3.0 Natural Objects, Plants, Foods > 3.2 Natural Objects > 3.2.10 Light or lack of light

#6212 PTB *g(l)(i/u)m SET (OF THE SUN)

Reconstructed mesoroots below:

The Nungish forms provide crucial evidence for the proto-cluster, while other forms preserve only a simple lateral or velar initial. See Matisoff 2000, “Three Tibeto-Burman / Sino-Tibetan word families”.

5149966212,62122012g(l)im ⪤ g(l)umset (of the sun)*Tibeto-Burman20.1Tibeto-Burman (previously published reconstructions)0Matisoff 03 HPTBJAM-HPTB5900
42000062121818lɯŋ⁵³set (of the sun)v.Darang [Taraon]61.1.2Deng1Huang and Dai 92 TBLTBL1512.220
2183356212509lɯŋ⁵³set (of the sun)Darang [Taraon]61.1.2Deng1Sun H 91 ZMYYZMYYC752.490
381332m,62121818xɯŋ⁵⁵lɯŋ⁵³bɯm⁵³westnDarang [Taraon]61.1.2Deng1Huang and Dai 92 TBLTBL0706.220
182431m,6212509xɯŋ⁵⁵lɯŋ⁵³bɯm⁵³westDarang [Taraon]61.1.2Deng1Sun H 91 ZMYYZMYYC48.490
726766212,m547giːm◦nɨset (of naːm "the sun")Dumi772.3.3Central Kiranti1Driem 93 DumiSVD-Dum0
4945762121545gam-set (of sun)v.Thulung302.3.4Western Kiranti1Allen 75NJA-Thulung0
218320m,62121147mi³³qɛ⁵³set (of the sun)Namuyi343.2Qiangic1Sun H 91 ZMYYZMYYC752.190
420024m,62121844mi³³qæ⁵³set (of the sun)v.Namuyi343.2Qiangic1Huang and Dai 92 TBLTBL1512.460
218340m,62121320a qeset (of the sun)Qiang (Mawo)343.2Qiangic1Sun H 91 ZMYYZMYYC752.80
419986m,62121852ɑ qɑset (of the sun)v.Qiang (Mawo)343.2Qiangic1Huang and Dai 92 TBLTBL1512.080
1824426212,m1409gĩ³³tʃɿ³⁵westXumi343.2Qiangic1Sun H 91 ZMYYZMYYC48.200
3813276212,m1812gĩ³³tʂɿ⁵⁵west (lit. 'sun set place')nXumi343.2Qiangic1Huang and Dai 92 TBLTBL0706.170
41999562121812gĩ⁵⁵set (of the sun)v.Xumi343.2Qiangic1Huang and Dai 92 TBLTBL1512.170
218346m,62121409miɛ³³ɣĩ⁵⁵set (of the sun)Xumi343.2Qiangic1Sun H 91 ZMYYZMYYC752.200
41999862121816glɔm⁵³set (of the sun)v.Dulong384Nungic1Huang and Dai 92 TBLTBL1512.200
2183596212537glɔm⁵³set (of the sun)Trung [Dulong]384Nungic1Sun H 91 ZMYYZMYYC752.460
51499562122011gim¹set (of the sun)*Lolo-Burmese426.1Lolo-Burmese1Matisoff 03 HPTBJAM-HPTB5900
42002162121841qɛ³¹set (of the sun)v.Lahu (Lancang)476.1.2.2Central Loloish1Huang and Dai 92 TBLTBL1512.430
2183276212851qɛ³¹set (of the sun)Lahu (Black)476.1.2.2Central Loloish1Sun H 91 ZMYYZMYYC752.330