Contents of LTBA by issue
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Volume 1, 1974
MICHAILOVSKY, BOYD. 1974. Hayu typology and verbal morphology.
1.1-26. (Errata LTBA 2.2, p 215).
MAZAUDON, MARTINE. 1974. Notes on tone in Tibeto-Burman. 1.27-54.
OKRAND, MARC. 1974. Na-khi and Proto-Lolo-Burmese: a preliminary
survey. 1.55-97.
THURGOOD, GRAHAM. 1974. Lolo-Burmese rhymes. 1.98-107.
BAUMAN, JAMES. 1974. Pronominal verb morphology in Tibeto-Burman.
ABADIE, PEGGY. 1974. Nepali as an ergative language. 1.156-77.
HILLARD, EDWARD. 1974. Some aspects of Chin verb morphology. 1.178-85.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1974. Verb concatenation in Kachin. 1.186-206.
Volume 2, 1975
Issue 1
SMITH, KENNETH D. 1975. The velar animal prefix in Vietnamese
languages. 2.1: 1-18.
LEHMAN, F. K. 1975. Wolfenden's non-pronominal a- prefix in
Tibeto-Burman. 2.1: 19-44.
WATTERS, DAVID E. 1975. The evolution of a Tibeto-Burman pronominal
verb morphology. 2.1: 19-44.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1975. Where it all began: memories of Robert Shafer
and the 'Sino-Tibetan Linguistics Project'. 2.1: 81-92.
BRADLEY, DAVID. 1975. Nahsi and Proto-Burmese-Lolo. 2.1: 93-150.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1975. A new Lahu simplex/causative pair:
'study/train'. 2.1: 151-54.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1975. Benedict's Sino-Tibetan: a rejection of
Miller's Conspectus inspection. 2.1: 155-69.
Issue 2
SPRIGG, R. K. 1975. The inefficiency of 'tone change' in Sino-Tibetan
descriptive linguistics. 2.2: 173-81.
MICHAILOVSKY, BOYD. 1975. Notes on the Kiranti verb (East Nepal). 2.2:
KEPPING, KSENIJA B. 1975. Subject and object agreement in the Tangut
verb. 2.2: 219-31.
GORAL, DONALD R. 1975. Pidginization in Vietnam. 2.2: 233-42.
TRAN TRONG, HAI. 1975. Verb concatenation in Vietnamese. 2.2: 243-72.
SMEALL, CHRISTOPHER. 1975. Grammaticalized verbs in Lolo-Burmese. 2.2:
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1975. A note on proto-Burmese-Lolo prefixation. 2.2:
MICHAILOVSKY, BOYD. 1975. A case of rhinoglottophilia in Hayu. 2.2:
Volume 3, 1976-1977
Issue 1
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1976. Rhyming dictionary of written Burmese. 3.1.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1976. Introduction to the Written Burmese Rhyming
Dictionary. 3.1: iii-x.
Issue 2
MAZAUDON, MARTINE. 1977. Tibeto-Burman tonogenetics. 3.2: 1-123.
Volume 4, 1978-1979
GORAL, DONALD R. 1978. Numeral classifier systems: a Southeast Asian
cross-linguistic analysis. 4.1: 1-72.
FROMKIN, VICTORIA and T. GANDOUR JACKSON. 1978. On the phonological
representation of contour tones. 4.1: 73-74.
COYAUD, MAURICE. 1978. Review of Chen Shi-Lin, Grammaire lolo:
dialecte de Xide. 4.1: 75-77.
Issue 2
LEHMAN, F. K. 1979. Etymological speculations on some Chin words.
4.2: 1-6.
MADDIESON, IAN. 1979. More on the representation of contour tones.
4.2: 7-10.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1979. Problems and progress in Lolo-Burmese. Quo
Vadimus? , 4.2: 11-43.
NAGANO, YASUHIKO. 1979. A historical study of rGyarong initials and
prefixes. 4.2: 44-68. (page correction - 52-55-53-54-56).
OKELL, JOHN. 1979. Still and anymore in Burmese:
another look at /thei/, /own/, /to/. 4.2: 69-82.
SHARMA, SUHNU R. 1979. Phonological structure of Spiti. 4.2: 83-110.
SOLNIT, DAVID B. 1979. Proto-Tibeto-Burman *r in Tiddim Chin
and Lushai. 4.2: 111-21.
THOUDAM, PURNA C. 1979. Conjoined structures with /EmEchuN/ in
Meiteiron. 4.2: 122-29.
WEIDERT, ALFONS. 1979. The Sino-tibetan tonogenetic laryngeal
reconstruction theory. 5.1: 49-127.
Volume 5, 1979-1980
Issue 1
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1979. Four forays into Karen linguistic history.
NAGANO, YASUHIKO. 1979. A historical study of rGyarong rhymes. 5.1:
WEIDERT, ALFONS. 1979. The Sino tibetan tonogenetic laryngeal
reconstruction theory. 5.1: 49-127.
Issue 2
DIFFLOTH, GÉRARD. 1980. The Wa anaphors. 5.2: 1-182.
Volume 6, 1981-1982
Issue 1
WEIDERT, ALFONS. 1981. Star, moon, spirits, and the affricates of
Angami Naga: a reply to James A. Matisoff. 6.1: 1-38.
KEPPING, KSENIJA. 1981. Agreement of the verb in Tangut. 6.1: 39-48.
SPRIGG, R. K. 1981. The Chang-Shefts tonal analysis, and the pitch
variation of the Lhasa Tibetan tones. 6.1: 49-60.
BURLING, ROBBINS. 1981. Garo spelling and Garo phonology. 6.1: 61-81.
DELANCEY, SCOTT. 1981. The category of direction in Tibeto- Burman.
6.1: 82-102.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1981. A further (unexpurgated) note on Karen genital
flipflop. 6.1: 103.
Issue 2
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1982. Proto-languages and proto-Sprachgefühl. 6.2:
GANDOUR, JACKSON T. 1982. A diagnostic aphasia examination for Thai.
6.2: 65-76.
KEPPING, KSENIJA. 1982. Deictic motion verbs in Tangut. 6.2: 77-82.
THOUDAM, PURNA C. 1982. Nouns in Meiteiron. 6.2: 83-87.
OKELL, JOHN. 1982. Review of Denise Bernot, Dictionnaire
birman-français. 6.2: 89-103.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1982. Vietnamese /s/ and /x/: the chu nom evidence.
6.2: 105-06.
Volume 7, 1982-1983
Issue 1
WHEATLEY, JULIAN K. 1982. Comments on the 'Hani' dialects of Loloish.
7.1: 1-38.
KEPPING, KSENIJA. 1982. Once again on the agreement of the Tangut
verb. 7.1: 39-54.
KWANTEN, L. 1982. Verbal agreement in Tangut: a conflicting opinion.
7.1: 55-61.
HANSSON, INGA-LILL. 1982. A phonological comparison of Akha and Hani.
7.1: 63-115.
Issue 2
BURLING, ROBBINS. 1983. The Sal languages. 7.2: 1-31.
STRECKER, DAVID. 1983. Proto-Tai vowels revisited: a comparison and
critique of the work of Sarawit and Li. 7.2: 33-74.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1983. This and that in TB/ST. 7.2:
THURGOOD, GRAHAM. 1983. Invited comment on This and that in TB/ST.
7.2: 99.
DELANCEY, SCOTT. 1983. Tangut and Tibeto-Burman morphology. 7.2:
HOMBERT, JEAN-MARIE. 1983. A brief encounter with Lahu tones. 7.2:
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1983. Proto-Karen final stops. 7.2: 112-13.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1983. Qiang monosyllabization: a third phase in the
cycle. 7.2: 113-14.
OKELL, JOHN. 1983. Review of U Hoke Sein, The Universal
Burmese-English-Pali Dictionary. 7.2: 115-20.
Volume 8, 1984-1985
Issue 1
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1984. PST interrogative *ga(ng) ~ *ka.
8.1: 1-10.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1984. The Sino-Tibetan existential *s-ri.
8.1: 11-13.
BURLING, ROBBINS. 1984. Noun compounding in Garo. 8.1: 14-42.
STERN, THEODORE. 1984. Sizang (Siyin) Chin texts. 8.1: 43-58.
DELANCEY, SCOTT. 1984. Etymological notes on Tibeto-Burman case
particles. 8.1: 59-77.
JAISSER, ANNIE. 1984. The complementizer (hais) tias 'that'
in Hmong. 8.1: 78-86.
CARR, MICHAEL. 1984. Another note on genital flipflop. 8.1: 87-90.
MAZAUDON, MARTINE. 1984. Review of Hari, An investigation of the
tones of Lhasa Tibetan. 8.1: 91-99.
Issue 2
SPRIGG, R. K. 1985. The Limbu s-final and t-final
verb roots after Michailovsky 1979 and Weidert 1982. 8.2: 1-35.
WATTERS, DAVID E. 1985. Emergent word tone in Kham: the evolution of a
Tibeto-Burman halfway house. 8.2: 36-54.
HENDERSON, EUGÉNIE J. A. 1985. Patterns of baby language in Bwe Karen.
8.2: 55-59.
CLARK, MARYBETH. 1985. Asking questions in Hmong and other Southeast
Asian languages. 8.2: 60-67.
GANDOUR, JACKSON T. 1985. A voice onset time analysis of word-initial
stops in Thai. 8.2: 68-80. (also see Fromkin and Gandour 1978)
(also see Potisuk, Gandour, and Harper 94).
ABBI, ANVITA and K. MISHRA AWADHESH. 1985. Consonant clusters and
syllabic structures of Meitei. 8.2: 81-92.
Volume 9, 1986
Issue 1
SUN, HONGKAI. 1986. Notes on Tibeto-Burman consonant clusters. 9.1:
BAUER, CHRISTIAN. 1986. Questions in Mon -- addenda and corrigenda.
9.1: 22-26.
SPRIGG, R. K. 1986. The syllable finals of Tibetan loan words in
Lepcha orthography. 9.1: 27-46.
ZHANG, LIANSHENG. 1986. The puzzle of da-drag in Tibetan.
9.1: 47-64.
PULLEYBLANK, EDWIN G. 1986. Tonogenesis as an index of areal
relationships in East Asia. 9.1: 65-82.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1986. Labiovelar unit phonemes in Lolo-Burmese? A
case to chew over: Lahu be 'chew' < PLB *N-gwya2.
9.1: 83-88.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1986. Miao-Yao enigma: the Na-e language. 9.1:
THURGOOD, GRAHAM. 1986. A brief comment on Das Gupta's works. 9.1:
DENWOOD, PHILIP. 1986. The Tibetan noun final -s. 9.1:
Issue 2
RATLIFF, MARTHA. 1986. An analysis of some tonally differentiated
doublets in White Hmong (Miao). 9.2: 1-35.
SUMALEE DECHONGKIT and MUKNGOEN SUNEE. 1986. The acquisition and
dissolution of the voicing contrast in Thai. 9.2: 36-52.
GENETTI, CAROL. 1986. The grammaticalization of the Newari verb tol.
9.2: 53-70.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1986. An anthropologist/psychiatrist looks at
Southeast Asian (including Japanese) linguistics. 9.2: 71-82.
SPRIGG, R. K. 1986. Review of R. Bielmeier, Das Märchen vom
Prinzen Cobzan. 9.2: 83-89.
THURGOOD, GRAHAM. 1986. Zauzou: a new Lolo-Burmese language. 9.2: 90.
Volume 10, 1987
Issue 1
LA POLLA, RANDY J. 1987. Dulong and Proto-Tibeto-Burman. 10.1: 1-43.
SPRIGG, R. K. 1987. 'Rhinoglottophilia' revisited: observations on
'the mysterious connection between nasality and glottality'. 10.1:
SCHULZE, MARLENE. 1987. Intense action adverbials in Sunwar: a verbal
intensifier system. 10.1: 63-85.
DAI, QINGXIA. 1987. Characteristics of the language of traditional
songs of the Jingpo nationality. 10.1: 86-116.
SUN, HONGKAI. 1987. A brief account of my research work, with an
appended bibliography. 10.1: 117-25.
SHARMA, SUHNU R. 1987. Non-Tibeto-Burman features in PaTani. 10.1:
TAID, TABU. 1987. A short note on Mising phonology. 10.1: 130-37.
TAID, TABU. 1987. Mising morphophonemics. 10.1: 138-46.
HARTMANN-SO, HELGA. 1987. Time expressions in Daai Chin. 10.1: 147-51.
TAN, KERANG. 1987. On the evolution of Tibetan final -s.
10.1: 152-65.
COBLIN, W. SOUTH. 1987. A note on Tibetan mu. 10.1: 166-68.
BAUER, ROBERT S. 1987. 'Leg' in southeastern Chinese dialects. 10.1:
LUO, MEIZHEN. 1987. The evolution of vowel length and final consonants
in Dai. 10.1: 175-81.
ALGAIER, CHARLES J. 1987. Ancient Thai teases. 10.1: 182-85.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1987. Autonyms: ought or ought not. 10.1: 186-88.
Issue 2
STRECKER, DAVID. 1987. The Hmong-Mien languages. 10.2: 1-11.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1987. Early MY/TB loan relationships. 10.2: 12-21.
STRECKER, DAVID. 1987. Some comments on Benedict's Miao-Yao
Enigma: the Na-e language. 10.2: 22-42.
STRECKER, DAVID. 1987. Some comments on Benedict's The Miao-Yao
Enigma: addendum. 10.2: 43-53. (also see Johns and Strecker
SOLNIT, DAVID B. 1987. A note on the phonemic status of [schwa] in
Biao Min Yao. 10.2: 54-56.
JARKEY, NERIDA. 1987. An investigation of two alveolar stop consonants
in White Hmong. 10.2: 57-70.
RATLIFF, MARTHA. 1987. Tone sandhi compounding in White Hmong. 10.2:
JOHNS, BRENDA and STRECKER DAVID. 1987. Lexical and phonological
sources of Hmong elaborate expressions. 10.2: 106-12.
FULLER, JUDITH WHEATON. 1987. Topic markers in Hmong. 10.2: 113-27.
PURNELL, HERBERT C. 1987. Developing practical orthographies for the
Iu Mien (Yao), 1932 - 1986: a case study. 10.2: 128-41.
LYMAN, THOMAS AMIS. 1987. The word nzi in Green Hmong. 10.2:
COURT, CHRISTOPHER. 1987. Some classes of classifier in Iu Mien (Yao).
10.2: 144-50.
CARON, BRUCE R. 1987. A comparative look at Yao numerical classifiers.
10.2: 151-68.
JAISSER, ANNIE. 1987. Hmong classifiers: a problem set. 10.2: 169-76.
Volume 11, 1988
Issue 1
DRIEM, SJORS VAN. 1988. The verbal morphology of Dumi Rai simplicia.
BODMAN, NICHOLAS C. 1988. On the place of Lepcha in Sino-Tibetan: a
lexical comparison. 11.1: 1-26.
SUN, HONGKAI. 1988. Notes on Anong, a new language. 11.1: 27-63.
SVANTESSON, JAN-OLOF. 1988. U. 11.1: 64-133.
Issue 2
DAI, QINGXIA. 1988. My work in Tibeto-Burman linguistics. 11.2: 1-6.
GORAL, DONALD R. 1988. Modal verbs and generative grammar. 11.2: 7-24.
MICHAILOVSKY, BOYD. 1988. Phonological typology of Nepal languages.
11.2: 25-50.
DELANCEY, SCOTT. 1988. On the evolution of the Kham agreement
paradigm. 11.2: 51-61.
GENETTI, CAROL. 1988. Notes on the structure of the Sunwari transitive
verb. 11.2: 62-92.
LA POLLA, RANDY J. 1988. Phonetic development of Tibetan. 11.2: 93-97.
HARTMANN-SO, HELGA. 1988. Notes on the Southern Chin languages. 11.2:
MORSE, STEPHEN A. 1988. A short update on Rawang phonology. 11.2:
MANASTER-RAMER, ALEXIS. 1988. What about Lisu? , 11.2: 133-43.
BAUER, ROBERT S. 1988. Sino-Tibetan *tongue and *lick.
11.2: 144-65.
SOLNIT, DAVID B. 1988. On the apparent labio-velar nasals of Kam.
11.2: 166-72.
Volume 12, 1989
Issue 1
MA, XUELIANG. 1989. My research career. 12.1: 1-5.
HANSSON, INGA-LILL. 1989. A comparison of Akha, Hani, Khatu and Pijo.
12.1: 6-91.
SUN, HONGKAI. 1989. A preliminary investigation into the relationship
between Qiong Long and the languages of the Qiang branch of
Tibeto-Burman. 12.1: 92-109.
BHASKARARAO, PERI. 1989. The process of chiming in Tiddim Chin. 12.1:
CHHANGTE, THANGI. 1989. Complementation in Mizo (Lushai). 12.1:
abnormal phonological development in Thai. 12.1: 156-85.
Issue 2
RIDDLE, ELIZABETH M. 1989. Serial verbs and propositions in White
Hmong. 12.2: 1-13.
XU, XIJIAN. 1989. On the origin and development of classifiers in
Jingpo. 12.2: 15-23.
DELANCEY, SCOTT. 1989. Tibetan evidence for Nungish metathesis. 12.2:
DELANCEY, SCOTT. 1989. Contour tones from lost syllables in Central
Tibetan. 12.2: 33-34.
SAXENA, ANJU. 1989. Ergative in Milaraspa' i rnam thar. 12.2:
SINGH, JAG DEVA. 1989. Lahauli verb inflection. 12.2: 41-49.
HARTMANN-SO, HELGA. 1989. Morphophonemic changes in Daai Chin. 12.2:
KAPFO, KEDUTSO. 1989. Tones in Khezha noun constructions. 12.2: 67-78.
BANDYOPADHYAY, SWAPON KUMAR. 1989. A Tangsa wordlist. 12.2: 79-91.
THOUDAM, PURNA C. 1989. Conditioning factors for morphophonemic
alternations of manner in Meiteiron. 12.2: 93-99.
SINGH, WARIBAM RAGHUMANI. 1989. The Kwatha dialect of Meitei. 12.2:
PRAMODINI, N. 1989. Kinship terminology in Meiteilon: a
sociolinguistic study. 12.2: 123-36.
SINGH, CHUNGKHAM YASHAWANTA. 1989. Terms of address in Meiteilon.
12.2: 137-45.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1989. Tone, intonation, and sound symbolism in
Lahu: loading the syllable canon. 12.2: 147-63.
Volume 13, 1990
Issue 1
SUN, HONGKAI. 1990. Languages of the Ethnic Corridor in Western
Sichuan. 13.1: 1-31.
SPRIGG, R. K. 1990. Tone in Tamang and Tibetan, and the advantages of
keeping register-based tone systems separate from contour-based
systems. 13.1: 33-56.
EBERT, KAREN H. 1990. On the evidence for the relationship
Kiranti-Rung. 13.1: 57-78.
CHE, QIAN. 1990. Certain phonetic changes in Tibetan in the light of
variant and erroneous spellings in Old Tibetan documents of the royal
period. 13.1: 79-88.
LEHMAN, F. K. 1990. Outline of a formal syntax of numerical
expressions with especial reference to the phenomenon of numeral
classifiers. 13.1: 89-120.
SREEDHAR, M. 1990. Clan, marriage practices, and kinship terms amongst
the Ao and Sema Nagas. 13.1: 121-39.
OEY, ERIC M. 1990. 'Psycho-collocations' in Malay. 13.1: 141-58.
JAISSER, ANNIE. 1990. DeLIVERing an introduction to
psycho-collocations with SIAB in Hmong. 13.1: 159-78.
Issue 2
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1990. How to tell Lai: an exercise in
classification. 13.2: 1-26.
CHELLIAH, SHOBHANA L. 1990. Level-ordered morphology and phonology in
Manipuri. 13.2: 27-72.
CHELLIAH, SHOBHANA L. 1990. A bibliography of Meiteiron (Manipuri)
linguistics. 13.2: 73-86.
CARR, MICHAEL. 1990. Chinese dragon names. 13.2: 87-189.
Volume 14, 1991
Issue 1
GIRIDHAR, P. P. 1991. On the word in Angami Naga. 14.1: 1-54.
HERRING, SUSAN C. 1991. Nominalization, relativization, and
attribution in Lotha, Angami, and Burmese. 14.1: 55-72.
EBERT, KAREN H. 1991. Inverse and pseudo-inverse prefixes in Kiranti
languages: evidence from Belhare, Athpariya, and Dungmali. 14.1:
SAXENA, ANJU. 1991. Pathways of the development of the ergative in
Central Tibetan. 14.1: 93-108.
TOURNADRE, NICOLAS. 1991. The rhetorical use of the Tibetan ergative.
14.1: 93-108.
transcriptions of Tangut (Hsi-hsia) ideograms. 14.1: 117-28.
transcriptions of Tangut (Hsi-hsia) ideograms. 14.1: 117-28.
SAXENA, ANJU. 1991. Tone in PaTani and Central Tibetan: parallel
developments? , 14.1: 129-36.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1991. A note on PST-level morphosyntax. 14.1:
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1991. Genital flipflop: a Chinese note. 14.1:
BAUER, ROBERT S. 1991. Sino-Tibetan *vulva. 14.1: 147-72.
Issue 2
KEPPING, KSENIJA. 1991. Tangut (Xixia) degrees of mourning. 14.2:
1-63. (also see van Driem and Kepping 1991).
CHE, QIAN. 1991. On certain Tibetan and Chinese phonological questions
of the medieval period. 14.2: 65-92.
SPRIGG, R. K. 1991. The spelling style pronunciation of Written
Tibetan, and the hazards of using citation forms in the phonological
analysis of spoken Tibetan. 14.2: 93-131.
SINGH, CHUNGKHAM YASHAWANTA. 1991. Causativization in Meiteilon. 14.2:
GIRIDHAR, P. P. 1991. Lexical incorporation and hyponymy in Angami:
some observations. 14.2: 145-48.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1991. The Proto-Burmese-Yipho nominalizing *-t suffix.
14.2: 149-53.
HANSSON, INGA-LILL. 1991. The language of Akha ritual texts. 14.2:
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1991. Comment on Matisoff's comparison between
Greenberg and Benedict. 14.2: 169-70.
FU, AILAN and ZHU WU. 1991. The 5th International Yi-Burmese
Conference: a description. 14.2: 171-77.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1991. Notes on the 5th Yi-Burmese Conference and
subsequent peregrinations. 14.2: 179-83.
Volume 15, 1992
Issue 1
LA POLLA, RANDY J. 1992. 'Anti-ergative' marking in Tibeto-Burman.
15.1: 1-9.
CHAPPELL, HILARY. 1992. The benefactive construction in Moulmein Sgaw
Karen. 15.1: 11-30.
DELANCEY, SCOTT. 1992. Sunwar copulas. 15.1: 31-38.
SPRIGG, R. K. 1992. Bantawa Rai s-, t-, and z-
final verb roots: transitives, intransitives, causatives, and
directives. 15.1: 39-52.
CHE, QIAN. 1992. A preliminary discussion of subject marking (byed-sgra)
in Lhasa Tibetan. 15.1: 53-63.
DUANMU, SAN. 1992. An autosegmental analysis of tone in four Tibetan
languages. 15.1: 65-91.
PONGLORPISIT SUVIT. 1992. Tonal coarticulation in Thai disyllabic
utterances: a preliminary study. 15.1: 93-110.
GANDOUR, JACKSON T. 1992. Anticipatory tonal coarticulation in Thai
noun compounds. 15.1: 111-24.
BAUER, ROBERT S. 1992. *SOAP rings the globe. 15.1: 125-37.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1992. A key etymology. 15.1: 139-43.
BAUER, ROBERT S. 1992. Reply to Benedict's comment in regard to my
Sino-Tibetan etymologies. 15.1: 145-48.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1992. Miller: all about Japanese (A review of a
review). 15.1: 149-57.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1992. Following the Marrow: two parallel
Sino-Tibetan etymologies. 15.1: 159-77.
Issue 2
SUN, HONGKAI. 1992. On nationality and the recognition of
Tibeto-Burman languages. 15.2: 1-19.
DAI, QINGXIA and YANMUCHU. 1992. On the status of tones in the Suomo
dialect of rGyarong. 15.2: 21-31.
BURLING, ROBBINS. 1992. Garo as a minimal tone language. 15.2: 33-51.
WANG, ZHIJING. 1992. The trichotomy of the Tibetan subject. 15.2:
SUN, JACKSON TIANSHIN. 1992. Review of Zangmianyu Yuyin He Cihui [Tibeto-Burman
Phonology and Lexicon]. 15.2: 73-113.
GOERTZEN, STANLEY. 1992. 'Eat', 'eclipse', and 'adorn': cognates in
Chinese. 15.2: 115-25.
HILLARD, EDWARD. 1992. Whistle and Fontanel: two Mizo (Lushai) texts
with commentary. 15.2: 127-49.
BAUER, ROBERT S. 1992. Winkin', blinkin', and nod:
a study in historical-comparative semantics of Southeast Asian
languages. 15.2: 151-84.
HAYES, LAVAUGHN. 1992. On the common morphological origins of word
families in Southeast Asia. 15.2: 185-202.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1992. DGl: a rare donor language. 15.2: 203-05.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1992. Laha reexamined. 15.2: 207-18.
DONEGAN, PATRICIA. 1993. Rhythm and vocalic drift in Munda and
Mon-Khmer. 16.1: 1-43.
Volume 16, 1993
Issue 1
NINGOMBA, M. S. 1993. Deictic suffixes in Manipuri. 16.1: 45-56.
GENETTI, CAROL. 1993. On the morphological status of casemarkers in
Dolakha Newari. 16.1: 57-73.
ANDVIK, ERIK. 1993. Tshangla verb inflections. 16.1: 75-136.
DRIEM, SJORS VAN. 1993. Ancient Tangut manuscripts rediscovered. 16.1:
BRADLEY, DAVID. 1993. Pronouns in Burmese-Lolo. 16.1: 157-215.
Issue 2
HOGAN, LEE C. 1993. A comparison of reconstructed Austronesian, Old
Chinese, and Austro-Thai. 16.2: 1-55.
RIDDLE, ELIZABETH M. 1993. The relative marker uas in Hmong.
16.2: 57-68.
NICHUMENO. 1993. Phonetic structures of Khonoma Angami. 16.2: 69-88.
WATTERS, DAVID E. 1993. Agreement systems and syntactic organization
in the Kham verb Nepal. 16.2: 89-112.
DEMPSEY, JAKOB. 1993. 'Ergativity in Milarepa's Rnam.thar':
another viewpoint. 16.2: 113-20.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1993. Tibeto-Burman 'split cognates'. 16.2: 121-22.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1993. Sangkong of Yunnan: secondary 'verb
pronominalization' in Southern Loloish. 16.2: 123-42.
SUN, JACKSON TIANSHIN. 1993. The linguistic position of Tani (Mirish)
in Tibeto-Burman: a lexical assessment. 16.2: 143-88.
Volume 17, 1994
Issue 1
REMPT, BOUDEWIJN. 1994. The verbal agreement system of four Kham
languages. 17.1: 1-59.
LA POLLA, RANDY J. 1994. Parallel grammaticalizations in Tibeto-Burman
languages: evidence for Sapir's drift. 17.1: 61-80.
KANSAKAR, TEJ R. 1994. Grammaticalization of verbs in classical and
modern Newari. 17.1: 81-97.
PARK, INSUN. 1994. Grammaticalized verbs in Hayu. 17.1: 99-123.
SOE, MYINT. 1994. A semantic study of deictic auxiliaries in Burmese.
17.1: 125-39.
HANDEL, ZEV. 1994. Review of A Dictionary of the Northern Dialect
of Lisu (China and Southeast Asia). 17.1: 141-54.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1994. Watch out for number ONE: Jingpho ngai 'I'
and langai 'one (with some speculations about Jingpho number
TWO). 17.1: 155-65.
SAGART, LAURENT. 1994. Discussion note: reply to James A. Matisoff's A
key etymology. 17.1: 167-68.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1994. On keys and wedges: comment
on Sagart's discussion note. 17.1: 169-71.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1994. On VO vs OV in Southeast Asia. 17.1: 173-74.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1994. Kiranti linking '?' 17.1: 175-75.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1994. Greenberg and I: the case of Southeast Asian vulva.
17.1: 177-78.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1994. Garo and rGyarong (Suomo) prosodies. 17.1:
Issue 2
correlates of stress in Thai. 17.2: 1-27.
SUN, JACKSON TIANSHIN. 1994. Caodeng rGyalrong phonology: a first
look. 17.2: 29-47.
EDMONDSON, JEROLD A. and SHAONI LI. 1994. Voice quality and voice
quality change in the Bai language of Yunnan Province. 17.2: 49-68.
DUANMU, SAN. 1994. The phonology of the glottal stop in Garo. 17.2:
HOGAN, LEE C. 1994. Nasalization in Lhasa Tibetan. 17.2: 83-102.
NAGANO, SADAKO. 1994. A note on the Tibetan kinship terms khu and zhang.
17.2: 103-15.
COBLIN, W. SOUTH. 1994. An Old Tibetan variant for the word 'fox'.
17.2: 117-19.
KING, JOHN T. 1994. Picking up where Hodgson left off: Further notes
on Dhimal. 17.2: 121-32.
BRADLEY, DAVID. 1994. More 'things' in Burmese-Lolo. 17.2: 133-35.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1994. How dull can you get?: buttock and heel in
Sino-Tibetan. 17.2: 137-52.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1994. The perils of reconstruction: the case of
Proto-Yao. 17.2: 153-54.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1994. A note on genital de-flipflopping, with an
apology to Tsou boki. 17.2: 155-57.
Volume 18, 1995
BRADLEY, DAVID. 1995. Grammaticalisation of extent in Mran-Ni. 18.1:
DAI, QINGXIA. 1995. The variation of free morphemes in compound words
in Jinghpo. 18.1: 29-41.
HUANG, BUFAN. 1995. Conditions for tongenesis and tone split in
Tibetan dialects. 18.1: 43-62.
KATO, ATSUHIKO. 1995. The phonological systems of three Pwo Karen
dialects. 18.1: 63-103.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1995. On Jingpho 'one' and 'two'. 18.1: 105-06.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1995. Sino-Tibetan kin term *-i suffix.
18.1: 107-09.
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1995. PTB/PST pronominal *-i suffix. 18.1:
TAID, TABU. 1995. Verbal suffixes in Mising. 18.1: 117-28.
SINGH, CHUNGKHAM YASHAWANTA. 1995. The linguistic situation in
Manipur. 18.1: 129-34.
LI, XINGYOU. 1995. A comparative study of phonological correspondences
in Rgjal Rong and Written Tibetan cognates. 18.1: 135-48.
CHEN, BAOYA. 1995. On the original relationship between Chinese and
Kam-Tai. 18.1: 149-71.
WEERA, OSTAPIRAT. 1995. Notes on Laha final -l. 18.1: 173-81.
COOK, RICHARD S. 1995. The etymology of Chinese Chén. 18.2:
Volume 19, 1996
Issue 1
SOLNIT, DAVID B. 1996. Some evidence from Biao Min on the initials of
Proto-Mienic (Yao) and Proto-Hmong-Mien (Miao-Yao). 19.1: 1-18.
BRADLEY, DAVID. 1996. Tibeto-Burman languages of PDR Lao. 19.1: 19-27.
HUANG, BUFAN. 1996. Contemporary traces of the verb suffix *-s in
PTB. 19.1: 29-42.
LEHMAN, F. K. 1996. Relative clauses in Lai Chin, with special
reference to verb stem alternation and the extension of control
theory. 19.1: 43-58.
WEERA, OSTAPIRAT. 1996. Sani's Fortis See-Saw and initial devoicing.
19.1: 59-64.
HANSSON, INGA-LILL. 1996. The interplay between the verb particle
/schwa/ and the sentence particles in Akha. 19.1: 65-76.
HANSSON, INGA-LILL. 1996. Object-verb in Akha: the ABB structure.
19.1: 77-95.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1996. The cognate noun/verb construction in Lahu.
19.1: 97-101.
MAZAUDON, MARTINE. 1996. An outline of the historical phonology of the
dialects of Nar-Phu (Nepal). 19.1: 103-14.
HOGAN, LEE C. 1996. The moraic structure of Classical Tibetan. 19.1:
Issue 2
SUN, HONGKAI. 1996. Case markers of personal pronouns in
Tibeto-Burman languages. 19.2: 1-15.
KANSAKAR, TEJ R. 1996. Multilingualism and the language situation in
Nepal. 19.2: 17-30.
HARGREAVES, DAVID. 1996. From interrogation to topicalization:
Proto-Tibeto-Burman *la in Kathmandu Newar. 19.2: 31-44.
FEURER, HANNY. 1996. The contemporary use of honorifics in Lhasa
Tibetan. 19.2: 45-54.
WANG, XIAOSONG. 1996. Prolegomenon to Rgyalthang Tibetan phonology.
19.2: 55-67.
HONGLADAROM, KRISADAWAN. 1996. Rgyalthang Tibetan of Yunnan: a
preliminary report. 19.2: 69-92.
SAREP, HPUNG. 1996. A study of the morphology of verbs and nouns in
the Sinwal dialect of the Rawang language. 19.2: 93-184.
Volume 20, 1997
Issue 1
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1997. In memoriam: Paul K. Benedict (1912-1997).
FU, MAOJI. 1997. A descriptive grammar of Lolo. 20.1: 1-242.
XU, LIN. 1997. The life and works of Fu Maoji. 20.1: xi-xxviii.
XU, LIN. 1997. Foreword to special issue: Fu Maoji, A descriptive
grammar of Lolo. 20.1: xxix-xxxii.
Issue 2
MELNIK, NURIT. 1997. The sound system of Lai. 20.2: 9-19; 125-27.
ROENGPITYA, RUNGPAT. 1997. Glottal stop and glottalization in Lai
(connected speech). 20.2: 21-56; 113-62.
PATENT, JASON D. 1997. Lai verb lists. 20.2: 57-112.
MELNIK, NURIT. 1997. Verbal alternations in Lai. 20.2: 163-72.
KAVITSKAYA, DARYA. 1997. Tense and aspect in Lai Chin. 20.2: 173-213.
Volume 21, 1998
Issue 1
SMITH, TOMOKO YAMASHITA. 1998. The middle voice in Lai. 21.1: 1-52.
BARNES, JONATHAN. 1998. Tsuu khaa tii hla?: deixis,
demonstratives and discourse particles in Lai Chin. 21.1: 53-86.
PETERSON, DAVID A. 1998. The morphosyntax of transitivization in Lai
(Haka Chin). 21.1: 87-153.
PATENT, JASON D. 1998. A willy-nilly look at Lai ideophones. 21.1:
VANBIK, KENNETH. 1998. Lai psycho-collocations. 21.1: 201-33.
WEERA, OSTAPIRAT. 1998. Tiddim Chin tones in historical perspective.
21.1: 235-48.
Issue 2
BENEDICT, PAUL K. 1998. The first person pronoun in Archaic Chinese,
with a note on duplex characters. 21.2: 1-2.
SCHUESSLER, AXEL. 1998. Another note on Old Tibetan rje-blas.
21.2: 3-4.
SINGH, CHUNGKHAM YASHAWANTA. 1998. The impersonal construction in
Manipuri (Meithei). 21.2: 5-12.
BURLING, ROBBINS AND L. AMON PHOM. 1998. Phom phonology and word list.
21.2: 13-42.
BURLING, ROBBINS AND MANKAI WANGSU. 1998. Wancho phonology and word
list. 21.2: 43-71.
BILMES, LEELA. 1998. The /ka-/ and /kra-/ prefixes in Thai. 21.2:
RATLIFF, MARTHA. 1998. Ho Ne (She) is Hmongic: one final argument.
21.2: 97-109.
HOGAN, LEE C. 1998. Austronesian roots and Sino-Tibetan: some lexical
correspondences. 21.2: 111-221.
Volume 22, 1999
Issue 1
EDMONDSON, JEROLD A. and LAMA ZIWO. 1999. Laghuu or Xá Phó, a new
language of the Yi group. 22.1: 1-10.
FEURER, HANNY and FUQUAN YANG. 1999. Greetings among Naxi and Kham
Tibetans on Yunnan's high plateau. 22.1: 11-58.
FULOP, SEAN A. and DOBROVOLSKY MICHAEL. 1999. An instrumental analysis
of Sharchhop obstruents. 22.1: 59-70.
LIN, YING-CHIN. 1999. What did Qiangic peoples call the twelve months?
, 22.1: 71-95.
dialect of Labrang. 22.1: 97-127.
MISHRA, AWADHESH K. 1999. The Manipuris in the Barak Valley: a case
study of language maintenance. 22.1: 129-37.
SHARMA, HANJABAM SURMANGOL. 1999. A comparison between Khasi and
Manipuri word order. 22.1: 139-48.
SUBBARAO, K. V. and KEVICHÜSA MIMI. 1999. Internal relative clauses in
Tenyidie (Angami). 22.1: 149-81.
SUN, HONGKAI. 1999. The category of causative verbs in Tibeto-Burman
languages. 22.1: 183-99.
WEERA, OSTAPIRAT. 1999. Half and plus is minus. 22.1: 201-03.
Issue 2
FERLUS, MICHEL. 1999. Phonétique historique et écriture du chinois:
réflexions à propos de la série phonogrammique GSR 94. 22.2: 1-20.
CHEN, ZHONGMIN. 1999. The common origin of diminutives in southern
Chinese dialects and Southeast Asian languages. 22.2: 21-47.
DAI, QINGXIA. 1999. On the languages of the Jingpo nationality. 22.2:
SUN, HONGKAI. 1999. On the Himalayan languages of the eastern
Himalayan area in China. 22.2: 61-72.
SCHUESSLER, AXEL. 1999. Kanauri am 'path'. 22.2: 73-75.
HALLER, FELIX. 1999. A brief comparison of register tone in Central
Tibetan and Kham Tibetan. 22.2: 77-97.
HOGAN, LEE C. 1999. The Old Tibetan terminative -su. 22.2:
NEUKOM, LUKAS. 1999. Phonological typology of northeast India. 22.2:
SINGH, CHUNGKHAM YASHAWANTA. 1999. Tense and aspect in Kuki-Chin.
22.2: 149-68.
BURLING, ROBBINS. 1999. On Kamarupan. 22.2: 169-71.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 1999. In defense of 'Kamarupan'. 22.2: 173-82.
XU, SHIXUAN. 1999. Aspect and tense in the Bisu language. 22.2:
ZIDE, NORMAN. 1999. Three Munda scripts. 22.2: 199-232.
Volume 23, 2000
Issue 1
WEERA, OSTAPIRAT. 2000. Proto-Kra. 23.1: 1-251.
Issue 2
BICKEL, BALTHASAR. 2000. Introduction: person and evidence in
Himalayan languages. 23.2: 1-11.
PETERSON, JOHN. 2000. Evidentials, inferentials, and mirativity in
Nepali. 23.2: 13-37.
ZEISLER, BETTINA. 2000. Narrative conventions in Tibetan languages:
the issue of mirativity. 23.2: 39-77.
BIELMEIER, ROLAND. 2000. Syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic-epistemic
functions of auxiliaries in Western Tibetan. 23.2: 79-125.
VOLKART, MARIANNE. 2000. The meaning of the auxiliary morpheme 'dug in
the aspect systems of Central Tibetan dialects. 23.2: 127-53.
HUBER, BRIGITTE. 2000. Preliminary report on evidential categories in
Lende Tibetan (Kyirong). 23.2: 155-74.
HALLER, FELIX. 2000. The Verbal categories of Shigatse Tibetan and
Themchen Tibetan. 23.2: 175-91.
Volume 24, 2001
Issue 1
HÄSLER, KATRIN. 2001. An empathy-based approach to the description of
the verb system of the Dege dialect of Tibetan. 24.1: 1-34.
HEIN, VERONIKA. 2001. The role of the speaker in the verbal system of
the Tibetan dialect of Tabo/Spiti. 24.1: 35-48.
TOURNADRE, NICOLAS. 2001. Final auxiliary verbs in literary Tibetan
and in the dialects. 24.1: 49-111.
JACQUESSON, FRANÇOIS. 2001. Person-marking in TB languages,
Northeastern India. 24.1: 113-44.
MICHAILOVSKY, BOYD. 2001. Limbu nous autres and first person
morphology. 24.1: 145-56.
MICHAILOVSKY, BOYD. 2001. Notes on Brian Hodgson's Limbu paradigms
(1857). 24.1: 157-61.
KING, JOHN T. 2001. The affinal kin register in Dhimal. 24.1: 163-82.
Issue 2
LA POLLA, RANDY J. 2001. Dulong texts: seven fully analyzed narrative
and procedural texts. 24.2: 1-39.
BURLING, ROBBINS AND U. V. JOSEPH. 2001. Tone correspondences among
the Bodo languages. 24.2: 41-55.
JOSEPH, U. V. and BURLING ROBBINS. 2001. Tone correspondences among
the Bodo languages. 24.2: 41-55.
DING, PICUS SHIZHI. 2001. The pitch-accent system of Niuwozi Prinmi.
24.2: 57-83.
BIELENBERG, BRIAN and NIENU ZHALIE. 2001. Chokri (Phek dialect):
phonetics and phonology. 24.2: 85-122.
NIENU, ZHALIE and BIELENBERG BRIAN. 2001. Chokri (Phek dialect):
phonetics and phonology. 24.2: 85-122.
HARTMANN, HELGA. 2002. Prenasalization and preglottalization in Daai
Chin, with parallel examples from Mro and Mara. 24.2: 123-42.
HARTMANN, HELGA. 2002. Function of naak/na in Daai Chin with
examples from other Chin languages. 24.2: 143-56.
BEDELL, GEORGE. 2001. The syntax of deixis in Lai. 24.2: 157-71.
NOONAN, MICHAEL. 2001. The double demonstratives of Chantyal. 24.2:
LESTER, PETER and FACHENG ZHOU. 2001. Negation in Qiang grammar. 24.2:
ZHOU, FACHENG and LESTER PETER. 2001. Negation in Qiang grammar. 24.2:
DEMPSEY, JAKOB. 2001. Remarks on the vowel system of old Burmese.
24.2: 205-34. Errata 26.1 183.
ANDERSON, GREGORY and EGGERT RANDALL. 2001. A typology of verb
agreement in Burushaski. 24.2: 235-53.
EGGERT, RANDALL and ANDERSON GREGORY. 2001. A typology of verb
agreement in Burushaski. 24.2: 235-53.
WATTERS, STEPHEN A. 2002. The sounds and tones of five Tibetan
languages of the Himalayan region. 25.1: 1-65.
Volume 25, 2002
Issue 1
RISCHEL, JØRGEN. 2002. Notes on the pronunciation of an eastern
variety of Burmese. 25.1: 67-93.
HANDEL, ZEV. 2002. Proto-Lolo-Burmese velar clusters and the origin of
Lisu palatal sibilants. 25.1: 95-112.
HYMAN, LARRY M. and VANBIK KENNETH. 2002. Tone and stem2-formation in
Hakha Lai. 25.1: 113-21.
L'FFLER, LORENZ. 2002. Some notes on Maraa. 25.1: 123-36.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 2002. Wedge issues. 25.1: 137-64.
SAXENA, ANJU. 2002. Speech reporting strategies in Kinnauri
narratives. 25.1: 165-90.
HONDA, ISAO. 2002. Seke phonology: a comparative study of three Seke
dialects. 25.1: 191-210.
LAMA, ZIWO. 2002. Vowel tenseness and assimilation in Yi: a feature
geometry study. 25.1: 211-38.
Issue 2
SUN, HONGKAI. 2002. A discussion of Qiang bilingualism, with
concurrent comments on the influence of Chinese on the Qiang language.
25.2: 1-25.
IKEDA, TAKUMI. 2002. On pitch accent in the Mu-nya language. 25.2:
DEVI, SARJU and K. V. SUBBARAO. 2002. Reduplication and case copying:
the case of lexical anaphors in Manipuri and Telegu. 25.2: 47-72.
SINGH, S. IMOBA and L. SARBAJIT SINGH. 2002. Manipuri adjectives, a
new approach. 25.2: 73-80.
HARTMANN, HELGA. 2002. Verb stem alternation in Daai Chin. 25.2:
VANBIK, KENNETH. 2002. Three types of causative constructions in Hakha
Lai. 25.2: 99-122.
L'FFLER, LORENZ. 2002. The tonal system of Chin final stops. 25.2:
RASTOGI, KAVITA. 2002. Raji: language of a vanishing Himalayan tribe.
25.2: 155-67.
COBLIN, W. SOUTH. 2002. On certain functions of 'a-chung in
early Tibetan transcriptional texts. 25.2: 169-84.
SAXENA, ANJU. 2002. Request and command in Kinnauri: the pragmatics of
translating politeness. 25.2: 185-93.
CHEN, BAOYA and FANG HE. 2002. Relativistic rank analysis of kernel
consistent corresponding words between Chinese and Kam-Tai. 25.2:
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 2002. The present state of PST/PTB reconstruction:
can we even write a fable in Proto-Lolo-Burmese? , 25.2: 225-42.
MORTENSEN, DAVID. 2002. Review of Les langues Hmong-Mjen
(Miao-Yao): Phonologie historique by Barbara Niederer. 25.2:
Volume 26, 2003
HUANG, BUFAN. 2003. Relative clauses in Kyirong Tibetan. 26.1: 1-14.
SHINTANI, TADAHIKO. 2003. Notes à propos de l'étymologie du mot karen.
26.1: 17-23.
LEHMAN, F. K. and HLUN CEU. 2003. The proper syntax of case and the
determiner phrase (DP) in Lai Chin. 26.1: 25-35.
LAHAUSSOIS, AIMéE. 2003. Nominalization and its various uses in
Thulung Rai. 26.1: 37-62.
DEMPSEY, JAKOB. 2003. Analysis of Rime-Groups in Northern-Burmish.
26.1: 63-124.
RATLIFF, MARTHA. 2003. Review of Jiongnaiyu Yanjiu [A study
of Jiongnai] by Mao Zongwu and Li Yunbing. 26.1: 125-27.
MORTENSEN, DAVID. 2003. Review of Bahengyu Yanjiu [Research
on the Pahng language] by Mao Zongwu and Li Yunbing. 26.1: 129-38.
NORQUEST, PETER. 2003. Review of The Yanghuang language by BO
Wenze. 26.1: 139-46.
HANDEL, ZEV. 2003. Review of Rouruoyu yanjiu [A study of
Rouruo] by Sun Hongkai, Huang Chenglong, and Zhou Maocao. 26.1:
EDMONDSON, JEROLD A. 2003. Review of Lajiyu Yanjiu by Li
Yunbing. 26.1: 169-87.
Volume 27, 2004
OPGENORT, JEAN ROBERT. 2004. Implosive and preglottalized stops in
Kiranti. 27.1: 1-27.
DEVI, HAJARIMAYUM SUBADANI. 2004. Loanwords in Manipuri and their
impact. 27.1: 29-60.
L'FFLER, LORENZ. 2004. Some notes on Maraa: II. 27.1: 61-87.
PRAMODINI, N. 2004. Taboo in Meiteiron. 27.1: 89-110.
HANDEL, ZEV. 2004. Review of A study of Sangkong by Li
Yongsui. 27.1: 111-42.
NORQUEST, PETER. 2004. Review of Moyu Yanjiu [A study of Mak]
by YANG Tongyin. 27.1: 143-56.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 2004. HPTB addenda and corrigenda #1. 27.1: 157-60.
Volume 28, 2005
Issue 1
HILDEBRANDT, KRISTINE A. 2005. A phonetic analysis of Manange
segmental and suprasegmental properties. 28.1: 1-36.
PRAMODINI, N. 2005. Gender differences in Meiteiron. 28.1: 37-69.
BETHOLIA, CHANDAM. 2005. Politeness and power: An analysis of
Meiteilon suffixes. 28.1: 71-87.
NOONAN, MICHAEL. 2005. Review of A grammar of Kham by David
Watters. 28.1: 89-97.
WEERA, OSTAPIRAT. 2005. Review of The Cun language by Ouyang
Jueya. 28.1: 99-105.
THURGOOD, GRAHAM. 2005. Review of A Grammar of Qiang, with
annotated texts and glossary by Randy J. LaPolla with Chenglong
Huang. 28.1: 107-10.
NOONAN, MICHAEL. 2005. Corrections to 'Recent language contact in the
Nepal Himalaya', in David Bradley, et al., Language Variation:
Papers on variation and change in the Sinosphere and Indosphere in
Honour of James A. Matisoff. 28.1: 111-16.
Issue 2 (publication moved to La Trobe University, Australia)
CHIRKOVA, KATIA. 2005. Báima nominal postpositions and their
etymology. 28.2: 1-41.
PELKEY, JAMIN R. 2005. Puzzling over Phula: toward the synthesis and
statement of a sub-branch. 28.2: 43-78.
JOSEPH, U. V. 2005. Causatives in Rabha. 28.2: 79-106.
HILL, NATHAN W. 2005. Once more on the letter འ , 28.2: 107-37.
MOREY, STEPHEN. 2005. Tonal change in the Tai languages of Northeast
India. 28.2: 139-202.
PELKEY, JAMIN R. 2005. Report on the 38th ICSTLL: Xiamen University,
October 28-31, 2005. 28.2: 203-06.
Volume 29, 2006
Issue 1
LI, JINFAN and YONGXIAN LUO. 2006. Notes on Paha Buyang. 29.1: 1-40.
POST, MARK. 2006. Compounding and the structure of the Tani lexicon.
29.1: 41-60.
MICHAUD, ALEXIS. 2006. Tonal Reassociation and Rising Tonal Contours
in Naxi. 29.1: 61-94.
MATISOFF, JAMES A. 2006. Much Adu about something: extrusional
labiovelars in a Northern Yi patois. 29.1: 95-106.
SUN, JACKSON TIANSHIN. 2006. Special Linguistic Features of gSerpa
Tibetan. 29.1: 107-26.
WALTERS, SUSAN and ATQI NDAXIT. 2006. Existential clauses in Nosu Yi
texts. 29.1: 127-48.
MOREY, STEPHEN. 2006. North East India Linguistic Society: Report of
the 1st conference, February 2006. 29.1: 149-50.
COUPE, A. R. 2006. Report on the 11th Himalayan Languages Symposium
and Workshop on Old Tibetan. 29.1: 151-52.
Issue 2
MACKEN, MARLYS and HANH T. NGUYEN. 2006. Nói Lái and the structure of
the syllable. 29.2: 1-58.
HALLER, FELIX. 2006. Verbal Valence in Shigatse Tibetan and Themchen
Tibetan. 29.2: 59-74.
HILL, NATHAN W. 2006. Tibetan vwa 'fox' and the Sound Change
Tibeto-Burman *wa > Tibetan o. 29.2: 75-90.
EVANS, JONATHON. 2006. Origins of Vowel Pharyngealization in Hongyan
Qiang. 29.2: 91-124.
HAJEK, JOHN. 2006. On doubly articulated labial-velar stops and nasals
in Tibeto-Burman. 29.2: 125-34.
COBLIN, W. SOUTH. 2006. Two Notes on Táng-time Tibetan Transcriptions
of Chinese. 29.2: 135-38.
POST, MARK. 2006. Review of Morey (2005) The Tai languages of Assam -
A grammar and texts. Canberra, Pacific Linguistics. 29.2: 139-50.
Volume 30, 2007
Issue 1
language: Grammatical sketch, texts and lexicon. 30.1: 1-212.
BRADLEY, DAVID. 2007. Report on the 12th Himalayan Languages Symposium
and on the 27th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal,
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal, 26-28 November 2006.
30.1: 213-14.
BRADLEY, DAVID. 2007. Report on the 2nd Workshop on Heritage
Maintenance for Endangered Languages in Yunnan, China, Yuxi Normal
Institute, Yuxi, Yunnan, China, 3-5 December 2006. 30.1: 217-18.
LOWES, GWENDOLYN. 2007. Report on the 2nd Annual Meeting of the North
East India Linguistic Society, Guwahati, Assam, India, 5-9 February
2007. 30.1: 219-22.
Issue 2 (Special Issue on Evidentials, with Guest Co-Editor
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald)
Alexandra Y. AIKHENVALD and Randy J. LAPOLLA. 2007. New perspectives
on evidentials: a view from Tibeto-Burman. LTBA 30.2:1-16.
Krisadawan HONGLADAROM. 2007. Evidentiality in Rgyalthang Tibetan.
LTBA 30.2:17-44.
Liberty A. LIDZ. 2007. Evidentiality in Yongning Na (Mosuo) . LTBA
Christina M. WILLIS . 2007. Evidentiality in Darma (Tibeto-Burman).
LTBA 30.2:89-124.
SHIRAI Satoko. 2007. Evidentials and evidential-like categories in
nDrapa. LTBA 30.2:125-150.
Karen GRÜNOW-HÅRSTA. 2007. Evidentiality and mirativity in Magar. LTBA
Veronika HEIN. 2007. The mirative and its interplay with evidentiality
in the Tibetan dialect of Tabo (Spiti) . LTBA 30.2:195-214.
David B. SOLNIT. 2007. Review of ‘A Study of the Biao Language, by
Liang Min and Zhang Junru, Beijing: Central Nationalities University
Press, 2002. LTBA 30.2:215-230.
Heleen PLAISIER. 2007. Review of ‘A grammar of Kulung’ (Languages of
the greater Himalayan Region 4), by Gerard J. Tolsma, Leiden: Brill,
2006. LTBA 30.2:231-234.
Jens KARLSSON. 2007. Report on the 40th International Conference on
Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL), held at Heilongjiang
University, Harbin, PRC September 26-29, 2007. LTBA 30.2:235-240.
Volume 31, 2008
Issue 1
Matthew S. Dryer. 2008. Word Order in Tibeto-Burman Languages.
Hiroyuki Suzuki. 2008. Nouveau Regard Sur Les Dialectes Tibetains a
l'est d'Aba: Phonetique Et Classification Du Dialecte De Sharkhog
[Songpan-Jiuzhaigou]. 31.1:85-108.
David A. Peterson. 2008. Bangladesh Khumi Verbal Classifiers and
Kuki-Chin ‘Chiming’. 31.1:109-138.
Katia Chirkova. 2008. Review of Qiāngyǔ Yánjiū [A Study Of Qiang] by
Huáng Bùfán And Zhōu Fācháng. 31.1:139-146.
Kazuyuki Kiryu. 2008. Review of Newār (Nepāl Bhāṣā) by Austin Hale
& Kedār P. Shrestha. 31.1:147-152.
Guillaume Jacques. 2008. Review of Shànggŭ Hànyŭ Xíngtài Yánjiū [A
Study Of Old Chinese Morphology] by Jīn Lĭxīn. 31.1:153-162.
Issue 2 (Special Issue on Nominalization, with Guest Editor A. R.
A.R. COUPE. 2008. From the Guest Editor. 31.2:i-viii.
David WATTERS. 2008. Nominalization in the Kiranti and Central
Himalayish languages of Nepal. 31.2:1-43.
Randy J. LAPOLLA. 2008. Nominalization in Rawang. 31.2:45-65.
Marius A. DOORNENBAL. 2008. Nominalization in Bantawa. 31.2:67-96.
You-Jing LIN. 2008. Syntactic aspects of nominalization in five
Tibeto-Burman languages of the Himalayan area. 31.2:97-144.
James A. MATISOFF. 2008. Review of The language of the Modhupur Mandi
by Robbins Burling. 31.2:145-164.
Gwendolyn HYSLOP. 2008. Review of A grammar of Lepcha by Heleen
Plaiser. 31.2:165-172.
Linda KONNERTH & Dan WOODS . 2008. Report on NEILS3. 31.2:173-176.
Mark W. POST. 2008. Report on Conference on the Origins and Migrations
among Tibeto-Burman Speakers. 31.2:177-180.
Christina M. WILLIS. 2008. Report on HLS14. 31.2:181-182.
David BRADLEY. 2008. Report on ICSTLL41. 31.2:183-184.
Volume 32, 2009
Issue 1
Katia CHIRKOVA. 2009. Shixing, a Sino-Tibetan language of South-West
China: A grammatical sketch with two appended texts. 32.1:1
Ross PERLIN. 2009. Language attitudes of the T'rung. 32.1:91
Nathan W. HILL. 2009. Tibetan <h-> as a plain initial and its
place in Old Tibetan phonology. 32.1:115
Guillaume JACQUES. 2009. Tibetan wa-zur and Laufer's law. 32.1:141
Gwendolyn HYSLOP. 2009. Review of A grammar of Jero by Jean Robert
Opgenort. 32.1:145
Issue 2
YANG Zhenhong. 2009. An overview of the Mosuo language. 32.2:1-44.
Felix HALLER. 2009. Switch reference in Tibetan. 32.2:45-70.
Atsuhiko KATO. 2009. Valence-changing particles in Pwo Karen.
W. South COBLIN. 2009. The phonetic values of the Tibetan letter r in
Tibeto-Chinese transcriptional texts from Dunhuang. 32.2:103-106.
John HAJEK. 2009. Labiodental nasal ɱ in the Angami area.
Dominic YU. 2009. Report on the 15th Himalayan Languages Symposium.
LTBA Announcements. 32.2:121
Volume 33, 2010
Issue 1
Gwendolyn HYSLOP. 2010. Kurtop case: The pragmatic ergative and
beyond. 33.1:1.
SAKAMOTO Ayako. 2010. Attendant word complex in Khmer (Cambodian).
Jacob CAWTHORNE. 2010. Translation of ‘The structure of the Naxi
pictographic script’, Chapter 3 in A dictionary of Naxi Pictographs by
Fang Guoyu. 33.1:71.
Nathan W. HILL. 2010. A note on the phonetic evolution of yod-pa-red
in Central Tibetan. 33.1:93.
Deborah KING. 2010. Book Review: North East Indian Linguistics.
Mark W. POST. 2010. Book Review: A Reference Grammar of Thai. 33.1:99.
Kirk R. PERSON & Andrew CARSON. 2010. Conference Report: SEALS
XIX. 33.1:109.
HUZIWARA Keisuke. 2010. Conference Report: NEILS 4. 33.1:111.
Stephen MOREY. 2010. Conference Report: NEILS 5. 33.1:115.
LTBA Announcements. 33.1:117.
Issue 2
David HOLM. 2010. Linguistic diversity along the China-Vietnam
border. 33.2:1.
David BRADLEY. 2010. Evidence and certainty in Lisu. 33.2:63.
Mark WANNEMACHER. 2010. The basic structure of the Zaiwa noun phrase.
Kenneth VANBIK. 2010. The Syntax of Psycho-collocations in Hakha Lai.
LTBA Announcements. 33.2:151.
Volume 34, 2011
Issue 1
Alexis MICHAUD. 2011. The tones of numerals and
numeral-plus-classifier phrases: On structural similarities between
Naxi, Na and Laze. 33.1: 1-26.
Jan-Olof SVANTESSON. 2011. The representation of Tai onsets in Kammu
loanwords. 33.1: 27-84.
Pauthang HAOKIP. 2011. The languages of Manipur: A case study of the
Kuki-Chin languages. 33.1: 85-118.
James A. MATISOFF. 2011. Review of A grammar of Mongsen Ao. 33.1:
Robbins BURLING. 2011. Review of Kinship in Southeastern Asia. 33.1:
Kristine A. HILDEBRANDT. 2011. Review of Rabha. 33.1: 139-144.
Guillaume JACQUES. 2011. Review of Zangyu cizu yanjiu (A study on word
families in Tibetan). 33.1: 145-150.
Thomas M. TEHAN and William J. HANNA. 2011. Review of Southern Lisu
Dictionary. 33.1: 151-156.
Fuminobu NISHIDA. 2011. Conference Report: MTBLS5 & HLS16. 33.1:
Amos TEO. 2011. Conference report: NEILS6. 33.1: 159-162.
Issue 2: Special Issue on Optional Case Marking, Part I
Shobhana CHELLIA & Gwendolyn HYSLOP. 2011. Introduction to
Special Issue on Optional Case Marking in Tibeto-Burman. 34.2: 1-7.
Scott DELANCEY. 2011. “Optional” “Ergativity” in Tibeto-Burman
Languages. 34.2: 9-20.
Alexander R. COUPE. 2011. On Core Case Marking Patterns in Two
Tibeto-Burman Languages of Nagaland. 34.2: 21-47.
Liberty LIDZ. 2011. Agentive Marking in Yongning Na (Mosou). 34.2:
David A. PETERSON. 2011. Core Participant Marking in Khumi. 34.2:
Christina WILLIS. 2011. Optional Case Marking in Darma
(Tibeto-Burman). 34.2: 101-132.
Martine MAZAUDON. 2011. Obituary Richard Keith Sprigg. 34.2: 133.
LTBA Announcements. 34.2: 135-142.
Volume 35, 2012
Issue 1: Special Issue on Optional Case Marking, Part II
Stephen MOREY. 2012. The Singpho Agentive - Functions and Meanings .
35.1: 1-14.
Hideo SAWADA. 2012. Optional Marking of NPs with Core Case Functions P
and A in Lhaovo. 35.1: 15-34.
Hiroyuki SUZUKI. 2012. Ergative Marking in Nyagrong-Minyag (Xinlong,
Sichuan). 35.1: 35-48.
Amos TEO. 2012. Sumi Agentive and Topic Markers: no and ye.
Bettina ZEISLER. 2012. Practical issues of pragmatic case marking
variations in the Kenhat varieties of Ladakh. 35.1:75-106.
Katie L. BUTLER. 2012. Review of English-Lahu Lexicon (UC Publication
in Linguistics, 139), by James A. Matisoff. 107-111.
Mark W. POST. 2012. Oral Literature in the Eastern Himalaya: Review of
The Sun Rises: A Shaman’s Chant, Ritual Exchange, and Fertility in the
Apatani Valley, by Stuart Blackburn. 35.1:113-125.
LTBA Announcements. 35.1: 127-135.
Issue 2
R. Jeffrey GREEN: The phonology of voicing and aspiration in Amdo
Tibetan. 35.2: 1-31.
Felix HALLER: Vowel harmony in Shigatse Tibetan. 35.2: 33-47.
Boyd MICHAILOVSKY: Internal reconstruction of the Dumi verb: lexical
bases and stem formation. 35.2: 49-87.
Guillaume JACQUES: A new transcription system for Old and Classical
Tibetan. 35.2: 89-96.
Martine MAZAUDON: The influence of tone and affrication on manner -
some irregular manner correspondences in the Tamang group. 35.2:
Cathryn YANG: Classifying Lalo languages - sub-grouping, phonetic
distance, and intelligibility. 35.2: 113-137.
Lauren GAWNE and Amos TEO: Conference report - NEILS 7. 35.2: 139-141
LTBA Announcements. 35.2: 143-145.
Volume 36, 2013
Issue 1
David R. MORTENSEN & James A. MILLER. 2013. A reconstruction of
Proto-Tangkhulic rhymes. 36.1: 1–32
William J. HANNA. 2013. Elaborate expressions in Tai Lue. 36.1: 33–56
Nathan W. HILL. 2013. Three notes on Laufer’s law. 36.1: 57–71
Ampika RATTANAPITAK. 2013. Request strategies in Burmese. 36.1: 73–90
Virginia DAWSON. 2013. Person marking in Tiwa. 36.1: 91–99
Hiroyuki SUZUKI. 2013. Extraordinary sound development of **s* and
**z* in mBalhag Tibetan (Shangri-la, Yunnan). 36.1: 101–110
Nicolas TOURNADRE. 2013. Review of Nominalization in Asian
languages: diachronic and typological perspectives, ed. by
Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Harsta & Janick Wrona. 36.1: 111–125
Robbins BURLING. 2013. Discussion note: More on “Kamarupan”. 36.1:
Jean-Cyrille LY VAN TU. 2013. Conference report: SEALS 22. 36.1:
Issue 2
Guillaume JACQUES. 2013. Applicative and tropative derivations in
Japhug Rgyalrong. 36.2: 1-13
James A. MATISOFF. 2013. Re-examining the genetic position of Jingpho:
putting flesh on the bones of the Jingpho/Luish relationship. 36.2:
Justin WATKINS. 2013. A first account of tone in Myebon Sumtu. 36.2:
Alexis MICHAUD. 2013. Review of A Naxi-Chinese-English Dictionary
(Naqxi-Habaq-Yiyu Ceeqdiai / 纳西汉英词典). 36.2: 129-137
Linda KONNERTH. 2013. Conference Report: ICSTLL46. 36.2: 139-141
André BOSCH, Peter APPLEBY & Christopher WEEDALL. 2013. Conference
Report: HLS19. 36.2: 143-145