7.0 Adjectival Verbs > 7.1 Adjectives and attributives > 7.1.2 Quantity/Degree/Temperature > Degree

#3500 PTB *hwaŋ CHEAP

The sound / meaning correspondences among the three supporting forms from these three scattered languages of Northeast India could hardly be better, but more data is needed to establish this root firmly for PTB.

23881535001019hongcheapMaring111.3“Naga” Areal Group0Marrison 67 NagaGEM-CNL0
2388173500,s1301hong◦nucheapPuiron641.3.3Zeme Group1Marrison 67 NagaGEM-CNL0
2388293500,s1041hong◦bacheapMeithei131.4Meithei1Marrison 67 NagaGEM-CNL0