tag num_recs chaptertitle chapter sequence protoform protogloss grpid plg grpno notes num_notes num_comparanda status public username
1146Body1.1.12.0guŋBODY / BACK2PTB0.1STC p.182, GSR, HPTB p.30921KEEP1stedt
rn analysis reflex gloss gfn lgid language grpid grpno grp citation srcabbr srcid semkey chaptertitle num_notes
3046141269laustone1738Red Karen507KarenicBenedict 72 STCSTC144n3893.2.9Rocks and minerals0
304613nauhorn1738Red Karen507KarenicBenedict 72 STCSTC144n3891.2.2Horn(ed)/Antler0
3046177207ant1738Red Karen507KarenicBenedict 72 STCSTC144n3892.2.6Insects, Arachnids, and Worms0
304612θöthre1738Red Karen507KarenicBenedict 72 STCSTC144n3890