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9.10.3 Governable units (towns, parts of towns)

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tag num_recs chaptertitle chapter sequence protoform protogloss grpid plg grpno notes num_notes num_comparanda status public username
220915Governable units (towns, parts of towns) HPTB pp. 65, 406, STC p.52; STC done10KEEP1stedt
277376Governable units (towns, parts of towns) HPTB pp. 127, 134, STC#44421KEEP1stedt
69154Governable units (towns, parts of towns)ʰuulVILLAGE66PTk1.3.4DRM#50900KEEP1stedt
574550Governable units (towns, parts of towns)ᴴVILLAGE45PL6.1.2HPTB:59400KEEP0stedt
574613Governable units (towns, parts of towns) / VILLAGE2PTB0.1LL20KEEP1stedt
577624Governable units (towns, parts of towns)ŋVILLAGE / CROSSROADS2PTB0.121KEEP0stedt
58470Governable units (towns, parts of towns)9.10.33501.0yulVILLAGE2PTB0.1210spbyte
59660Governable units (towns, parts of towns)ŋVILLAGE2PTB0.1100spbyte