6.0 Verbs of Motion, of Manipulation, and of Production > 6.1 Action Verbs without Patient > 6.1.1 Affect > Lie (down) > Fall

#5810 PTB *b-l/r-(a/e/o)ŋ COLLAPSE / SLIDE / FALL DOWN (provisional)

Chinese comparandum

崩 OC *pəng, GSR #886m ‘collapse, slide down, cave in (e.g. of rocks, earth); topple; burst’; Schuessler 2007:160-1 *pə̂ŋ; B & S 2011: (*pˁəŋ); Mand. bēng.
顛 OC *tien, GSR #375m ‘topple, fall down, be overthrown; Schuessler 2007:211 *tîn*tlin; B & S 2011: (*tˁin); Mand. diān.