tag num_recs chaptertitle chapter sequence protoform protogloss grpid plg grpno notes num_notes num_comparanda status public username
1146Body1.1.12.0guŋBODY / BACK2PTB0.1STC p.182, GSR, HPTB p.30921KEEP1stedt
rn analysis reflex gloss gfn lgid language grpid grpno grp citation srcabbr srcid semkey chaptertitle num_notes
60469khəŋkupbite and see whether the paddy is well dried or not1480Tangkhul661.3.4TangkhulicLaPolla 87RJL-DPTB19510.0Grammatical Words0
59320m,1788khə◦mawound1480Tangkhul661.3.4TangkhulicLaPolla 87RJL-DPTB851.8.6.2Abscess/Ulcer0