[Back to the Chapter Browser] Move an object

Etyma in this chapter

tag num_recs chaptertitle chapter sequence protoform protogloss grpid plg grpno notes num_notes num_comparanda status public username
40253Move an object6.2.2.21838.0ɓayEXERT / ATTEMPT8PKC1.2PKC #2500KEEP0stedt
53183Move an object6.2.2.21839.0traŋ-I, tran-IIEXERT / MAKE EFFORT70PCC1.2.2PKC #1318 ("PCC")00KEEP0stedt
73107Move an object6.2.2.21840.0chuNᴬEXERT FORCING TO EXPEL50PKar7TL#10500KEEP1stedt
766916Move an object6.2.2.22962.0jaːmSEARCH / SEEK63PCN1.3.1PCN #12200KEEP1stedt
47445Move an object6.2.2.23502.0hoʔVISIT68PNC1.2.1.1PKC #744 ("PNC")00KEEP0stedt