Initial release of STEDT "digital assets"

At long last, the Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus is being published and the database and software associated with the project is being made available.

This announcement is for an early, experimental, "pre-release" of the deliverables -- we are hoping that some highly-motivated individuals will step forward to do some initial checking and experimentation before a wider release.

Please contact me for a URL where you can download the materials if you are interested; after a short period of testing and evaluation, *all* materials will be released for free download under a generous license.

Many thanks to the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities for their long support of this project, grant citations may be found at the end of this message.

The following digital resources are being made available:

1. The primary deliverable of the STEDT project, the published version of the Dictionary-Thesaurus, is "in press". A very limited run of 15 "hardcopies", in a handsome imitation leather binding, is currently being prepared at UC Berkeley, and will be available for purchase for approximately 400 USD in the coming weeks.

Let us know if you’d like to order a hard copy!

The “camera-ready” PDF 1,185 pages (xlii, 1141 pp.) in 11”x17” format, is available for download. The file is 22MB.

This PDF may be downloaded at:


2. A "side effect" of the project is the substantial database of lexicons of Sino-Tibetan languages, the "STEDT database". In its current incarnation, it is a MySQL database with a (mostly) normalized schema.

Note, that the database is already available to be searched online, and has been for some time:

For example, here is a example of a cognate set PTB *d-kʷəy-n 'DOG'

However, the database and software to manipulate it have not been widely distributed until now.

NB: the software is already available in GitHub:

An more complete archive of the software, including the project wiki and other software development artifacts may be found at:


The database itself is available for download as a compressed database dump, along with minimal documentation and some "derivative versions".

We look forward to hearing back from you about this early release.

Please send comments and questions to either of these two addresses: (general address for all STEDT matters)