1.0 The Body > 1.1 Body Parts > 1.1.2 Life/Breathe/Exist > Breath/Breathe

#1814 PTB *ti BREATHE

This root has so far been uncovered only in a few Tibeto-Burman languages of Nepal.

114612m,1814913net◦tibreath / lifeLimbu312.3.1Eastern Kiranti1Matisoff 87 BPJAM-Ety0
14287232,18141435'soːk◦tibreathSunwar302.3.4Western Kiranti1Michailovsky 91 KrBM-PK7230
11463632,18141437'soːk◦tibreath / lifeSunwar302.3.4Western Kiranti1Matisoff 87 BPJAM-Ety0
16880432,18141435so◦tibreathSunwar302.3.4Western Kiranti1Michailovsky 91 KrBM-PK7230
11463732,1814,b1437so◦ti phere-|cābreath / lifeSunwar302.3.4Western Kiranti1Matisoff 87 BPJAM-Ety0