu:dɛ | new | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 619 | | | 0 |
542138 | | nunu | younger brother; husband's younger sister's husband | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 620 | | | 0 |
542139 | | nù | milk | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 621 | | | 0 |
542140 | | nya:rɛ | yesterday | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 622 | | | 0 |
542141 | | nyaŋthɛ | light (in weight) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 623 | | | 0 |
542142 | | nyero | near | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 624 | | | 0 |
542143 | | nyuŋʃimo | retreat | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 625 | | | 0 |
542134 | | nɔksam | appropriate | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 616 | | | 0 |
542136 | | nɔŋkrɔ̀ | ant | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 618 | | | 0 |
542123 | | nəlan | wind | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 605 | | | 0 |
542129 | | nɨmphan | behind | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 611 | | | 0 |
542127 | | nɨmphan nyuŋʃimo | retreat, look at oneself | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 609 | | | 0 |
542128 | | nɨmphan ɔŋmo | look back | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 610 | | | 0 |
542192 | | pa:mo | fill (water) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 674 | | | 0 |
542193 | bIndic | pa:t | leaf | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 675 | | | 1 |
542196 | | palo | frog | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 678 | | Frog/Toad | 0 |
542202 | | papalʃya: | calf (of human leg) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 684 | | | 0 |
542203 | | partɛ | broad | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 685 | | | 0 |
542206 | | paul | plant | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 688 | | | 0 |
542205 | bIndic | paula: | shoes | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 687 | | | 1 |
542201 | | paŋ | a Tibetan | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 683 | | | 0 |
542199 | | paŋmo | spread | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 681 | | | 0 |
542200 | | paŋphan | outside | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 682 | | | 0 |
542194 | | pàcmo | chew (something which is something hard) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 676 | | | 0 |
542195 | | pàkare | ankle | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 677 | | | 0 |
542198 | | pàmmo | spin | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 680 | | | 0 |
542197 | | pàmo | fill (solid artiles in a bigger container etc.) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 679 | | | 0 |
542204 | | pàʃimo | stroll | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 686 | | | 0 |
542245 | | pha:dɛ | ash colour | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 727 | | | 0 |
542246 | | pha:mo | speak | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 728 | | | 0 |
542247 | | phabmo | sprinkle (liquid) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 729 | | | 0 |
542248 | | phaktsham | type of bridge | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 730 | | | 0 |
542249 | | phammo | stitch | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 731 | | | 0 |
542253 | | pharmo | untie a knot | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 735 | | | 0 |
542254 | | phat5ko da:mo | jump from one place to another | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 736 | | | 0 |
542250 | | phaŋ phənmo | make something fly | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 732 | | | 0 |
542251 | | phaŋlore | patella | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 733 | | | 0 |
542252 | | phaŋmo | fly | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 734 | | | 0 |
542259 | | phela | palm | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 741 | | | 0 |
542258 | | phela tomo | clap | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 740 | | | 0 |
542260 | | pheʃide | sacred | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 742 | | | 0 |
542261 | | phir | box for keeping clothes | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 743 | | | 0 |
542262 | | pho-bila: | male-cat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 744 | | | 0 |
542263 | | pho-hraŋ | horse | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 745 | | | 0 |
542264 | | pho-phya: | wild animal | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 746 | | | 0 |
542265 | | phoda | dry (from the state of being wet) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 747 | | | 0 |
542267 | | phoktimo | cover | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 749 | | | 0 |
542266 | | phokʃimo | wrap, cover with a sheet while sleeping, cover oneself | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 748 | | | 0 |
542268 | | phomo | open a door, uproot, unlock | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 750 | | | 0 |
542270 | | phote | thick (liquid) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 752 | | | 0 |
542273 | | phumo | churn, make cloth short by a special washing process | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 755 | | | 0 |
542274 | 7617,m | phuŋg◦li | water pot | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 756 | | | 0 |
542272 | 7617,m | phu◦li | pot to keep water | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 754 | | | 0 |
542275 | | phyamo | throw water | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 757 | | | 0 |
542276 | | phyarmo | whiff | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 758 | | | 0 |
542277 | | phyɛ | half | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 759 | | | 0 |
542269 | | phɔŋmo | jump from higher place to lower place | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 751 | | | 0 |
542271 | | phɔ̀ | cave, deer | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 753 | | | 0 |
542255 | | phəmo | sprinkle (grains, powder) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 737 | | | 0 |
542256 | | phərmo | pluck fruits by throwing a stick or stones | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 738 | | | 0 |
542257 | | phətsap | rice | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 739 | | | 0 |
542244 | | ph̀a: | ashes | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 726 | | | 0 |
542220 | | pi | four | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 702 | | | 0 |
542210 | | pi:ku | bedbug | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 692 | | | 0 |
542211 | | piba: | fourfold | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 693 | | | 0 |
542213 | | pijɛ | seed | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 695 | | | 0 |
542217 | | pisa: | forty | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 699 | | | 0 |
542216 | | pisa: cı̀ | fifty | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 698 | | | 0 |
542215 | | pisa: cɛthe | fifty one | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 697 | | | 0 |
542219 | | pı̀mo | sweep | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 701 | | | 0 |
542214 | | pi◦pi | four times (arithmetic sense) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 696 | | | 0 |
542218 | | pi◦tsu | four times (on a fourth occasion) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 700 | | | 0 |
542222 | | poda | big | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 704 | | | 0 |
542223 | | pohya: | eldest brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 705 | | | 0 |
542226 | | pophyɛ | three fourth | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 708 | | | 0 |
542227 | | pota | eldest sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 709 | | | 0 |
542221 | | po◦cini | father's first younger sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 703 | | | 0 |
542224 | m,1623 | po◦nà: | father's eldest brother's wife, mother's elder sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 706 | | | 0 |
542235 | | pu | husk | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 717 | | | 0 |
542230 | | puci | mother's elder sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 712 | | | 0 |
542231 | | pukɛ | ripe | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 713 | | | 0 |
542232 | | pumo | cross | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 714 | | | 0 |
542234 | | puthaŋmi | mother's elder brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 716 | | | 0 |
542229 | | pùa | husband's elder brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 711 | | | 0 |
542233 | | pu◦ni | mother's brother's wife, father's eldest sister, mother-in-law | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 715 | | | 0 |
542236 | | pyalmo | saw | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 718 | | | 0 |
542237 | | pye | knee | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 719 | | | 0 |
542238 | | pyomo | frighten | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 720 | | | 0 |
542225 | | pɔŋʃimo | jump in one place | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 707 | | | 0 |
542228 | | pɔ̀mo | become big, be increased | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 710 | | | 0 |
542239 | | pəchni | tail | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 721 | | | 0 |
542240 | | pər | navel | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 722 | | | 0 |
542243 | | pəthra: | forehead | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 725 | | | 0 |
542241 | | pəʃa: | head | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 723 | | | 0 |
542242 | | pəʃak cham | hair of head | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 724 | | | 0 |
542209 | | pɛ | blanket made of wool | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 691 | | | 0 |
542207 | | pɛna: | type of bat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 689 | | | 0 |
542208 | | pɛ̀mo | tear (cloth) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 690 | | | 0 |
542212 | | pɨe | brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 694 | | | 0 |
542283 | | ra: | enclosure for goats and other animals | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 765 | | | 0 |
542280 | | ra:mo | come | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 762 | | | 0 |
542281 | | ra:p | flame | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 763 | | | 0 |
542282 | | ra:tso | time and again | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 764 | | | 0 |
542285 | | rabmo | mend clothes or shoes by stitching | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 767 | | | 0 |
542286 | | racimo | get up | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 768 | | | 0 |
542287 | | rackwanti | temple | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 769 | | | 0 |
542288 | | rajɛ | wheat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 770 | | | 0 |
542289 | | rakhù | people belonging to one's group | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 771 | | | 0 |
542290 | | ram | extra field which is not a legal one | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 772 | | | 0 |
542294 | | rannu | curd | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 776 | | | 0 |
542297 | | rayaŋ | hare | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 779 | | | 0 |
542296 | | raŋ | upper arm | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 778 | | | 0 |
542292 | | raŋlo | cover term for all the Tibeto-Burman people in this area except Raji | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 774 | | | 0 |
542293 | | raŋ◦mo | sell; weave cloth | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 775 | | | 0 |
542295 | | raŋ◦pli | feather | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 777 | | | 0 |
542284 | | rà | hundred | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 766 | | | 0 |
542291 | | ràmmo | knit | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 773 | | | 0 |
542278 | bIndic | rãd5i | widow | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 760 | | | 1 |
542279 | | rãd5o | widower | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 761 | | | 0 |
542301 | | re | cow, field, land | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 783 | | | 0 |
542298 | | renam | adj. | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 780 | | | 0 |
542299 | | resumo | plough | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 781 | | | 0 |
542304 | | ri | glacier | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 786 | | | 0 |
542302 | | ri:mo | carve; draw; write | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 784 | | | 0 |
542312 | | ro | plank | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 794 | | | 0 |
542307 | | romo | roast meat | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 789 | | | 0 |
542319 | | ru | corner (inside the house); horn | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 801 | | | 0 |
542313 | bIndic | rui | cotton | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 795 | | | 1 |
542314 | | rukcimo | chew a cud | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 796 | | | 0 |
542315 | | rum | princess | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 797 | | | 0 |
542317 | bIndic | rusu | angry | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 799 | | | 1 |
542316 | | ruŋʃimo | hear, agree, accept | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 798 | | | 0 |
542318 | | rùŋ | heap of small pebbles | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 800 | | | 0 |
542320 | | rye | story, tale | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 802 | | | 0 |
542311 | | rɔ | hungry | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 793 | | | 0 |
542305 | | rɔkʃimo | have mercy | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 787 | | | 0 |
542306 | | rɔla: | centipede | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 788 | | | 0 |
542309 | | rɔŋ | shoulder | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 791 | | | 0 |
542308 | | rɔŋmo | cover | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 790 | | | 0 |
542310 | | rɔ̀kʃimo | comb | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 792 | | | 0 |
542321 | | rəm | earthquake; bottom; a boundary stone between the two fields | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 803 | | | 0 |
542300 | | rɛ̀ | bone | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 782 | | | 0 |
542303 | | rɨm | arrow (cf. earthquake) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 785 | | | 0 |
542346 | | sa | soil | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 828 | | | 0 |
542347 | bIndic | sa:d5u | wife's younger sister's husband | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 829 | | | 1 |
542348 | | sa:mo | sacrifice some animal for black magic | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 830 | | | 0 |
542349 | bIndic | sa:rangi | kind of singing bird | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 831 | | | 1 |
542350 | | sa:tso | empty | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 832 | | | 0 |
542351 | bIndic | saco | truth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 833 | | | 1 |
542353 | | sai | hundred | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 835 | | | 0 |
542354 | | sal | charcoal | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 836 | | | 0 |
542356 | bIndic | samundro | sea | n | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 838 | | | 1 |
542357 | | sande | carefully, with care | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 839 | | | 0 |
542358 | | sapaŋ | earth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 840 | | | 0 |
542359 | | sapha | dust | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 841 | | | 0 |
542360 | | sara: | hailstone | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 842 | | | 0 |
542361 | | sata:ni | type of liquor | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 843 | | | 0 |
542362 | | satta: | again | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 844 | | | 0 |
542352 | | sàg | breath | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 834 | | | 0 |
542355 | | sàmo | kill, extinguish | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 837 | | | 0 |
542363 | | se | because of, due to (some reason) | pp. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 845 | | | 0 |
542364 | | semo | bear | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 846 | | | 0 |
542365 | | serɛ̀ | forest | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 847 | | | 0 |
542367 | | silju | female musk deer | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 849 | | | 0 |
542369 | | sirtsi | wild | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 851 | | | 0 |
542370 | | sò | tooth | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 852 | | | 0 |
542372 | | suiyo | parrot | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 854 | | | 0 |
542373 | | sukce cyamo | cut with teeth | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 855 | | | 0 |
542374 | | suku | low voice, slow | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 856 | | | 0 |
542375 | bIndic | swarg | heaven | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 857 | | | 1 |
542376 | | syapi cɛ̀mo | pinch | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 858 | | | 0 |
542371 | | sɔ̀ŋ | village | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 853 | | | 0 |
542381 | | səm | three | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 863 | | | 0 |
542377 | | səm sa | thirty | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 859 | | | 0 |
542378 | | səm səm | three times | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 860 | | | 0 |
542379 | | səmthalo | third floor of the house | | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 861 | | | 0 |
542380 | | səmtsu | thrice | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 862 | | | 0 |
542382 | | səta | rotten | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 864 | | | 0 |
542366 | | sɛrcimo | agree | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 848 | | | 0 |
542368 | | sɨmo | recognize | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 850 | | | 0 |
542525 | | t5a:mo | prick, fix a nail | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1007 | | | 0 |
542526 | | t5a:ʃimo | be pricked | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1008 | | | 0 |
542528 | | t5am | edge | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1010 | | | 0 |
542527 | | t5amt5am, t5amyar | bank of a river | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1009 | | | 0 |
542529 | | t5aŋde | alive | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1011 | | | 0 |
542530 | | t5aŋmala | animal | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1012 | | | 0 |
542532 | | t5aŋt5aŋ | only | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1014 | | | 0 |
542531 | | t5àŋthɛ | short (in length) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1013 | | | 0 |
542547 | | t5ha:mo | strike a match; push | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1029 | | | 0 |
542549 | | t5harmo | respect; pose | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1031 | | | 0 |
542552 | | t5hat5o | cot | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1034 | | | 0 |
542548 | | t5haŋmo | castrate, improve, decorate | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1030 | | | 0 |
542550 | | t5hàmo | inform | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1032 | | | 0 |
542551 | | t5hàʃimo | be informed | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1033 | | | 0 |
542554 | | t5hilmo | take off clothes | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1036 | | | 0 |
542555 | | t5hinka | clothes | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1037 | | | 0 |
542556 | | t5hiʃimo | fighting of dogs | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1038 | | | 0 |
542558 | | t5hummo | uproot (plants etc.) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1040 | | | 0 |
542559 | | t5huŋa: | hammer | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1041 | | | 0 |
542560 | | t5huŋmo | tame, rear | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1042 | | | 0 |
542557 | | t5hɔmo | worship | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1039 | | | 0 |
542561 | | t5həmcaru | custom | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1043 | | | 0 |
542562 | | t5həmmo | dance | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1044 | | | 0 |
542563 | | t5həmo | tighten a screw | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1045 | | | 0 |
542553 | | t5hɛ̀kka | fit (neither loose nor tight) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1035 | | | 0 |
542533 | | t5imo | go by taking something | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1015 | | | 0 |
542534 | | t5iʃa: | group of women in a marriage party | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1016 | | | 0 |
542535 | | t5ı̀ʃɨmɔ | grapple (of dogs) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1017 | | | 0 |
542539 | | t5ugba: | six fold | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1021 | | | 0 |
542540 | | t5ugu | six | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1022 | | | 0 |
542544 | | t5uksa: | sixty | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1026 | | | 0 |
542541 | | t5uksa: cathɛ | seventy one | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1023 | | | 0 |
542542 | | t5uksa: ci | seventy | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1024 | | | 0 |
542543 | | t5uksa: tigɛ | sixty one | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1025 | | | 0 |
542545 | | t5uktsu | six times | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1027 | | | 0 |
542536 | | t5ɔllya: | deaf | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1018 | | | 0 |
542537 | | t5ɔlmo | fondle, cuddle | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1019 | | | 0 |
542538 | | t5ɔ̀mo | light a lamp (religious purpose) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1020 | | | 0 |
542546 | | t5ənthɛ | short | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1028 | | | 0 |
542437 | | ta:mo | hang | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 919 | | | 0 |
542438 | | ta:mo | keep, put, allow, fix, have | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 920 | | | 0 |
542439 | | ta:rmo | spread tent etc., help cross some river or a difficult path | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 921 | | | 0 |
542440 | | tabmo | thrash | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 922 | | | 0 |
542441 | | taktam | right side of the body | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 923 | | | 0 |
542442 | | tammo | touch | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 924 | | | 0 |
542443 | | tamo | keep something (light things) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 925 | | | 0 |
542444 | | tanam | south | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 926 | | | 0 |
542450 | | tanu | brain | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 932 | | | 0 |
542448 | | tanʃimo | be hung | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 930 | | | 0 |
542452 | | tapɔ | across (of the river or rivulet) | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 934 | | | 0 |
542453 | | taram | key; mediator | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 935 | | | 0 |
542455 | | tata | son's wife's mother, husband's elder brother's wife, wife's elder brother's wife, fifth elder sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 937 | | | 0 |
542445 | | taŋbu | big snake, python | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 927 | | | 0 |
542446 | | taŋmo | bury | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 928 | | | 0 |
542447 | | taŋmo | press | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 929 | | | 0 |
542451 | | taŋze | bag of wool | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 933 | | | 0 |
542449 | | taŋʃimo | be pressed | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 931 | | | 0 |
542454 | 161,m | tàr◦mo | brave | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 936 | | | 0 |
542457 | | tete | sister's husband, wife's elder brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 939 | | | 0 |
542458 | | teti | dem. | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 940 | | | 0 |
542493 | | tha:pu | reserve | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 975 | | | 0 |
542494 | | thammo | saw, wring | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 976 | | | 0 |
542498 | | than | now | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 980 | | | 0 |
542495 | | than kyamo | arrange things in order | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 977 | | | 0 |
542497 | | thanʃin | this year | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 979 | | | 0 |
542500 | | thapija: | three days before yesterday | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 982 | | | 0 |
542501 | | thapʃimo | grapple (animals with horns) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 983 | | | 0 |
542502 | | tharwa | leopard | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 984 | | | 0 |
542503 | | thasəmja: | two days before yesterday | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 985 | | | 0 |
542499 | | thaŋ | flat ground or land | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 981 | | | 0 |
542496 | | thaŋ◦mi | father's sister's husband, father-in-law | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 978 | | | 0 |
542492 | | thà | waterfall | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 974 | | | 0 |
542505 | 298,m | thi:mo | get wet | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 987 | | | 0 |
542509 | 298,m | thi:tɛ | wet, watery | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 991 | | | 0 |
542507 | 298,m | thi:ʃimo | wet oneself | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 989 | | | 0 |
542510 | | thim | ceiling | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 992 | | | 0 |
542511 | | thinja: | today | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 993 | | | 0 |
542506 | | thı̀mo | melt | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 988 | | | 0 |
542508 | | thı̀ʃimo | be melted | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 990 | | | 0 |
542513 | | thokam | bed | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 995 | | | 0 |
542515 | | tholi | penis | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 997 | | | 0 |
542516 | | thomo | pluck fruits | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 998 | | | 0 |
542519 | | thoti | dem. | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1001 | | | 0 |
542520 | | thu:mo | become weak | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1002 | | | 0 |
542521 | | thu:ta | weak | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1003 | | | 0 |
542522 | | thukʃimo | destroy | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1004 | | | 0 |
542523 | | thwacmo | beg | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1005 | | | 0 |
542524 | | thyemo | participate, join in some work | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1006 | | | 0 |
542512 | | thɔcmo | settle marriage | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 994 | | | 0 |
542514 | | thɔkʃimo | return | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 996 | | | 0 |
542517 | | thɔmo | return something | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 999 | | | 0 |
542518 | | thɔʃimo | return, come back | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1000 | | | 0 |
542490 | | thəbmo | spit | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 972 | | | 0 |
542491 | | thəmo | cut with an axe | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 973 | | | 0 |
542504 | | thɛdɛ | height, high | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 986 | | | 0 |
542459 | | ti | water | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 941 | | | 0 |
542461 | | tigɛ | one | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 943 | | | 0 |
542462 | | tikilmo | boycott | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 944 | | | 0 |
542464 | | timbu | sky; blue | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 946 | | | 0 |
542465 | | timmo | appear, be seen | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 947 | | | 0 |
542466 | | tinci | green (literally green grass) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 948 | | | 0 |
542467 | | tindɛ | raw | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 949 | | | 0 |
542469 | | tipɔ | this side (of the river or rivulet) | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 951 | | | 0 |
542472 | | tithimo | irrigate | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 954 | | | 0 |
542471 | | tithɛ | nut (generic term) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 953 | | | 0 |
542473 | | titsu | once | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 955 | | | 0 |
542468 | | tiŋmo | see, be found | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 950 | | | 0 |
542476 | | tocmo | sing | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 958 | | | 0 |
542477 | | tokca: | pickaxe | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 959 | | | 0 |
542479 | | tomo | stop; understand; buy | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 961 | | | 0 |
542482 | | toŋ | bead | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 964 | | | 0 |
542481 | | toŋmo | trap | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 963 | | | 0 |
542483 | | toʃimo | stop; understand | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 965 | | | 0 |
542480 | | tòmo | play a musical instrument; intervene | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 962 | | | 0 |
542564 | | tsa: | remains of corn after making beer | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1046 | | | 0 |
542565 | | tsame | girl, daughter | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1047 | | | 0 |
542566 | | tsamo | make (a piece of furniture); fix | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1048 | | | 0 |
542568 | | tsanthɛ | sharp (instrument) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1050 | | | 0 |
542567 | | tsaŋmo | throw | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1049 | | | 0 |
542569 | | tsebindɛ | full | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1051 | | | 0 |
542578 | | tsham | bridge | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1060 | | | 0 |
542580 | | tshartɛ | dry.(wood) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1062 | | | 0 |
542579 | | tshaŋmo | cut into small pieces | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1061 | | | 0 |
542577 | | tshà: | salt | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1059 | | | 0 |
542581 | | tshedɛ | sacred, pious | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1063 | | | 0 |
542583 | | tshig | joint, knot | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1065 | | | 0 |
542584 | | tshimo | ripe | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1066 | | | 0 |
542587 | | tshumo | distribute, divide | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1069 | | | 0 |
542588 | | tshuʃimo | be divided | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1070 | | | 0 |
542586 | | tshù | part (of whole) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1068 | | | 0 |
542585 | | tshɔŋʃimo | grapple (of cocks) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1067 | | | 0 |
542589 | | tshər | loin | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1071 | | | 0 |
542582 | 1010 | tshɛ̀ | life; age; fat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1064 | | | 0 |
542572 | | tsimmo | catch | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1054 | | | 0 |
542574 | | tsimʃimo | wrestle | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1056 | | | 0 |
542575 | | tsiri | intestine | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1057 | | | 0 |
542571 | | tsı̀ | grass | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1053 | | | 0 |
542573 | | tsı̀mo | fry | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1055 | | | 0 |
542576 | | tsəmmo | collect | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1058 | | | 0 |
542570 | | tsɛ̀ | memory; lid | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1052 | | | 0 |
542485 | | tukka | miser | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 967 | | | 0 |
542486 | | tuŋdɛ | one who drinks | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 968 | | | 0 |
542487 | 502,s | tuŋ◦mo | drink | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 969 | | | 0 |
542488 | | tya:ba:ri | window | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 970 | | | 0 |
542489 | | tyemo | weep, cry | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 971 | | | 0 |
542484 | | tɔ | loan | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 966 | | | 0 |
542474 | | tɔ da:mo | give loan | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 956 | | | 0 |
542475 | | tɔ karmo | take loan | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 957 | | | 0 |
542478 | | tɔksa: | direction | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 960 | | | 0 |
542436 | | təm | egg | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 918 | | | 0 |
542433 | | təm-da:mo | lay egg | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 915 | | | 0 |
542435 | | təmmo | pack a package | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 917 | | | 0 |
542434 | | təm◦mo | become short | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 916 | | | 0 |
542456 | | tɛka | saddle | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 938 | | | 0 |
542460 | | tɨbka | gun | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 942 | | | 0 |
542463 | | tɨlin | ice | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 945 | | | 0 |
542470 | | tɨte | father's father; mother's father | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 952 | | | 0 |
542591 | | ulaŋ | how many, how much, when, then | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1073 | | | 0 |
542590 | | ulaŋi | sometimes | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1072 | | | 0 |
542592 | | ulo | where | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1074 | | | 0 |
542593 | | una: | who | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1075 | | | 0 |
542594 | | uniʃi | 3du. | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1076 | | | 0 |
542596 | | uo | 3s. | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1078 | | | 0 |
542598 | | uso | medicine | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1080 | | | 0 |
542595 | | uŋ | stone | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1077 | | | 0 |
542597 | | uʃi | 3pl. | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1079 | | | 0 |
542599 | | wa | tiger | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1081 | | | 0 |
542601 | | wa khui | everywhere | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1083 | | | 0 |
542602 | | wa khuri mani | nowhere | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1084 | | | 0 |
542603 | | wa khute | somewhere | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1085 | | | 0 |
542604 | | wa nayaŋ | bee | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1086 | | | 0 |
542605 | | wa:lan | term used for the Indo-Aryan speakers by the Tibeto-Burman people. | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1087 | | | 0 |
542610 | | wa:ri | anywhere | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1092 | | | 0 |
542611 | | wa:ts | thread ball | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1093 | | | 0 |
542607 | | wamdɛ | black | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1089 | | | 0 |
542609 | | wamyɛ | face | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1091 | | | 0 |
542612 | | wase | up to.(up to a point) | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1094 | | | 0 |
542613 | | wathɛ | longer path, far away | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1095 | | | 0 |
542600 | | wà | adv. | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1082 | | | 0 |
542606 | | wàltɛ | loose, not tight | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1088 | | | 0 |
542608 | | wàmmo | spring out (streamlet) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1090 | | | 0 |
542614 | | wo ʃiŋmo | kiss | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1096 | | | 0 |
542615 | | woja | 3sg. dative pronoun | pro. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1097 | | | 0 |
542616 | | womba | smallpox | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1098 | | | 0 |
542619 | | wurthe | loud | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1101 | | | 0 |
542617 | | wɔm | bear | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1099 | | | 0 |
542618 | | wɔŋ | herd, flock | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1100 | | | 0 |
542638 | | ya | king | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1120 | | | 0 |
542620 | | ya:◦mi | bad person | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1102 | | | 0 |
542621 | | ya:◦mo | sleep | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1103 | | | 0 |
542622 | | yabmo | stand | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1104 | | | 0 |
542623 | | yaddɛ | bad | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1105 | | | 0 |
542624 | | yaknidɛ | one who is sleeping | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1106 | | | 0 |
542625 | | yak◦t5o | male yak | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1107 | | | 0 |
542626 | | yana:-yana: | in olden days; once upon a time in the past | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1108 | | | 0 |
542627 | | yane | spring season | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1109 | | | 0 |
542629 | | yanʃi phəmmo | make someone walk | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1111 | | | 0 |
542630 | | yanʃimo | walk | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1112 | | | 0 |
542632 | | yargo | upper part of the body (above the waist) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1114 | | | 0 |
542633 | | yarmo | wash utensils, bathe someone; cry | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1115 | | | 0 |
542635 | | yarto | above | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1117 | | | 0 |
542634 | | yarʃimo | bathe (oneself) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1116 | | | 0 |
542636 | | yatsa: galmo | invite | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1118 | | | 0 |
542628 | | yaŋkwal | serving spoon | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1110 | | | 0 |
542631 | | yaŋti | river | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1113 | | | 0 |
542637 | | yàmmo | take an oath | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1119 | | | 0 |
542639 | | ye | eagle type of bird | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1121 | | | 0 |
542640 | | yebmo | sow | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1122 | | | 0 |
542642 | | yelba: | bamboo | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1124 | | | 0 |
542644 | | yemo | save | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1126 | | | 0 |
542643 | | yemɨn | husband-wife | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1125 | | | 0 |
542645 | | yenʃimo | walk | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1127 | | | 0 |
542646 | | yeʃimo | get collected | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1128 | | | 0 |
542641 | | ye◦daŋ | big mountain | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1123 | | | 0 |
542650 | | yi: | bow | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1132 | | | 0 |
542648 | | yi:dɛ | old | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1130 | | | 0 |
542649 | | yi:mo | grind corn (vt.); grow old (vi.) | v. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1131 | | | 0 |
542651 | | yikho | below, down | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1133 | | | 0 |
542652 | | yilmo | sharpen | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1134 | | | 0 |
542653 | | yilthɛ | late | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1135 | | | 0 |
542654 | | yilwuŋ | sharpening stone | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1136 | | | 0 |
542656 | | yin | aux. be | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1138 | | | 0 |
542655 | | yinmo | be tired | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1137 | | | 0 |
542657 | | yoti | dem. | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1139 | | | 0 |
542658 | | yugu | log | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1140 | | | 0 |
542659 | | yùkʃimo | ride a horse | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1141 | | | 0 |
542647 | | yɛ̀ | mountain, a type of flour | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 1129 | | | 0 |
542157 | | ŋaba | five fold | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 639 | | | 0 |
542158 | | ŋagba: | duck | | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 640 | | | 0 |
542159 | | ŋai | five | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 641 | | | 0 |
542160 | | ŋakhte | bad smell | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 642 | | | 0 |
542161 | | ŋalde | separated lover | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 643 | | | 0 |
542162 | | ŋamtɛ | robust, strong | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 644 | | | 0 |
542164 | | ŋasa | fifty | num. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 646 | | | 0 |
542165 | | ŋatsu | five times | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 647 | | | 0 |
542163 | 2527,m | ŋaŋ◦ba: | duck | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 645 | | | 0 |
542166 | | ŋokhɔ | in front of, in the presence of | pp. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 648 | | | 0 |
542168 | | ŋuo | kiss | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 650 | | | 0 |
542169 | | ŋwomo | cut hair of sheep, goat | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 651 | | | 0 |
542167 | | ŋɔ | face | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 649 | | | 0 |
542191 | | ɔ | affirmative answer to a question | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 673 | | | 0 |
542190 | | ɔ̀ŋmo | inspect, watch something closely | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 672 | | | 0 |
542384 | | ʃakʃimo | wear (ornaments) | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 866 | | | 0 |
542383 | 32,m,m | ʃak◦ci◦mo | breathe | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 865 | | | 0 |
542385 | | ʃanda | spinach | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 867 | | | 0 |
542392 | bIndic | ʃau | apple | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 874 | | | 1 |
542387 | | ʃaŋka: | father's third younger brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 869 | | | 0 |
542388 | | ʃaŋla: | type of rock | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 870 | | | 0 |
542390 | | ʃaŋthe | old (person) | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 872 | | | 0 |
542391 | | ʃaŋwa: | tiger (a large size) | | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 873 | | | 0 |
542389 | | ʃaŋ◦mi | wealthy person | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 871 | | | 0 |
542386 | | ʃàŋ | large | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 868 | | | 0 |
542393 | | ʃelo | shade | adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 875 | | | 0 |
542394 | | ʃendɛ | child | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 876 | | | 0 |
542397 | | ʃeʃimo | crawl (a baby) | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 879 | | | 0 |
542399 | | ʃi:dɛ | white | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 881 | | | 0 |
542401 | | ʃilti | saliva | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 883 | | | 0 |
542402 | | ʃime | breast | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 884 | | | 0 |
542409 | | ʃin | wood | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 891 | | | 0 |
542410 | | ʃipts | comb | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 892 | | | 0 |
542414 | | ʃir | castrated male goat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 896 | | | 0 |
542411 | | ʃiri | boy, son | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 893 | | | 0 |
542412 | | ʃirta | sour | adj. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 894 | | | 0 |
542413 | | ʃirts | male goat | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 895 | | | 0 |
542417 | | ʃiyumo | bleed | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 899 | | | 0 |
542407 | | ʃiŋram | ginger | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 889 | | | 0 |
542415 | | ʃiʃi da:mo | mimic | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 897 | | | 0 |
542398 | 230 | ʃı̀ | blood | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 880 | | | 0 |
542400 | | ʃı̀l | dew-drops | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 882 | | | 0 |
542403 | | ʃı̀mo | apply something, wipe | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 885 | | | 0 |
542416 | | ʃi◦sɔ | heart | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 898 | | | 0 |
542418 | | ʃomo | roast (dry) to parch | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 900 | | | 0 |
542424 | | ʃuŋmo | do | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 906 | | | 0 |
542426 | | ʃyala: kalmo | plaster | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 908 | | | 0 |
542430 | | ʃyarnam | north | n., adj., adv. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 912 | | | 0 |
542431 | | ʃyartam | left side of the body | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 913 | | | 0 |
542425 | 34 | ʃyà: | meat, flesh | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 907 | | | 0 |
542427 | | ʃyàlɛ | rainy season | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 909 | | | 0 |
542428 | | ʃyàmo | run away, abscond; increase | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 910 | | | 0 |
542429 | | ʃyàndɛ | offspring | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 911 | | | 0 |
542432 | m,230 | ʃya◦ʃi | relatives (related by blood) | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 914 | | | 0 |
542419 | | ʃɔla: | birch tree bark used as paper in olden days | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 901 | | | 0 |
542420 | | ʃɔmo | fulfill a promise | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 902 | | | 0 |
542421 | | ʃɔ̀mo | slip | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 903 | | | 0 |
542422 | | ʃɔ̀ŋ◦mo | make some one sit | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 904 | | | 0 |
542423 | | ʃɔ̀ŋ◦ʃi◦mo | sit | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 905 | | | 0 |
542395 | | ʃɛrci phəmo | make someone agree | vt. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 877 | | | 0 |
542396 | | ʃɛrcimo | agree | vi. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 878 | | | 0 |
542405 | | ʃɨnci | father's third younger brother's wife | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 887 | | | 0 |
542404 | | ʃɨncini | father's third younger sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 886 | | | 0 |
542406 | | ʃɨnhya: | third elder brother | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 888 | | | 0 |
542408 | | ʃɨnta: | third elder sister | n. | 2108 | Byangsi | 20 | 2.1.1 | Western Himalayish | Sharma 2003 | SRS-TBLUP | 890 | | | 0 |