1.0 The Body > 1.4 Torso > 1.4.8 Back
#207 PTB *m-k(y)un BACK / KIDNEY |
This root is reconstructed as *m‑glun (HPTB 73, 125, 198), largely because of the voiced initial in the OC comparanda *d̑i̯ĕn and *di̯ən (GSR #368h ‘kidney’ and #450h-i ‘small of the back’). On the TB level, however, it now seems best to reconstruct it with a voiceless root initial.
腎 OC *d̑i̯ĕn, GSR #368h ‘kidney’; B & S 2011: *ginʔ {(g)i(n)ʔ}; Mand. shèn.
夤 OC *di̯ĕn, GSR #450h-i ‘small of the back, region of the reins’; B & S 2011: *ɢər {ɢ(r)ə(r)}; Mand. yín.