7.0 Adjectival Verbs > 7.1 Adjectives and attributives > 7.1.8 Evaluatives (but see also 7.1.3, 7.1.5, 9.6) > Neutral term

#7187 PTB *kwak OLD

The fit between the Bodic and Kiranti forms is very good, but further confirmation of this etymon would be welcome.

2236947187,s1092kɔk¹³po⁵³old (of people)Tshona (Mama)222.1.2Bodic1Sun H 91 ZMYYZMYYC857.60
2242047187,s1092kɔk¹³po⁵³old (things)Tshona (Mama)222.1.2Bodic1Sun H 91 ZMYYZMYYC867.60
3990637187,s1850kɔk³⁵po⁵³used / oldCuona Menba222.1.2Bodic1Huang and Dai 92 TBLTBL1051.060
344626b,7187,s1801buDha◦khok◦paold manBantawa762.3.2Southern Kiranti1Rai 85 BnDsNKR-Bant0
3441297187,s1801khok◦maold womanBantawa762.3.2Southern Kiranti1Rai 85 BnDsNKR-Bant0
3441287187,s1801khok◦paold manBantawa762.3.2Southern Kiranti1Rai 85 BnDsNKR-Bant0