6.0 Verbs of Motion, of Manipulation, and of Production > 6.7 Movement

#4167 PKC *pal WADE / PASS BY / TREAD ON / WALK ON (provisional)

50019841671920palWADE / PASS BY / TREAD ON / WALK ON*Chin81.2Kuki-Chin1VanBik 09 PKCKVB-PKC1670
44232441671930palwadePaite681.2.1.1Northern Chin1VanBik 09 PKCKVB-PKC1670
44232341671925pal¹wade through short bushes or grassTiddim681.2.1.1Northern Chin1VanBik 09 PKCKVB-PKC1670
44232041671947pâl-I, pǎl-IIwade, walk on, pass byLai (Hakha)701.2.2Central Chin1VanBik 09 PKCKVB-PKC1670
44232141671923pál-I, pàl-IIwade, walk onLai (Falam)701.2.2Central Chin1VanBik 09 PKCKVB-PKC1670
44232241671924pǎlbrush against (with the legs), to pass by (on way through), to pay a passing visit (at a village)vLushai [Mizo]701.2.2Central Chin1VanBik 09 PKCKVB-PKC1670
5146264167976pêlpass byvLushai [Mizo]701.2.2Central Chin1Marrison 67 NagaGEM-CNL1870
31614441671779peːlpass byvLushai [Mizo]701.2.2Central Chin1Bhaskararao 96 CDBPB-CLDB27720

Chinese comparandum