STEDT Animal Questionnaire SNo Gloss Reflex Notes I. General 1.1 animal 1.2 livestock 1.3 classifier (for animals) 1.4 group (of animals) 1.5 young (of animal) 1.6 male animal 1.7 female animal 1.8 castrated animal 1.9 intact male II. Transportation/Work Animals 2.1 cattle 2.11 male 2.12 cow 2.13 ox/steer 2.14 bull (intact male) 2.2 buffalo 2.21 mithun 2.3 wild cattle 2.31 gaur 2.32 banting 2.4 yak 2.5 horse 2.51 horse (male) 2.52 mare 2.53 gelding (castrated) 2.54 intact male horse 2.6 donkey 2.7 mule III. Food/Clothing Animals 3.1 pig 3.11 male pig 3.12 sow 3.13 castrated pig 3.14 boar (intact male) 3.2 goat 3.3 sheep 3.31 wool 3.4 chicken/fowl (general term) 3.41 rooster (male fowl) 3.42 hen 3.43 capon 3.44 cock (intact male) 3.5 duck 3.6 goose 3.61 wild goose 3.62 domestic goose IV. Canines and Felines (domestic and wild) 4.1 dog (Canis familiaris) 4.11 dhole (red fur) 4.12 wolf 4.13 fox 4.2 cat (Felis domesticus) 4.21 wildcat 4.211 leopard 4.212 fishing cat 4.213 marbled cat/TemminckÕs cat 4.22 other cats 4.3 tiger 4.4 leopard/panther/mountain lion 4.41 cloudy leopard (Felis nebulosa) 4.5 lion V. Deer 5.1 sambhur/sambar 5.2 barking deer 5.3 mouse deer 5.4 musk deer 5.5 goral/antelope (living in mountains) VI. Bear 6.1 Tibetan/Himalayan bear (Selenarctos thibetanus) 6.2 Malayan bear (Helarctos malayanus) 6.3 sunbear 6.4 water-buffalo bear VII. Monkeys 7.1 monkey 7.2 rock ape/rock rhesus 7.3 rhesus monkey/rhesus macaque 7.4 leaf-monkey/langur (prehensile tail) 7.5 stub-tailed macaque/stump-tailed macaque 7.6 pig-tailed macaque 7.7 slow loris 7.8 gibbon 7.81 white gibbon 7.82 other gibbons, e.g. white-headed gibbon, white-browed gibbon 7.9 other monkeys, e.g. stub-tailed monkey, dusky langur, etc. VIII. Rodents/Lagomorphs 8.1 mouse 8.11 fieldmouse 8.12 rat 8.13 bandicoot rat 8.14 bamboo rat 8.15 other rats, e.g. albino rat, red rat 8.2 squirrel 8.21 giant squirrel 8.22 flying squirrel 8.23 other squirrels, e.g. striped ground squirrel, plantain squirrel, Asiatic chipmunk, red-bellied tree squirrel, etc. 8.3 porcupine 8.31 brush-tailed porcupine 8.32 black porcupine 8.4 weasel/ferret 8.41 yellow-bellied weasel 8.5 shrew 8.51 long-tailed shrew 8.6 mole 8.7 rabbit IX. Pachyderms 9.1 elephant 9.2 rhinoceros X. Other Mammals 10.1 civet 10.11 binturong 10.2 marten 10.3 anteater/pangolin 10.4 mongoose 10.41 red-cheeked mongoose 10.5 otter 10.6 bat XI. Reptiles and Amphibians 11.1 frog 11.11 toad 11.2 turtle 11.3 house lizard (Hemidactylus frenatus) 11.4 gecko 11.5 chameleon 11.6 salamander/newt 11.7 skink 11.8 crocodile 11.9 snake 11.91 cobra/spitting cobra/king cobra 11.92 python 11.93 banded krait 11.94 water snake 11.95 grass snake 11.96 rat snake 11.97 vipers 11.98 freshwater eel 11.99 other snakes 11.10 dragon XII. Birds 12.1 bird (general) 12.11 nest 12.12 egg 12.13 eggshell 12.14 lay egg 12.15 sit on egg 12.16 fly (verb) 12.2 pheasant 12.21 ptarmigan 12.22 quail 12.23 peacock 12.3 kingfisher 12.31 plover 12.32 other water birds 12.4 owl 12.4.1 types of owls 12.41 hawk 12.41.1 sparrowhawk 12.42 vulture 12.43 eagle 12.44 shrike 12.5 sparrow 12.51 swallow 12.52 woodpecker 12.53 dove/pigeon (general term) 12.53.1 types of doves/pigeons 12.6 parrot 12.61 lorikeet/parakeet 12.62 mynah 12.63 barbet 12.64 drongo 12.65 hornbill 12.7 crow/raven 12.71 magpie XIII. Fish 13.1 fish (general) 13.11 roe/fish eggs 13.12 scale 13.13 fin 13.14 gill 13.2 goldfish 13.3 eel 13.4 catfish 13.5 Other kinds of fish: XIII. Molluscs (Bivalves, Gastropods) & Marine Arthropods 14.1 general term for shellfish 14.2 shell 14.21 cowrie 14.3 crab 14.4 shrimp/crayfish 14.5 clam/mussel/oyster 14.6 snail 14.61 snail shell 14.7 slug XV. Insects, Arachnids, Worms, Pests 15.1 insect 15.11 flying insect 15.12 crawling insect 15.2 ant 15.23 kinds of ants: 15.21 termite (winged ant) 15.22 anthill/termite mound 15.3 bee 15.31 types of bees 15.32 honey 15.33 beeswax 15.34 hive 15.35 wasp/hornet 15.36 to sting 15.4 dragonfly 15.5 butterfly 15.51 types of butterflies 15.6 moth 15.61 types of moths 15.7 grasshopper 15.71 cricket 15.72 others (e.g., locust, cicada, katydid, mantis) 15.8 fly 15.81 gnat/midge 15.82 horsefly 15.83 mosquito 15.9 beetle 15.91 stinkbug 15.92 lac insect (produces cochineal) 15.921 cochineal 15.93 types of beetles 15.10 louse 15.10.1 nit 15.10.2 flea 15.10.3 tick 15.10.4 bedbug 15.11 cockroach XVI. Spiders and Scorpions 16.1 spider 16.11 types of spiders 16.12 web 16.2 scorpion XVII. Leeches 17.1 leech (land) 17.2 leech (water) XVIII. Multi-Legged Crawlers 18. centipede/millipede 18.1 Òpill-millipedeÓ (rolls up into a ball) 18.2 other types of multi-legged crawlers XIX. Worms and Larvae 19.1 earthworm 19.2 caterpillar 19.3 maggot 19.4 tapeworm 19.5 silkworm 19.51 silkworm cocoon 19.52 silk 19.6 tadpole