1.0 The Body > 1.1 Body Parts > 1.1.6 Die/Deathly > Carcass/Dead Body

#24 PTB *s-pur CORPSE

This root has so far mostly been found in Himalayan languages, and further confirmation from other branches of the family would be welcome.

114858241568purcarcass / corpseTibetan (Written) 87 BPJAM-Ety0
1148592,241568sku-spurcarcass / corpseTibetan (Written) 87 BPJAM-Ety0
114857241568spurcarcass / corpseTibetan (Written) 87 BPJAM-Ety0
11486624894purcarcass / corpseLepcha212.1.3Lepcha1Matisoff 87 BPJAM-Ety0
353318241810pø²⁴corpsenMuya343.2Qiangic1Huang and Dai 92 TBLTBL0162.150
129689241135pø³⁵corpse / dead bodyMuya [Minyak]343.2Qiangic1Sun H 91 MuyQSHK-MuyaQ1.140